DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Tried that and many other variations. Doesn't work. Only thing that (sort of) works is this:

    But even then, it requires functions and I sacrifice the tag.

    remove the functions man

    and use only

    audio_plugin is tag "not overlapping" playing A: play audio "not overlapping"

    audio_plugin is tag "not overlapping" playing x inverted A: play audio "newtag"

    also in your picture, the audio playing tag "" is empty...

  • that sounds utterly impossible, you sure you didn't thinked you where placing them on Game area , but actually u where placing them on a 2nd layout without thinking u clicked the wrong layout? it happened to me also so many times. make sure u tap the right layout if you preview with f5 if u arent sure u are on the right layout use f4 that would start the game with the loader/menu/game interface.

    also check the the event-layout and the layout u are supposed to see the enemy or sprite are linked together, if you generating them by events.

  • You can definitely hear -35db. It all depends on the quality of your headphones/speakers and what the volume of the imported sound file is. You can probably hear -50 to -60db with decent headphones, so I would go as far as -90db before considering it silent.

    oh that's new, i remember in C2 around -35 /-45 i couldn't hear nothing, maybe cause i had ****** headphones back then xD but the audio analyser wouldn't pick anything from ~-45 and above either so... weird ... anyway the lerp works with what ever number u want :D i just tested the audio thing in C3 volume can be heard at -100 also, so i guess do for fade in lerp(-infinity,0,dt) and for fade out lerp(0,-infinity,dt) that should fix it for sure ^_^ lmao...

  • as dop2000 said, you can't automatically pick instance of the family but you can give the family a couple of variables, one for the weapon it uses and a second one for the ID of the instance.

    for example if you already have the sprite that carries the weapon place in screen and you don't create another one you can say

    on start of layout for each sprite.withweapon ascending

    sprite.withweapon.setvariable gun to "abs ( round ( random ( 0 , 4 ) ) )"

    blank subevent under start layout

    action wait 0


    sprite.withweapon compare self variable gun if equal to 1 lets say


    create gun on sprite.withweapon

    gun set animation to redlaser.

    now when it shoots, you compare which gun the sprite.withweapon has and spawn the bullet/laser based on that.



    if sprite.withweapon is shooting

    and Pick sprite.withweapon where gun value is 1

    action gun create laser.object at gun image point 0,0

  • It would be great if you could swipe short and fast for a quick scroll which slows down. I tried to set speed/acceleration but it did not work out very well.

    you mean you want a inertia scroll effect here is a old C2 tutorial that can help you out

    swiped smooth scrolling with inertia

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  • Hello, how can I get the enemies to attack me with a projectile? Thank you in advance for your answers and sorry if I am not clear in my remarks, I speak very poor English and I help myself with a translator.

    i get this when i try to download your file.

    but u can make enemies attack by having 2 sprites,

    1 sprite for the enemy

    1 sprite for the bullet or projectile

    for the enemy to start shooting we need a condition that will make him shoot and an action to create the bullet which will go towards the player position. We also need the bullet behavior for the projectile to move and untick set angle on the behavior.

    condition can look something like this


    system/compare two variables

    distance(enemy.x,enemy.y,player.x,player.y) =< 100


    enemy.spawnanotherobject. bullet(or what the name of the projectile is)

    under that we put another action for enemy

    Enemy.BulletBehavior.SetAngle to Angle(self.x,self.y,player.x,player.y)

    Enemy.bulletbehavior.setangleofmovement to Angle(self.x,self.y,player.x,player.y)

    Then we need a condition to destroy the bullet and subtract life form player


    Projectile on collision with another object "player"


    Player subtract from variable "life" _ 1

    Projectile Destroy

    now the variable life can be global or local on the player himself.

    if you want a game over on the player life = 0

    we do condition

    Compare variable "life"

    if life =<0



    Reset global variables

    Restart Layout

    kinda that is the logic of things.. now you can alter the reset variables or restart layout the way you want in order to suit your needs.

