Yes, see this page (scroll to the end)
Try remote preview in Chrome on PC, you can resize the Chrome window to match the iphone screen, or simulate various mobile devices. If this doesn't happen on PC, then maybe the issue is with the browser on your phone.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Create a line sprite or TiledBackground with origin point at the left.
Set line position to point A.
Set line angle towards point B.
Set line width to distance(PointA.x, PointA.y, PointB.x, PointB.y)
Did you mean layer or layout?
The only way I know how to check if a layout with a certain name exist, is to try switching to it, and then check after a delay if the current layout has changed. Here is a screenshot from one of my games:
You can use a blend mode - see "Blend Modes" example in C3.
Here is a workaround using a Drawing Canvas
Two sprites are touching, this is enough to register overlapping/collision.
The easiest solution is to resize the collision polygon - reduce it by 1 px.
What information do you want to save, and why does it need to be in JAR format?
If by "JAR extension" you mean Java Archive, then you will need to use some external library or addon to save files in this format.
I prefer searching with google, try these searches:
"enemy box" enemy box inurl:enemy inurl:box
I don't know your game, but you can probably check box position relative to the door - if it's above the door, move it with the door or even pin to the door.
Another option is to do all this with Physics, but this may turn out even more difficult.
Well, you'll need to program that.
When closing door collides with the box, check which direction the box can or cannot fly. Then either launch the box in that direction, or stop the door.
You made a typo in the key name - "Array_Scores" and "ArrayScores"
Do you mean a visible cone of view? Check out these two demos:
Solid behavior will not help here - it only works with certain behaviors like 8direction or Platform. It will have no effect if you move the door by directly changing its position.
I would probably use MoveTo or Tween for the door movement. But you'll need to add events which to check for collision or overlapping with the box. And when the door collides with the box, stop it.
That's because after the "wait" action loopindex gets reset to 0.
You need to do something like this: