I don't get it..
If initial score=500 and I want to add 20, then distance(score,0,rewardedtobeadded,0)/10=48
What should I do with this number?
let me do a capx il edit here ! better to show then tell.. i know the math sounds weird but works from what i tested on other projects using that "formula" for easy incrementals.
Edited (2 minutes later) : as promised now the division is value "20" not "10"... "10" was what i used for movement but is basically the same formula.
The so called "formula" it's actually a sort of a no sort of a % comparison of the two numbers no matter what the number is... the increment is always going to be accurate. it's either how is supposed to work or is a C2 glitch... however this is how i always used it... if it's going to change in any update soon... i want to keep this C2 version lol. makes life easier.
i hope it's helpful and you (
sublimate or who might need it) cut off the extra plugins that might cause problems in mobile compilations. im pretty sure this method works with C3 also as long as you have the expressions there. capx incremental number using distance
to get the exact ease-in incremental just increase the divided" %" or the value "20" to "30" or "40".
extra perk "no custom plugins" and works with any number.
known issues, you might need an boolean/variable/trigger /condition whatever you might call it, to detect when the increment is happening so you dont double time reward if you multi click it(thats if will be triggered by click). if it's only triggered at end of round or achievement or reward for destroying something or collecting some coins then there is no need for extra conditions just copy paste it(make sure you got the global variables in your capx when you transfer and add the "trigger one time" properly).
sublimate check the capx above maybe is a better alternative for what you want.