    Hope it helps you also make sure you look at the community blogs and tutorials there are plenty of tutorials that help you achieve this and more.

  • I downloaded Unity, I am really keen to learn C# and there are good courses on Udemy. I promised myself I would finish a game on here though. I don't want to quit C3 because I really like it, but I think unity could open up job prospects and really help me learn a valuable skill. Any thoughts?

    Well Unity definitely would open job prospects, but i think more important C# would open more job prospects than Unity itself, if you learn C# or C++ combine that with some JS and mysql and u become a sort of a full stack dev which is going to get u in a good spot.

    Having those knowledges even without a certification in the field, will help a bunch.

    My suggestion is do an actual official course that gets you certified in the field you pick, having knowledge of things today without a certification, is equal to zero if you going for a corporate job.

    If you planning for freelance stuff or indie team dev then doesn't matter if you are certified or not.

    Remember is never to late to learn things.

  • > ok but how do i install the plugin on it??

    Is there a plugin out yet for C3?

    i doubt there is... as the qr plugin for C2 is not a official plugin but a community developed one, unless someone takes the task on converting it it won't be available anytime soon.

    u can always go Js mode on it with the browser plugin

    how to Qr code

  • ok but how do i install the plugin on it??

    view/addon manager install new addon

    why u using C3? and not C2- since the plugins and all the system u have are for C2?

  • Hi - Thanks! Did the instruction popup for you? They show what each symbol means and how it relates to which bunny to tap. I'll see what the feedback is, and might make some changes to the hints :)

    i did got the popup, but because i was able to tap and make it disappear it just vanished and i could never get it back, to look at it. maybe add a tutorial info button where it shows the popup again not only the 1st time it runs?

    other than that everything worked well :D

  • welcome to the forums, game looks good, i find it confusing what is the black and white arrow and how they influence the gameplay (as even if i tap the right bunny gets me a X )... but other than that its fun :D keep going at it.

  • Okay. I see what you did. To be blunt, I had no idea you could edit the speed and such. It's still turning brown instead of red though and the car can still move. I'll see if I can fix that.

    Question, The spot will only turn red if the speed is under 3 right? That's what the >3 speed tag is right? I just want to make sure I have this correct. (Like I said, I want to understand and learn, not just be given solutions)

    Thank you so much for your help, by the way. I really appreciate it.

    its turning brown cause i didn't changed the color u used, for red use rgb(red-value,green-value,blue-value) if you want it to be red u do rgb(255,0,0). ( i can't recall what effect u used to change the color but i remember something about color values, u have to adjust them manually to get the result u want.)

    it can still move cause i thought u know how to go on further from there. u can disable the car.behavior when parking lot changes color.

    action> car.set_carbehavior- enable/disable

  • If you say compare if player is X then zombie do something, runtime doesn't know which zombie to pick. If there is just one zombie at a time it doesn't matter, yet if there are more... That would be why it doesn't recognize right or left, for it gets confuses about which zombie to reference. The main event where the check sub-event comes from is even an everytick.

    the comparison applies to all zombies, doesn't matter if u have 1 or 100 it will calculate for each zombie the distance from the player, whenever one of the zombie instance is in that conditions value turning it true the zombie move, you can specify "for each zombie " condition above it. but it's already doing it for all zombies. its a general condition for that "zombie object".

    the main event doesn't need to know which zombie, all it needs to know is if there is a zombie in that range 70 or higher than the system starts moving the zombie in that range.

  • Hey dude! I managed to get the ads working. I hadn't set my payment info on Admob. As for the leaderboards, they suddenly started working hahaha thanks anyway!

    well yea, that's what i said, also :D there might of been something missing on the settings somewhere glad u fixed it in the end, have fun! :D

  • Someone told me to use the browser object and close the application so to me that sounded like an online game, not a download game on Steam.


    Steam is just a store like google apps or scirra store, you go there and put your game and people downloads it, i don't understand what is with "close the application"? i think the person who you asked was joking or thinking at something else. ^_^ have fun ...