DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • dont know if i can do this on the free version

    you can do it, is more of events limiting your coding in free version. i think C3 is limited to 30 or 50 events while c2 has 100? not really sure on the limitation, but you should be able to do it, there is no restriction what you can do in those events, outside using the multiplayer/exporting to various platforms/ changing the splashlogo and having more conditions/events than the above mentioned. anything else is game.

  • i don't use this ever ever? evernote app? i don't know what that is, but quick question is it interfering with the c3 editor, the previews or the exported html5 game?

  • I was using the Car behaviour. Lemme get a link to the project.

    I'm trying to do it bit by bit because I do eventually want to make this in 3D, (Because it's supposed to be a multiplayer game). I haven't even attempted the Ai or the timer/score system.

    here is what i was saying modified ur template petty-parkers-v1

    good luck with the multiplayer part :D

  • - hmm, that's really strange. When the vram is high, it's about 60-70 mbs (I have games on steam that is WELL over that). There's a decent bit going on, but I can't imagine it's anything out of the ordinary. I usually have a few tabs open on chrome, but nothing too much. The preview is generally always open as I work on it and then f4 to test new changes.

    Is the cache only from my CURRENT session? Or is it a cumulative of everything I've been doing over the past however long it's been? Like I said, I NEVER had this problem with the C2 runtime. It could, of course, be coincidence, but I kind of doubt it.

    yea that narrows it down, then is just your browser cache being filled. chrome has that issue a lot, mozzila not that often, but then again mozzila has other problems.

    again vram and ram is not the issue here, is your caching ... meaning everytime you play something there is a space amount of data allocated to that app/execution being it copying files from one folder to another or watching a youtube clip and when u get the error"oops...snap.. you ran out of memory" the cache space allocated to what you are doing it's filled not having enough space to write and rewrite the things it needs.

    the vram helps rendering images faster and showing you stuff, the ram helps processing information, caching is the space you use to download files so the ram and vram can interpret them and show it to you and that's what runs out. not the vram or ram or cpu.

    to fix this you need to clear the cache on your browser, not the passwords and stuff but image cache on chrome that is history/ clear browsing data/cached images and files,[ hosted data <- here you might lose saved progress on some games or netflix accounts etc)] the last one isn't that important, but "cached images and files" is what will occupy most of the memory when u run out of it u get the error.

    also, if that doesn't fixes it it might be the browser caching profile got corrupted somehow then u need to rename it but u will lose all the data u had amassed so far as it will consider ur browser newly installed on the machine.

    here is a tutorial on how to fix this, sorry for the weird suspicious site is the fastest thing i could find in 1 minute of google search.

    chrome memory issue tutorial fix

    i don't recommend the last one unless you know what you are doing.

    i periodically erase my caching image memory thing everytime it hits around 2.0gb around then i get the error, atm im at 650mb or so... not using the browser so often (i laid off the kinki stuff if you know what i mean xD ) as i used to.

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  • - does that mean something is wrong with my game? Will this happen when I export to NWJS?

    yes and no, yes it's possible that somewhere in your game there is to much image caching / reusing.. probably consuming to much resources on browser.

    if it happens on the browser it will happen on nwjs also, as that game is just a html5 browser based game runned through a interpreter wrapped in a executable, of sorts.

    however on nwjs might not happen that much, as it will probably use the system cache memory which u probably have enough of, but might be a problem for low end devices.

    id consider looking at optimization options for your game and eliminate overdone effects/graphics/audio/code loops/ data fetching etc

    it also means your browser runs out of memory a lot, u using 100 tabs + previews? or working on one at a time?

    edited: you might want to hard refresh (ctrl+f5 or shift+f5) the cache on your browser i edited a couple of times the posts i did.

    i mainly get this from webgl and youtube running to long in another tab filling memory in while songs?videos run forever.

  • it's not about the ram issue, is more of image memory cache issue of the browser... i get that alot also and i also got plenty of resources however that only happens when the browser is consuming to much cpu or gpu ... usually when webgl is working very intensively. make sure u got the latest update on the browser also u might want to disable experimental browser webgl settings on chrome and mozzila other browsers i have no clue if they even have this feature.

    edited: u can also look in how u can increase the space allocated to browser caching... that might help.

  • can we see the vanilla of that dodge movement? replicate it into a empty project and upload file ? it seems either you are using a loop on a trigger once event, either there is some bug you just discovered.

