DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • I tried exporting to WEB HTML 5 "Publish to web to run in a browser"

    The zip file has a bunch of files in it, none of which run the game.

    Any help would be appreciated

    you need to upload the zip on a hosting service or website, unzip the file you got from Construct on your website hosting service, which should create a folder once unzipped.

    you can also unzip the folder on your pc, then upload the folder with all its contents on your website hosting service via ftp, or browser file manage provided by your website hosting provider.

    then access the game via your website by going to www.websitename.tld/folderzip/index.html

  • sorry i forgot to post the link to the addon plugin addon c3

    there is also spline i think having a C2 plugin but im not sure.... if it will work with C3 - c2 runtime


    oh i forgot about dragon bones lol XD nice cool u found something.

  • Thanks Corp. Its taken two days of playing about with different programs. I think sprinter might be good but would need to pay for it to get the png files.

    I checked the store, is sprinter 2d different from the actual sprinter because its cheaper?

    i have no clue, but i think the free version lets you export a spritesheet and animation files as xml, or scorn file i think is called,actually but doesn't let you use functions like advanced bone systems, and kinematics i think. the tutorials they have should clear that one up.

    features of sprite free vs spriter pro i think spriter 2 is just like a advanced version, like C3 vs C2... but they both do the same thing plus minus some features, and pro version is either of those but paid i guess... is kinda unclear... they should definitely update their features and what means pro and what means spriter 1 or 2... i find it very confusing. But it should help you animate stuff easier even in the free version.

    Edited: quote feature #17 "Export animations as PNG images, strips, sheets or Gif Animations" available for free version.

    lucid might have a better answer on this one.

  • Spriter -2d animation and there is even a plugin that supports spriter animation in Construct 2, and i think int C3 also.

    there are other softwares also (anime studio, tupi tube, pencil 2d, toom boom etc), but if u have your character exploded apart you can animated the character yourself, sure is tedious and takes a lot of time, but won't relay on a software to do it for you.

    and here is a full list of plugins, features u can get for C2 /C3 scirra store game making tools

  • i think airconsole plugins or api's where something people used some time ago to do this for Construct 2.


    I'm not sure if it's still a thing, but for sure, should be possible.

  • Sorry just got what you were saying! . Throttle using performance audit. Not the sharpest tool in the box me.

    Let me go home now, play daddy for a few hours, then check the surface pro. it maybe a graphix capability thing and the surface will show that for sure.

    don't worry i tested it out, is just an audit for testing surtain apps that run in browser.... i runned it on C3... ehm... outside some css and js loading slower cause of size... there is nothing to it... monitoring heap snapshots and other stuff killed the browser so don't worry about it really ^_^ continue the daddy play

  • yea it doesn't seem to be actual local storage as it doesn't get cleared when clearing cache in settings (which normally clears local storage). I looked into it a little apparently it is for use by web apps for more robust storage of larger files but yea much tech stuff above my pay grade...

    have you tried the browser audit performance option? found in f12 chrome or developer tools audit... i just swapped on desktop and applied cpu + memory throttle i wonder if that helps... i don't have a 1000 event sheet template to run it atm.

  • thanks for sharing! i think i talked about something similar a couple of weeks ago, a user on forum was having some mobile problems with memory full, and i kept saying might be the caching storage, not the ram or vram, as those he mentioned has plenty off.

    but i didn't knew about this indexdb i was just suggesting clearing the data in the history/clear cached data (images and other stuff)

  • Yeah you are right about that, but as a test having 1000 blank events that should be doing nothing therefore in my mind points the problem more towards some kind of browser layout/ui rendering issue (i don't know anything about browser tech so i'm just guessing). The fact also that changing themes effects performance also seems to support this idea.

    Agree there, i wonder if Construct 2/3 is using webgl in order to boost performance of the editor... i know Chrome has this webgl boost stuff(active by default and a webgl test mode... extra on top of that) and might cause crashes for like random bullshitery, as webgl seems from my usage so far it's not really stable, on browsers atleast. I've also experienced a lot of webgl crashes on C3 editor, when i was doing some projects that were rather heavy on the code + images.

  • You may be right, but i would consider 15-20 actions per event line an extreme case. I can create 1000 blank events in C3 and get lag in the editor.

    if you do blanks, wouldn't do nothing if you don't add actions to them, shouldn't as there is nothing to check upon.

    but i see this as a issue if you want to develop a bigger game, that has like 10-20,000 events right... now even if you splice them up in event_sheets, at some point you will have so many includes that would probably be unusable... i wonder how Penelope was made and avoided this issue, and other games released that were bigger than our normal single player game with 10 levels.

    Edited: i read the bug report,it's the theme or the way theme of the construct is being applied that is doing it,...even though shouldn't it be just a CSS stylesheet of sorts since is browser based?

  • > but u gotta remember, that each action has to check if condition is ok, the more u add the more u check that condition, and the system has to do all that in a tick, cause under it there are 300 more lines....

    I disagree that its about construct having to read and check the events, i've never experienced any editor performance issues with C2 on the same computer and had thousands of events. This is a browser issue.

    if you want to see a heaviness C2 event usage, il send u my store item, drawing template( i done that one early when i started with C2). has about 500 events only, shouldn't matter if i messed up the code or looped it once or twice right? the moment u click stuff waits 1 second to process. i do admit i kinda messed up code overcomplicating things, but all the code is in 1 event, each condition has probably 15/20 actions.

