Okay. I see what you did. To be blunt, I had no idea you could edit the speed and such. It's still turning brown instead of red though and the car can still move. I'll see if I can fix that.
Question, The spot will only turn red if the speed is under 3 right? That's what the >3 speed tag is right? I just want to make sure I have this correct. (Like I said, I want to understand and learn, not just be given solutions)
Thank you so much for your help, by the way. I really appreciate it.
its turning brown cause i didn't changed the color u used, for red use rgb(red-value,green-value,blue-value) if you want it to be red u do rgb(255,0,0). ( i can't recall what effect u used to change the color but i remember something about color values, u have to adjust them manually to get the result u want.)
it can still move cause i thought u know how to go on further from there. u can disable the car.behavior when parking lot changes color.
action> car.set_carbehavior- enable/disable