need some math that will create an object at random time intervals in randome locations... tried random(window.height,window.width) but that didn't work
Can someone point me toward a tut on having the enenmy shoot at me when I'm close to him... the way I have it working he shoots 100000 bullets while I'm close to him
well I did what you added in the on moving and it dont work for me did you make changes to anything else?
ohh thank you - thats perfect.... thanks bruno
Attached capx for viewing
Ya but it needs three params degree, x and y so what degree would always point in it's motion path?? does that make sense if he moving right I want him to point right and so on
Hey guys / Gals
Trying to get a tank to point in the right direction when using the pathfinding.. right now he just moves along the path in an awkward way - how can I have it set it angle depending on what way it's facing???
stop the timer when it reaches the point in time that you move forward and record that value in a var
Oh thats perfect thank you soo much..... PS how do I close this thread and mark it solved?
trying to simply have a 32X32 block created on mouse click and have it SNAP to the 32x32 grid and the next block placed if close to the first would snap to the grid beside it...
There was a post i can't find now that showed a picture of how the x and y axis work in construct anyone know where that is... or can show me again...
what you mean
"I think "Set isClimbing to True" on the Up Arrow events should be toggle isClimbing instead."
This is what I have right now and the player climbs ladders fine - however when moving down the stairs he isn't looping the animation of moving while when moving up the ladder animation plays fine... am I missing something or can anyone see something wrong?
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I use the platform with non standard controls. I use a variable to toggle the enemy direction - here is an example you can get the idea.