dos88's Forum Posts

  • So I'm trying 8 directional movement and I have run into a small issue, I do have it so that when I press up the proper animations shows when moving up as well as moving in N*E, S*W positions the only real problem I seem to have is when moving left to right my character stays in the idle animation.

    I am getting the result I want just not completely i.e left to right running animations.

    Am I doing this all wrong ?

    Do I need to slice all my animations into 1 frame ?

  • Thought I'd give this a try. Uses LiteTween: viewtopic.php?t=70700&start=0 ... ample.capx

    P to pickup, Space to throw.

    Not sure if its just me but that LiteTween plugin seems to be very outdated and I cannot run C2 with it.

  • Wonderful art.

  • Thanks for the videos man.

  • Looks strange.. in a good way

    Haha, yeah this is my "learning C2" project, and thanks

    I have had C2 on my system for like 4 years now and I just got around to playing with it. xD

  • I prefer Piskel for my pixel art since I can export it as GIF file or frame by frame.

    Ps. there is also a windows, mac & linux offline port of piskel if you don't like having to be online to use it.

    • Post link icon

    not sure how to play the game, I click to start, click to start, a ball moved left for 1 sec and then im dead? not sure whats happening there.

    Same lol, I can't figure out how to survive the first 0.8 seconds upon clicking start..

  • A little project without a name..

  • > All I can find is the download for the capx files, where exactly do you download the actual plugin & behaviors ?


    The very first post has the link. There is a heading called 'Plugin' to a 7zip file which contains the plugin.

    Ah! Thank you.

  • All I can find is the download for the capx files, where exactly do you download the actual plugin & behaviors ?

  • It took me a few minutes to figure it out

    But I do have a problem as I am trying to associate an image (heart) to the time thats taken away

    Do I need to set it so that Health1 starts before the other two groups (Health2) & (Health3) ? Since, with the way I have it now it's counting both Health1 & Health2 every x seconds at the same time, I need to have it so that after Health1 x seconds finishes it starts the Health2 every x seconds. Thanks for the help man

    PS : Fixed, major mistakes on my part! Thanks for the help Carbincopy

  • every x sec - 10 from life

    on event + life

    on event - more life

    Thanks for the reply.

    But this has me a little confused, if I set every x second - 10 from health than I cannot specify when the timer countdown actually hurts the player, as soon as you run the layout and it hits -10 seconds it hurts the player, I'm looking for a way so that when a timer goes down from say 600 once it gets to 30 = hurts player, 20 = hurts player etc. etc.

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  • I'm looking to have a system based on a global time that starts at a certain number, say 600, and begins to countdown slowly, once it gets in the low numbers say 10 - 0, I want to have the player get hurt and or killed.

    I have been looking in to number countdowns but I for the life of me cannot figure out how to associate Health with a timer. Could anyone point me in the right direction ? Any advice and or help would be great!

  • Figured it out.

    I had the "IsAntiHero" event in the same section as the IsActive event so they were conflicting... wow lol I Really have been up way too long....