Oh, lovely, merely trying to change directions through events is a chore.
You just gotta get your angles right
Anyway, with a player sprite that can turn 360 degrees, perhaps a different approach is needed?
Some of you may remember Vert, the game I was working on where you could turn the screen and the player any which way. Here's how I did the player sprite so as to make things a LOT easier when it comes to calculating angles: linky
Instead of making both 0 and 180 degree animations under a "Run" animation, I made ALL of the sprite frames face 0 degrees and split animations up based on Left or Right. Here you can see I just flipped it for the runLeft animation: linky
He can face Left or Right at any angle, not just 0 and 180. Having only one angle in your animation means that you can spin it freely rather easily. And to change "directions" from left to right, you gather input in a pv and do like so:
+ Control "Move Right" is down
-> Set Player.Value('facing') to "Right"
+ Control "Move Left" is down
-> Set Player.Value('facing') to "Left"
+ Player is moving
-> Player.Sprite: Set animation to "run" & Player.Value('facing')
It was also a lot easier calculating angles in my events because I could do it all from 0, I didn't have to add or subtract 90 degrees to compensate for the player sprite's default angle. Something to think about, anyway.
And yeah I do plan on finishing this game some day, but it broke like crazy a few builds ago and I pretty much have to redo the whole thing from scratch so I might as well just wait for 1.0.