  • This is a very old problem, and isn't a bug as it's how much can Construct keep in 1 event_sheet, and your pc reading all that (having a SSD assigned to Construct caching and processing might help a bit).

    Cheap solution to this problem i found a long time ago, since i started using Construct 2, don't keep all events in 1 event sheet, also don't have more than 10-12 actions in 1 condition(you can add blank sub_conditions instead of keeping all actions in the main condition - for some reason, it kinda clears the heaviness)

    if you have different events and conditions for different characters hud etc splice them up into other event_sheets and use include, separate all events into other event_sheets where you can, and use the include.

    reuse code either by using functions or families, so you don't have to repeat the same code by copy pasting it and fire it 100 times from 10 different conditions when can actually be done once and run for all the objects that apply to that code.

    having groups only lowers the usage when u close them, but is not gonna solve the issue, if u start searching for a line of code as an example ... it will unlock everything basically and crash Construct.

    this is kinda the same issue as with any software, if you overload the screen or event sheet in screen it will eventually crash, you can see wordpress and unity even, and other platforms have the same issue, they can handle the stuff, but to a surtain limit, you have to organize.

    when i started with Construct i was creating like 2 conditions and each condition would had like 20 30 actions, and wondering what is going on... because the game was relatively small... but u gotta remember, that each action has to check if condition is ok, the more u add the more u check that condition, and the system has to do all that in a tick, cause under it there are 300 more lines....


    lol, you might want to edit your previous post and remove the gif link u had there, there seems it acts like a iframe ... causing issues when u post stuff.

    this bundle here Game Template Pack #1

    but i stopped improving it a long time ago, lots of people asked me to polish them and stuff, but time management is ... well you know ... "^_^

    was planning using that (edited reason: plans for world ********** by mistake made public)

    email me if you got the time (#####-removed-crawlers everywhere ) wanted to ask a more private question.

    Edited: btw if you want that arrow to move while your string on bow is being pulled...add another image point on the animation of the bow or string .... depends how u used the string there...

    and for each frame.... move the new imagepoint to the center of the string it like where would the arrow tail will be held... then on a everytick thing or on the string animation events, you can add under the animation action set arrow position to (bow.imagepointx("imagepointnew") (bow.imagepointy("imagepointnew") also make sure the image point on the arrow is in its tail, that might cause some center of gravity if you are using gravity for the arrow fall, not sure if its applying to the bullet though.

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  • Thanks very much for the help corp.

    I liked that game bro, it was pretty cool. It reminded me of an old school game called vandal hearts. The start scene,

    What happened to the game, I want to play it!

    It only seems to work on mozzila, but my chromes a bit dodgy. I like the animation and I like how the coin gravitates. did you use a bullet animation for that.

    Thank you for the PNG. You have helped me out a lot, if you would like this pack please let me know. I can zip and ping it over to you!

    The game will have multiple bows, I will try the animation and upload a gif, see what you think !

    Thanks for the gift, but im just helping around, i like to help ^_^... even though sometimes it might make people a bit more confused than actually helping...

    the effect for coins i think was made with physics behavior... i can't remember.

    the game was just an alpha test, i have so many of them, i tried to do a challenge for myself back then to create 50-100 minigames the entire year much like Ninjadoodle with his 7 day challenge, but then i want it to expand it and create a arcade gaming network with in house games... however life hits... and funds are needed to be able to spend time and i just don't have the time for it now... maybe someday i'll pick it up again. Plus back then i didn't knew how game deving works as task based development... and i was overcomplicating the planning and design of gameplay... making my desire to put it in practice diminish, and i ended up jumping from alpha to alpha to alpha and never finished anything .... so now i have around 500 gb of files xD waiting to be taken up again... and maybe someday put them on a website and say hey i do games... quite a beat up story but is just another sorry excuse i guess .... don't be bummed out by my progress lol

    actually looking at your generous offer made me think about my store items ^_^ i might increase the discount offer.

  • It's for a bow, so when the arrow is drawn, the string moves back with it. :-).

    i would just animate the bow ... will make ur life easier... 10 frames i think i had something like this in a old game template i wanted to do in arcade... scirra... RGB adventures... the archer is using an animation to do exactly this... and i also added in the animation a spring like effect as when is released the string will go front a bit then come back and like vibrate...

    here is the game... u can download the animation from using the browser f12 on chrome go to network refresh page and grab the assets from it.. i don't know where i put the original capx...

    but your other post you did does exactly this, effect i tested it on c3 and works okay :) is just using probably canvas, or multiple sprite dots... i tried with dots ... kinda curved but not perfectly round... more like angled ... my maths is bad XD

    here is the png of the archer from the game on scirra arcade

    u can see the entire thing is just an animation, and the bow i think is the easiest weapon u can just a white line or what color u make it be ... for the string... that u change when u need as u want easiest thing... i mean u could do it by maths probably will teach u something but ... depends what you want to do by going that route... if its learning then definitely maths is the way... if its making something work... u don't need necessarily maths on this as long as it gives u the same result.

    and here is a small c3p file that uses an animation to curve/pull a string as in for a bow and then move it back to normal when is released...