Very slick looking sprites, man. I love the whole color scheme too, it's **** as hell. Your combo attack seems pretty solid, too.
The one thing I don't like is the control scheme. It seems kinda clumsy to me. I suppose in a future with customizable controls though, this won't matter.
As for technical things, I've got three crits... one you can fix, and two that aren't your fault.
First off, I get the No Disk error bug when I open the game. Does anyone know what's causing that yet? Anyway, not your fault.
Second, the background tile for the mountain tops separates from it's base:
<img src="">
Again, not your fault.
Third, the character suffers from "Leftitis." When holding both A and D, he runs to the left instead of standing still. Not a huge problem, but it does look weird, and could cause problems for the player in tight situations. This can be fixed with events, by adding an inverted "Control is down" in the opposite direction for that event:
+Control "Move left" is down
+NOT Control "Move right" is down
-Do stuff
Anyway, it looks really sweet. Awesome job, keep up the good work