desjardins2014's Forum Posts

  • Few Changes Made to Graphics and Scoring... Hope You Like

  • Hey -

    I exported using the kongregate setting and it shoots out the same file structure as any other options and kongregate is asking for a swf, html5 file.... I have several files and folders that were created.. I have uploaded these on my site for testing but how do I get this uploaded for kongregate?

  • Feed Back Appreciated.... Finally finished something I can call a game,... lol tell me what you think and post your score

  • I'm using a simple random(1,10) assuming i would get a single number and I'm getting 1.1254512 in that format??? why?

  • Hey guys I got a count down timer taking DT time into effect I get however 35.0000000000 and counts down how can I trim it to just be the 35 and count down??

  • Right I want to build it like this IF ($level == "one") {$speed = 300 } elseif ($level == "two") {$speed = 350} elseif ($level = "three") {$speed = 380} ext ext

    this type of string can get huge trying to think of a better alternative to check players level and change some speed var of bullet effects....

  • are IF statments available in free version cause I don't see the option to use them in the list of options... thanks

  • how do I mark this thread solved?

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  • Oh Perfect Hornet thank you - I was playing with that pick UID but wasn't using right,.. thanks alot

  • here hope this helps...

  • ok issue two figured out.... just need to figure out a way to destroy instances of previous sprites when a new one is created using the UID stored in the var after it was created the first time

  • So in the event the player restarts, dies past all lives the level can simply be reset and all assets tied to it will reset also... just use system -> restart layout

  • not sure I understand correctly - you have a coin that a player gets it offers points ext and disappears.... correct? why do you want to bring it back when the level is complete...?

  • I have attached a capx for viewing... here the two things I'm attempting to figure out

    1) how I can utilize the store UID of the last sprite created to destroy it

    2) WHY when I click around does my tank not face me I have the pivot point center and setting angle toward hotspot

    any ideas here?? I notice the misc action to target object by uid but can't destroy it using that option...

  • Hey guys quick question - I have an sprite being created when I click the mouse I'm capturing the UID of that object as the last one created and I'm trying to figure out how to on creation of a new one to first destroy the old one so that there is only ever one instance on screen... I have the uid of the last one made just cant seem to see where I can pick what to destroy?