Action Adventure Game

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  • I think higher-res graphics are suited to Construct more so than pixel art based games.

    just because its pixel art doesnt mean it cant be shmexy.

    blobber uses hand pixeled sprites and graphics

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  • I think higher-res graphics are suited to Construct more so than pixel art based games.

    Not true. Just because construct has the power to support high-res gfx, it doesn't mean that pixel art is obsolete. construct is even better for pixel art games. (well until they get that 2x scaling, (I DONT WANT GLITCHY ZOOM! ) i geuss you can still complain a bit.)

    everyone makes high-res stuff with contruct just because its easier

    i'm working on a pixel art game atm, and its really coming along nicely.

  • Not really used to the control mapping, but other than that it's very impressive. I realized your character's jump height is determined by how long the jump key is pressed. Is that custom made or is it a platforming option which I've overlooked?

    I'm really looking forward to see what becomes of this! That screenshot a few pages back looks beautiful. Keep us updated!

  • your character's jump height is determined by how long the jump key is pressed.

    Jump sustain.

    edit: See screenshot

    <img src="">

  • Is that custom made or is it a platforming option which I've overlooked?

    Yup, stainsor answered it. I did make my own jump sustain though since I set the platform behavior to ignore input. If you need to do that, just make a timer variable that counts down to 0, and keep jumping until the jump button is released or the timer hits 0.

  • Sweet! I was planning on making a custom one, since I thought it wasn't implemented in the Platform behaviour, but I guess there's no need for that. This saves me a lot of time.

    Thank you both!

  • Man, I'd love to take a look at your cap file to see how you handled the combo system and the dialog boxes!

  • Love the artwork style .

    Please do make a game out of this .

  • Man, I'd love to take a look at your cap file to see how you handled the combo system and the dialog boxes!

    The chat is pretty easy to do. I did make my own system, but I'm redoing it now that there's a Timeline object. Check out this thread: . It covers pretty much everything. To change the picture of the person talking, just set one of the parameters to the name of the person and change the picture sprite accordingly.

    I don't want to release my whole cap (it's also pretty messy), but I'll see about making a combo system tutorial.

    Please do make a game out of this .

    Thanks Rich, I'm trying!

  • Hiya Louis, I know it's been awhile, but I'm just jumping in the fray... did you ever do that combo tutorial? Would be greatly appreciated by myself and the community I'm sure


  • No sorry I haven't done a tutorial for it. I'll see if i can put one together now that you reminded me of this.

    I did have a cap file in this thread: though I seemed to have deleted it. If anyone has that file and could post it or send it to me, I'll put it back up.

  • Thx Louis! I'm prototyping a game along these lines, and it'll help me immensely.


  • I have an example now posted in this thread. I'm still working on tutorial that will focus on just the fighting elements, but hopefully this example will help you out too.

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