DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • karan316

    First i just want to apologize for my english if i "smashed" some words in this text, and sorry if its to long.

    As people are raising their voice against scirra C3 i personally agree with what you said above, you have many good points especially the yearly subscription where a business always needs money to be able to sustain itself otherwise it would just die off in a matter of years and with pain being endure by those involved in the development.

    Didn't had time to go over all the responses people placed here, however il just say a few quick concerns i have vs scirra history when it comes to decision making and past responses that people wanted and scirra just ignored which here you can say was played a shady business trick which made C2 users feel being cheated.

    Now lets talk about, why C2 users feel being cheated:

    1) Is a result of C2 users had/has a little forum area saying something along the lines of "improvements for C2 and requests for official development" that little forum section dates years before C3 was even on sketch-bench.

    2) Scirra said none major updates will come to C2 along the years while those ideas where suggested down there in the forum section.

    3) Scirra took some of those C2 users ideas(that where making sense) and put them into C3 asking for a yearly subscription without leaving access to the same wanted features into C2.

    4) The moment C3 was announced we all felt that C2 will not get any actually updates and finally at some point will be drop'd (which happened the past 2 weeks in a official blog post saying it is on pause if not even definitive.)

    5) C3 looks and feels flimsy, its like saying is unsecured one thing that give that feeling is that now, anyone that uses your computer if they install the wrong addon on the browser, your account to access C3 is vulnerable, and probably losing access not only to C3 account but also to all your emails and other sensitive information "even your naughty pics". That means your C3 account is as secure as your browser is, and now youl be thinking " well doooh who installs addons?", you'll be amazed many people customizes their browsers by adding plugins into them especially chrome.

    6) Scirra past response towards some user suggestions where pretty much indifferent when asked for a built in mobile wrapper always was rejected by the means that is just to hard to time consuming to keep updating it, however other software companies are doing it for years now im not going to name them, there are big companies and there are smaller companies then even scirra and they still have their own mobile wrapper in their system, not going to say that the companies software's are better functioning then C2 but that feature itself kicks bottoms and is just making sense to have one instead of 3rd parties that always tend to don't care what C2 users want since we are not their user base, one case here first time was this N name company scirra affiliated with for mobile wrapping, all fine and dandy all C2 users got premium accounts for life on their system since they needed a user base and wanted to grow, as time passed scirra drop'd the official support for their plugin and the users where forced to move to Microsoft wrapper since the old wrapper company was asking 500$ to remove a splash screen which premium users shouldn't have, and that was not the only problem with that N company.

    7) Mobile/pc built in revenue systems for fast implementation in games, there are a few plugins in the forum however none scirra official supported unless something got released in the past months. Even if that is the case its still a issue we where asking for that feature for years in C2, and now all that is solved in C3 cause everyone should move to C3 why not right?

    8) As we seen similar companies that grown as scirra did, we seen their mistakes and we are just scared that scirra will just follow same mistake patterns, and they already doing some of the mistakes now, for example, launching a product with closed doors taking what users want and makes sense to have in the software and force them to upgrade to a new license(i call that the oil business slick maneuver many companies did it and doing it, and none of those companies are worth the trust users put in them after people "bite the donut").

    And the list goes on.

    Now dont get me wrong by the time you read this you'll probably plotted your comeback thinking im against scirra and that i hate them or some malefic plan i have to overthrown them and make them look bad so the competition gains more downloads or user base or that the competition pays me to write stuff like this, none of that is the case, as you will notice on my profile i had/have different projects of my own all to support and promote C2 and scirra without getting nothing in return, i just think is a great tool that gives creative people the means of expressing themselves.

    The moment i seen C2 it was instant love, hours turned into days, days into months, months in years till it got so familiar that feels like breathing air by now. And i still love C2 and even the baby brother C3.

    I like most of the features that C3 holds because they are natural things to have in C3 which is like C2's newborn brother that is just better and will kick the bottoms of anything that you will trow at him when he grows up.

    As i said before i agree with you that scirra does need the yearly payment 1000% on that one, i never been against that, outside the fact i hate subscription models, and here is why the moment you subscribe to something it automatically charges your card, that beings said, your secure and yours only credit card or debit card is not only yours anymore, your sharing it with a company that might have some security issues along the side of development and you might wake up one day that your balance is 0 or -1500 EURO or what your currency is... that is why i hate subscription, and the fact that always when the subscriptions ask for money it always happens maybe im the only one that this happens to but to me always and i mean always even if its a 10 dollar subscription or 1000$ i always dont have any money on the card itself in that specific day, and my subscription is always canceled and i have to redo all the process again, not to mention that the whole solar system and stars align in the same day and i need that software the most in the entire history i ever use it.

    That being said, i just hope scirra( Ashley & Tom) would take in consideration some of the concerns raised not only by me i DONT NEED to feel special in anyway, but users in general take some notes of what users want 'cause in the end, thats your source of income and if you ignoring them, they will just leave and move to a software that just does same thing even if worst, and all only for the fact of feeling betrayal or corporate greed.

    Happened in the past to bigger companies that while having success on software/game sales service offerings for a while, in 2 years they died out just because of the betrayal and stingy feeling.

    Those are my reasons though, some of C2 users probably feel same hope you understand we are still supporting scirra we just want some C2 changes as well changes that would make more people to buy C2, while C2 is mature as software is not a complete mature software is a medium software that still lacks stuff... had matured in age, but not in functionalities,actually C2 was doing same thing it does now for years, and realistically nothing has changed but only adapted to 3rd parties.

    In the end releasing C3 makes sense as business it was expected and we wanted to see it released for long time since was announced, and also we want scirra evolve and grow to its full potential since has something no other companies have which is demand and a strong community, there is always place for improvement but just don't do what others are doing, and that reminds me of this Einstein quote "Doing same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is Insanity".

    Edite: as i typed the reply i also opened a new tab and read Ashley 's reply he did mention this

    "I think as users it's worth remembering: everything is a trade-off. For example, to use an old example, we could make native engines, but it's such a huge amount of work it would mean cutting several other platforms entirely, and not getting round to a whole set of other features. "

    As a business that just make no sense, your scared of loosing what? 3rd parties? so you better be using 3rd parties that might die in 1 year and not have your own system? how that even makes sense? all those resources your spending on keeping that 3rd parties happy and working inside c3/c2 is just wasted money, quick analogy, im renting an apartment but i can also buy it from bank at same price by paying same amount as the rent each month, however i decide not to ....cause ... feeling of ownership(which raises lots of more doors) and stability is not good?

    As everything is a trade off, as a business owner my self i would remove the need of trading anything when comes to software features and do my own native built in system yes is cost is going to be high, but not for long just the burn rate of development, but is doable and after 6 months lets say i doubt it will take longer then a few months to make the changes, instead of having all those shinny cheap 3rd parties youl have few months burn rate going skyrocket to develop your own things and then making more money and just spending money on maintenance... not sure if this was ever raised as a issue, but in my own business which is both hardware and software i will always remove the need of 3rd parties even if for a while people will be disappointed not having some things, good part about C2/C3 there are older versions that have some features and work without them so reverting a few feature in the latest build till everything is built in properly i think is worth it. But then again everyone decides their fate, if the love of not owning things is so strong that its blinding the direction of company then we can point it to you as days are in our lives nothing wont change, if its money that is required, i think a crowdfunding(now crowdfunding i mean pre-sales of the software take the money for the changes in advanced as long as they making sense but make them C2/C3 native stuff otherwise would defeat the purpose) can help out even an ICO, many companies pulled it off especially when you give users a functional software that kicks *** and C2/C3 are kicking it good, just depending to much on other peoples 3rd party business doesn't make sense is C2 all over again. Im sorry if im over stepping my boundaries here or it might sound like it, i think is first time i talk so directly with you, but i suggest some sessions with the team, you never know where the next improvement may come.

    I hope my post would be taken as a constructive criticism and not as pure dissing it wasn't meant as dissing.

    Please don't ban me, that would be very disappointing since i just written my opinion with all the love towards the product and company, and only tried to speak out most of my personal worries and probably some of the community as well.

  • 1. my C2 game is hosted on site A. Site B is displaying my game (from site A) inside iframe. on google chrome on Android devices no sounds are playing because of permission problem.

