DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • how random must it be?

    you can do int(random(1,5)) or use choose(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) , then convert the number in a string text and play from sounds/music folder and you place str(yourvalue) in there.

    then you need to build on the number picked what audio you want to play, or have the files named like that and tell the audio to play that file using the set source i think expression or play from folder... been a while since i used it. there's different approaches let me see what i can do in 2 minutes.

    Edited: yiuyiu6666 i think 2 minutes past ... my bad if was more than 2 here is a random audio capx

  • Hi guys, i'm having this weird problem;

    I'm making an object spawn every x seconds. and it bullets to the left.

    On created, set animation to: "choose ("1","2","3","4")

    the object spawns 1 & 2 spawn perfectly, they bullet to the left. but 3 & 4 spawn and bullet to the right.

    How can it be that animations inside the same object are set in different bullet speed/direction without any programming of it?

    im pretty sure (90%) you have a image point problem. if 1 and 2 are spawning correctly then your 3 and 4 have the wrong image point position unless their centered on all frames and animations and then is a logic problem in your code.

  • I don't get it..

    If initial score=500 and I want to add 20, then distance(score,0,rewardedtobeadded,0)/10=48

    What should I do with this number?

    let me do a capx il edit here ! better to show then tell.. i know the math sounds weird but works from what i tested on other projects using that "formula" for easy incrementals.

    Edited (2 minutes later) : as promised now the division is value "20" not "10"... "10" was what i used for movement but is basically the same formula.

    The so called "formula" it's actually a sort of a no sort of a % comparison of the two numbers no matter what the number is... the increment is always going to be accurate. it's either how is supposed to work or is a C2 glitch... however this is how i always used it... if it's going to change in any update soon... i want to keep this C2 version lol. makes life easier.

    i hope it's helpful and you ( sublimate or who might need it) cut off the extra plugins that might cause problems in mobile compilations. im pretty sure this method works with C3 also as long as you have the expressions there. capx incremental number using distance

    to get the exact ease-in incremental just increase the divided" %" or the value "20" to "30" or "40".

    extra perk "no custom plugins" and works with any number.

    known issues, you might need an boolean/variable/trigger /condition whatever you might call it, to detect when the increment is happening so you dont double time reward if you multi click it(thats if will be triggered by click). if it's only triggered at end of round or achievement or reward for destroying something or collecting some coins then there is no need for extra conditions just copy paste it(make sure you got the global variables in your capx when you transfer and add the "trigger one time" properly).

    sublimate check the capx above maybe is a better alternative for what you want.

  • I understand you want to animate your scores?

    I made a small demo:

    Tween Demo


    you could achieve the same thing with distance(score,0,rewardedtobeadded,0)/10 i think.

  • It's top linear, no physics. I just need it to go a short distance, it works fine when dragging at a normal pace but if the player drags as fast as possible it often breaks the game. I'll try out your suggestions, is it right to assume this is done with Custom Movement?

    not necessarily, but usually that is how i use it. if you have a default movement, just use the same (distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)+(60*dt))/10 as speed. and should work. the number "10" that i used to divide the distance, can be anything you want depending on your wanted results. lower then 10 is faster higher then 10 movement will lag a bit...

    here is an example of the dt distance movement. 1st group is for a following pet/ etc 2nd is direct movement while your mouse/touch is down. this way it never breaks atleast i didn't managed to break it even if i were going bananas on mouse speed. hope this is what you needed.

    i used the same movement in this demo here

    however it has a mistake or lack of events in code, you need to add a "is not tapping" or " is not clicking" condition type so it happens only when dragging happens. other way youl find yourself with a small bug that on tap /click movement will start happening because of the distance being bigger then 0 .... now number 0 can be anything you want, that is your center point limit.

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  • add (60*dt) or lerp(a,b,measure) to the drag force? it all depends how your dragging happens... is it physics based? or top linear?

    usually i use distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)+(60*dt) that gives a delayed dragged and a quick one when is in short distance. but not sure if is the desired movement you want.

  • Pathfinding might be as important as you want it to be. Meaning depends if that would be the core of your movement or not.

    Im intrigued by this type of AI cause is a complex one, you have so many things to tackle and take in consideration. but definitely you're four cardinals suggestion is the way to go, however its not only 4 ways of moving its 16 i think if we exponentially grow the possible positions to move on, cause you have to make the AI become smart a bit so it can decide to go close to the player and try "hunt him down?" or just build its superpowers and then go for a hunt? thats why im intrigued by this AI is bloody amazing and complicated all those variables.

  • you can import any video and use the video plugin .h264 to play it. no need to convert it.

    However when you play videos using the .h264 you need to take in calculation the platform users will use and if that platform is compatible with the codec and the video format. for example playing webm files wont be compatible with safari and apple devices. jus stick to mp4 files or avi

    if the files are to big, just reduce the bitrate of the video in a video editor (Premiere for example.) usually a min 1Mbps/2Mbps Max bitrate video is usually enough for majority of files, keeping the video quality intact and frame rate( unless you are trying to use some 4k or 1080p complex video then quality is noticeable. When i say complex i mean lots of stuff going on in it. if the video is a simple video, like a man talking with no action in background or 1 object moving with not much of environmental lights moving around, then your safe reducing the bitrate.)

    example of same file with reduced bitrate 1-2 MBps bitrate 1080p quality same in this one being a simple video ... white background 1 colored character around moving. if we where to add some crazy lights then frame rate would skip and pixelation would be a lot more noticeable. <- size 20Mb

    original file at 10-12 Mbps full 1080p <- size 40 Mb

    but this is a .mp4 example .avi has more weight... the .mov files are as close as light as a webm just they dont play well with devices unless you got quicktime installed. .webm files are mostly incompatible with some of the apple devices as mentioned above.

    size of the same video above on all formats would be around :

    .webm 10-20 mb -noticeable behavior of .webm files played in firefox... they are flipped on vertical axes for some reason and sometimes take 1 to 2 seconds to start playing.

    .mp4 20-40 mb

    .avi 100-200 mb

    .mov 40-80 mb

  • Hi there,

    Do margins serve two purposes? These purposes being the space around the project space and how the viewport moves with scroll to?

    just the space around editor layout i dont think it affects scrolling at all.

  • in theory yes, keep in mind that Teams fusion is more of a construct classic type of engine, some math calculation might need adjustments on C2.

    for example in C2 we dont have anymore X("player") we have player.x which is more logically correct.

    but yes should work. look at the tutorials section above in the forum menu pretty sure youl find some capx examples.

    check this tutorial

    in addition to that, you might try this plugins which will help you a lot considering a isometric game isn't something simple to do. (helpful plugins for grid movement games.)

    or you might want to actually follow the C2 isometric tutorial

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Try it out for yourselves: link

    Amazing, im interested in the collisions only which is much faster and correct than i ever experienced with C2.

    Hope you can finish this! Keep at it! il buy it even if its premium released!

    The cpu utilisation is a bit high for 200 objects (maybe because is still a WIP? or that isn't the cpu in real time? i see 1% being stuck there.) usually those objects use around 0.02% on my pc.

  • why dont you buy the template? for 100 bucks i mean... is for sale...

  • this looks very promising, tell me you have some alpha/beta for people to use!

  • Holy crud, where have i been?? when was this released? IS it complete and bug free or an alpha?

    more of a beta i think!

    personally im waiting a R200 atleast before i go into it!