dfyb's Forum Posts

  • <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/head_progress.jpg">

    currently working the head -- trying to find nice muscle lines for the face. still requires more work, and i've obviously not added the details yet.

    Wait a 'her'...does that mean we have female users ?

    i've been telling her to, but i don't think she's even downloaded Construct yet

    i'll bet i end up doing almost all the code for the game.

  • seems to work for me

    edit: i'm on XP SP2

    i can test on a vista machine tomorrow

  • It's correct it counts as two objects: one object is the object itself, and the behavior counts as another object (because the runtime actually instances an object for the behavior). I guess I could exclude behaviors from the count if you think that's useful?

    any way to just make counting behaviors optional?

  • i just tried it and i only have one object count per bullet... sure you don't have duplicate event?

    edit: that was using Sprite.Count for the bullet -- it correctly counts 1 per bullet.

    TotalObjects counts 2 per object (each bullet was 2, but the thing spawning bullets was also 2...)


  • http://ichi2.net/anki/

    wow. i just found my new favorite piece of software.

    (I study Japanese too, btw. Actually... Japanese is my main subject. I'm going to be a translator.)

    japanese is my minor

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  • just realized the inability to display japanese characters also rules out my idea to create a flash card application in construct to help my studies (i'd release it to the public, too)

    it'd be too much work to use images for all that

  • I'll be updating this thread as development continues. The goal is to create a game in the vein of megaman, metal slug, and contra -- but it will be very intense in comparison. We'll be throwing tons of stuff at the player, but also giving them the tools and abilities to deal with it all. The team includes myself and another artist.

    Here's her current working character concept:

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/christina_concept.jpg">

    Here's a character concept I recently started modeling (these models will be turned into 2D sprites):

    http://dfyb.wordpress.com/2008/10/05/ea ... character/

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/pirate_gunner_concept.jpg">

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/pirate_gunner_early_progress.jpg">

    I'll keep this thread updated on progress with the art and progress of the game itself. I'm still building the game's infrastructure at the moment, so there's not much to post in terms of an alpha version or anything.



    Aaaagh! Don't do this, use the AppPath expression to load it from the same directory as the application! There's never any need to force people to put files in a fixed directory! (Sorry, pet peeve)

    i was hoping there'd be a feature like this (as i would never want to release something without it), i just didn't know about it

    edit: got it working. thanks

    [quote:2bc1zjda]to the devs: any idea if you'll support japanese (unicode?) characters in the future? i tried it from .ini files and from .html files and neither let me display japanese characters.

    Hmm, not sure if we can do it soon. It's a bit late really - we didn't start off with support for unicode, so it'd be a lot of work going through Construct's code changing it. Maybe for a version 2 type thing...

    i was hoping it'd be able to be implemented through a seperate object or something, but that isn't the case? i'd like to have my games be in both english/japanese, but as i don't plan on having tons of dialog (at least in my first game project), i guess i could just do it through images. also, the japanese indie game scene is pretty big -- if at all possible, i think it'd be worth having construct be more viable to them (i think displaying japanese characters is a bigger issue than the actual interface being in english or japanese -- i think they could get around an english interface, but they'd still want to make games their friends could play).

    edit: i'm still curious if there's someway to do "line_" + global('line') to get line_1, etc. using text as an output (after unsuccessful tests calling .ini items):

    "line_" + global('line') -- this produces "line_"

    global('line') + "test" -- this produces only the number from the 'line' variable - eg "1"

    "line_" + global('line') + "test" -- this produces "line_test" (ignoring the 'line' variable)

    [quote:2bc1zjda]also, in order to allow you to click a button and go to the "next" line, i had to name the items plain numbers (1, 2, 3, etc) and set text as INI.ItemString("dialog1", global('line')). originally i had them named "line_1" etc, and tried to set text as INI.ItemString("dialog1", "line_"global('line')) -- is there a way to do that (to have a mix between text in quotes and calling a value)?

    it'd be useful for things like "there are # balls in view" without having to use more than one text object.

  • well i beat it


    it's too easy. make it increase speed every bounce, like other breakout games. and i would remove the randomness from the ball, as sometimes it will bounce strangely. also, you could click any time and relaunch the ball without penalty.

    i like the falling concept though.

  • i'll have an example cap in a second. but it seems construct can't display japanese characters





    i built mine so you could change languages on the fly, but you could easily have it to where you only change languages in the options or at the start.

    to the devs: any idea if you'll support japanese (unicode?) characters in the future? i tried it from .ini files and from .html files and neither let me display japanese characters.

    also, in order to allow you to click a button and go to the "next" line, i had to name the items plain numbers (1, 2, 3, etc) and set text as INI.ItemString("dialog1", global('line')). originally i had them named "line_1" etc, and tried to set text as INI.ItemString("dialog1", "line_"global('line')) -- is there a way to do that (to have a mix between text in quotes and calling a value)?

    it'd be useful for things like "there are # balls in view" without having to use more than one text object.

  • I like the music on this one O.O its like wierd but I donno cool.

    sounds like it came from one of Satoshi Kon's animations (Paprika or Paranoia Agent)

  • ...it's a spider from the google search engine. phpbb3 recognizes it and makes it look like a user... for no other reason other than letting you know google is checking out the page for their search engine results. it's all automated.

  • great so far!

    what 3D software do you use?

  • does text to speech work for anyone? i get nothing...

  • pretty neat but still a bit too transparent (in that you can see how it works and it doesn't really look like a flamethrower).