    2. On mobile my games are not really on full screen (can see status bar), I need a code that can recognize the status bar is there and suggest the player to scroll bottom-top the screen to get it to full screen. you can see an example of how it should work here: ... <link is broken

    load it on mobile and see when on landscape with status bar it will display an hand gesture suggesting you to turn it to full screen by swiping up.

    Problem 1: if your site B has https it will partially load/majority of times never loads from any other hosting that isn't https or secured.

    Problem 2: Depends what you are using to wrap your mobile apk or ios pack it should have a code for the compilation there usually for android you can find it on or .org forgot the main website its in there in the manual to show or hide status bar(clock/battery etc)

    your audio problem is probably caused by the HTTPS certificate try hosting your app on same website ur loading it on. or on a https hosting service. (also if your iframe loads a C2/c3 html game/app make sure you dont have adblock enabled usually it blocks iframes and apps like c2 html5 games etc.)

    if your not aware yet, since 2016 or ios 8 fullscreen and autoplay doesn't work anymore on ios devices, it requires user input that means you cant have a script that loads some music or video that users dont give their consent to play, that includes auto fullscreen.

    for android if i remember correctly still works, however it depends on browsers... i recommend using chrome for your c2 tests and not Mozilla its probably not what your client wants to hear, but he needs to realize problems that are there and C2 cant bypass them, because its not c2 fault, is browser/device fault or security.

    that being said ... i think you have some other issue even though i guess i answered to what you asked. but if its not the case please update your problems in a more precise detail.

  • For those interested pm

    bellow you can find some examples

    iterations and custom designs on request, any type of weapon style etc

  • Hello

    Does it need any non-official plugin or behaviour?

    no all the templates i done are without any plugins as i remember its all default c2.

    but i had no time to complete, still needs some work done to it so im selling the current source of the demo that you see on arcade.

  • there are a few plugins on the forum doing that however, what you are asking is something like the SpriterPro plugin that is available on the store..

    click here for more information

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  • Is it at all possible to "scroll" a UV map via offsetting, on a 3D object In Q3D, so it infinitely loops in a particular direction?


    i think so, been a while since i used it, but it may be possible, take a look at the official example that has tiled floors!

  • I have same problem that . The effect work fine in localhost but when i export the project the effect bug ;(

    Any ideas ?

    if you read what i posted, is that the effect works for layers perfect based on what newt said what i wanted to use it is for each character which adds that tilted effect of the shadow giving it a bit extra dimensional look, so u could compromise and instead of adding the effect on sprite just add it to the layer the sprites are and should work, however u need to take in consideration the sprite collision box if i remember correctly all collision boxes need to be the same for that layer or the scene ur using it in. if that is to much, then i suggest just using a sprite that follows the character same as i did with the ground shadow under character feet. good luck!

  • I would like to make a 3d game that can be exported as a .swf or html5 file. The websites I would like to export my game file only accept those kinds of uploads. Does anyone know of 100% game creating engines out there I can use? Please try to avoid pay-make game creators and game creators that I can upload to thier site. I am looking for completely free ones. Thank you for your time.

    i dont think flash files are even compatible anymore with majority of browsers! firefox still accepts it but chrome is by default disabled and you have a choice to enable it or not! and on mobile flash isn't working from what i know, if that is your targeted platform. So from what i see your stuck to html5 3d games(there a few engines out there that do html5 and have the 3d option however, even if their drag and drop or similar to c2 you will need to understand how 3D works, and is going to be a lot of hours spent in blender to model your graphics. outside from google "3d game engines that doesn't require programming knowledge" i can't help much. ), unity 3d games, or cryengine games. or what cjbruce mentioned above.

  • how display game in react js. help me pls.

    maybe that is a question for react.js forums?

  • im guessing you want the shadow to increase or lower in size when player jumps? if that is the case use the vertical Y distance and use that as a scale for the shadow to increase in scale or decrease (scale/size)

  • im curious too on this one! O.O il grab some popcorn while answer is incoming!

  • thanks for the detailed explanation and demo! Although this method has some limitations comparing to tween behaviors, it's definitely useful.