  • for the ads, if you test the "test mode" ads run? if they do show up... then the live method is not yet been reviewed by google or admob or whoever is feeding you the ads, so you have to do one more step before u get a live feed, that is see what is the time for the real ads to show and accept your app on google to run ads trough your app(its kinda the same process as with facebook ads).

    for the leaderboard... you doing it wrong i think ... you need to call the leaderboard name not the app id, you need 1st create a leaderboard on googleplays app dashboard itself then call that leaderboard by its name. that's how all leaderboards work, if that was the leaderboard name/id then i have no clue there is something wrong with the main dashboard configuration, on that you might need to read the how to's again from the googleplays tutorials.

    edited: if all above are configured the right way, then your app was not yet been approved for live store. therefore you won't get any live leaderboards or live stats or live ads shown up (since your app is still under review) until gets the green light on it.

  • C3 admob+builtin APK 2018 nov give this man (redfoc) a cup of coffee! ;)

  • well you just drawn yourself the answer .. :D

    check if the object is in the screen area in that specific spot of the -50 Z and give it elevation based on it( if you don't have the elevation sorted out yet, use scale... is kinda the same thing you make things bigger or smaller based on the position of the logic doesn't have to be real like in a 3d engine as long as it fakes the effect and works).

    or wait for the new update where you get the Z elevation expression that was featured in the latest upcoming post.

    however you will still need to keep track of the position where the player is at in order to elevate it.

  • that is strange, i checked your video, and now every 3rd time when i jump back and forth the block on right side and i go to jump on the left where initially the player was, the up press key doesn't work, well it detects the key input but doesn't jump, there is a bug somewhere, to me that looks like a logic delay for some reason, cause if u do it slowly it never fails, but if u do it fast really fast like super-slight-tap like that's when happens on my side atleast.

    you glitched me as well lmao ... but ... if the gameplay you are after, isn't very fast paced, considering the fact it works if u don't go bananas fast on the keyboard id say is one of those things u gotta accept? :D

    Edited: the glitch happens no matter if u are near edge or not, or your falling, is just a delay logic somewhere(not in the templates event coding, cause its a very basic no delay action type of thing), and the condition considers already jumped for some reason even though visually u landed, the system still considers your 2 frames still falling(this is commonly referred as "jerking" where you visually see stuff that should been happened but actually the render is way ahead of the what actually happens).

    this might be a platform behavior glitch or logic function, id file this as a C2 bug, but it might take a while for C2 to be updated, now is a matter of testing it on C3. il be back with that.

    Edited: still happens on C3 also, but on C3 happens different, isn't about how fast u tap, but more of where you land... like you said, near the edge... so if you land near the edge of the platform, the player is considered still in the air, this might be the 2 px glitch i always seen on the animation editor in C2, it has to have something with that... that glitch basically when u crop the empty space before the latest version the animation editor would've cropped it up to the very edge of the color pixel but now it ads a 2 pixels margin around the character... and this probably cause of that... on C3 that doesn't happen on the animation editor anymore, but it seems the logic of it is somewhere in the behaviors also not only the editor itself. id file it as a bug on C3 as well, cause C2 we don't know when is going to be updated, or if there is time to focus on C3 and C2 ... till then as i said above, is one of the things you have to live with if you using that platform behavior, or just find another workaround it (like manually create the collision and character movement in the event sheet, is tedious i know... but will be more fail safe.)

  • u basically need a parabola movement, check this forum post there are some example files there also, and from that u need to change the perspective of things, and do a bit of fake-3d sort of thing.

    qarp or lerp should do it.

  • Why not just use an collision condition?


    AND CAR SPEED is less than 3

    Set CAR to rgb(whatever color)

    Or change animation frame.

    To make sure players park correctly you can make the parking spot hitbox smaller so they have to be more on the parking spot to register the collision.

    Hope this helps

    using on collision would trigger the parking the moment the edges of the parking lot and car will collide with each other, and not when the car is actually on the parking lot. that's why comparing the distance from the parking lot X thinking it would have a centered origin point is a much better suit. cause at that point the car for sure would be over the parking lot.

    think of a 200px * 200px parking lot if has the center image in middle and 100px on each side, then if the car is at a distance of 20 or less from the center it means the car is overlaping the parking lot entirely, then double checking the speed would make sure the car has slowed down to a speed of 5 or 3 that is going downwards. however if there is movement that can make the car move by using innertia and slowing down in time, like physics cars for example the speed without pressing any keys from innertia would fluctuate from positive to negative values, that's why i said abs(car.speed) meaning any value that is under 3 or 5 its turned into a positive value even if its -100 speed it becomes 100 speed, therefore not being full stopped as would move backwards at a speed of 100.

  • i just tested your capx file on C2 on my end works good. doesn't do any glitches. it jumps mid air while falling 1 time. as it doesn't have a double jump yet implemented.

    i can't seem to replicate your collision with moving platform glitch. the collisions on my end is on point. what is your C2 version you are using? and what machine? it might not be the events or the game.

  • Awesome andreluizgollo, ^_^ good luck on the launch!

    AllanR looks good, but i tested it only on desktop, and dragging objects (swipping to move) didn't worked for me.