— - Since your condition: (If 8direction is moving and Down arrow or Up Arrow is down) is only setting animations when down or up arrow is pressed then it will not run animations when left or right key is pressed. Is that the problem because since I can't see the animations or the other events then that is the only possible explanation I can come up with.
I suggest adding :
*If Player is moving and
*******************Right Arrow is pressed then
------------> Set animation to "RunningRight"
*******************Left Arrow is pressed then
-------------> Set animation to "RunningLeft"
Thanks for the fast response!
Well I tried adding "right arrow is press then do //" and it does work until I do up + right at the same time, but the problem is it gives no animation when travelling in that direction (North East - up+right) and I have no idea how to set an animation for (up+right) lol
I got the same result when doing "left arrow is pressed then do //"
So essential what I am trying to do is have all 8 directional movements using only these two animations "Running" & "RunningBack"