    This formula appears to be similar to "easind Out" tween function, can it be modified to simulate "easing In"? (slow at the beginning, gets faster at the end)

    that can happen if you decrease the / number while dividing it so you start with a division by 100 let's say, and then every 0.01 subtract 1 from that 100 and the reversed incremental should appear like that "easing in". -Edited: scratch that ... im working on it, the distance adding is automatically doing its own easing out effect cause the distance is always shrinking, so what would make sense after a surtain number the distance to be at a surtain number that creates the illusion of fastening up. its definitely doable but im not sure if distance would work for the reversed effect.

    Honestly i never used the tween plugin didn't found it useful for my own, it's definitely a interesting plugin and helps a lot of people just i think it's an extra dependency that is not really needed once you know C2 expressions. i guess for desktop targeted games wont cause problems the plugin itself but some compilers for mobile will probably have issues with it, if not now in future for sure, unless it's updated by the dev.

  • atmas here is version 2 with the expression i was talking about the manual alternative to notequal is "<>" so its kinda of working however there's plenty inside there that i hope you will understand i didn't spent any time to comment it. if you need that let me know. dont mind the LOS behavior is still attached but not used, i only used pathfinder to make the objects move towards some direction and some extra identifiers with their own identifiers as instance variables, there is a 40 pixel jump backwards when they see the collision which makes them get out the field of view and then reenables the points hope you can adapt any of this to your project and possible solves your problem. .... even this since is not perfected and done in a rush still fails some times.

    the extra red dot might not be needed, and you could actually pick the same AI using distance by comparing " <>" UIDS of objects. that i will definetly do in morning. Good night!

    Edited: the "<>" is a operator not expression but hope it made sense.

  • I tried to use the L.O.S behaviour, so each AI car would know each other and would avoid crashing one into another, but this won't work. I'm saying that because when i use the L.O.S behaviour in the AI cars to detect the player that is in another layer above, it works 100%. What can i do to fix this? Thank you man!!!

    L.O.S is line of sight which basically uses some sort of distance(x1,y1,x2,y2) but most of times it breaks when used with pathfinder together, so my advice would be to drop L.O.S and use the expression " if distance(car.x,car.y,car.x,car.y) less or equal then 100 car stop (at this point you made your own L.O.S without the behavior and without the problems of L.O.S and Pathfinding behaviors). now i know it might seem obfuscating from our point of reading the code, but C2 actually has a background system that when you appoint the car.x, same time, basically what does, for each car that detects another instance of the same car object it applies that. you might need to add for each loop while using it. but should work, i used it on a aquarium type of game and AI ( AI used same name no numbers picking or other tricks just pure "aifish" for all different types of fishes.)worked awesome they were hunting each other and the player no confusion whatsoever in code. so that being said, i think it might work for you also. Hope you can understand my spaghetti code from above and the explanation.

    Edited: ehm.... i forgot i did used a identifier i used their frames numbers. but i dont think that would help in your case let me check something il get back to you.

    Edited 2: so i made this capx its not working perfect, but LOS seems to do the job pretty good here, i think the old bug is not a problem anymore, however distance it seems here is a bit frustrating to work with i can crack this when my head's clear. 11:36 pm here been up for all day, the thing with AI in general you have to code each side of car and and make it aware of its surroundings even if the cars are the same object basically, it's IID or UID picking but i can't find the expression sign for not equal so i can add it in it's some weird C2 advanced expression(not the not equal in the normal dropdown). il post in morning more for sure. i really want to fix this one, bugs my brain if not. if you're in a hurry you could try AI cars he has a template that has AI s racing each other and their avoiding each other however is a very complex system he has there with a lot of custom plugins if im not mistaken. (at Rex sorry for summoning you.)

  • atmas why use overlapping points for a pretty intensive graphic game? i would've used "distance again" (i know dop2000 ) because its less heavy on systems logic. using overlapping points of images the computer or system has to measure each pixel in each frame and see if they are colliding. you could use bbox left right top bottom of the car and target imagepoint.x,y and measure the distance if distance is a surtain safety number car stops. you will notice with this approach a 50% to 90% cpu usage drop, depending on your project how heavy is from graphic point of view.