deadeye's Forum Posts

  • [quote:g1kptl76]Also which physics engine is Construct using?

    Newton Game Dynamics,

    Construct is using a 3D physics engine? If I may ask, what was the reason behind choosing this particular engine?

    Also, would it be possible with this engine to make a per-pixel collision mask? I'm thinking for curved surfaces and such.

  • Hell yeah! The dreaded opening-the-picture-editor-a-bunch crash is GONE.

    Thank you thank you thank you.

  • Just do this:

    +On collision between AlphaSprite and OmegaSprite

    +AlphaSprite is on layer OmegaSprite.Layer

    -Do stuff

    Easy peasy.


    Hmm, doesn't quite work if the sprites are set to Solid. But it works fine otherwise. Maybe a setting for this is in order after all, it could be useful.

  • Yep, clicking Run All or Run Layout does nothing. There isn't even a stalled process in the task manager.

    I can export exe's though.


    Also, double-clicking a .cap to open it leaves something called TempUpdate.txt in the folder where the .cap resides.

  • Holy changelog, Batman! You've been busy.

    Thanks for all your hard work, Ashley.

  • Click this (in the Project tab):

    <img src="">

    Be sure to name your layouts (i.e., LevelOne, LevelTwo, etc.)

    To switch layouts at runtime, such as when you touch the teleporter, do this in the Event Sheet Editor:

    +On collision between Player.Sprite and Teleporter.Sprite

    -System: Go to layout "LevelTwo" with transition "None" lasting 0 MS

  • That is strange.

    Try using Add Force instead of Set Velocity.

    You can limit it by using System->Compare->Player_Phys->Physics->Get Velocity X Component and Get Velocity Y Component so you're not constantly adding force.

  • Facepunch stole them from Something Awful.

    No biggie, I think facepunch is run by an SA goon anyway.

  • Was that a complete peice of carcasm, an Apple II?

    I wasn't being sarcastic, I was being sardonic. "No offense," but your previous post seemed rather lacking in regard for Ashley's hard work.

    Well i would just like to thank you for actually considering it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />.

    I agree it would be a lot more work for you to initially maintaine ports since the engine is still undergoing quite some work.


    Many thanks.

    See now, that's much more understanding <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />

  • I'd like to run Construct on my Apple IIe. I'm sure you'll get right on that. Thanks, Ash.

  • Gah! Damn you, Pixel Shader 2.0!

    This game looks cool, but I can't play it. I really wish I'd gotten the new 3D card I asked for for Christmas <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

  • You can do it with physics objects:

    Attan made a demo of one here:

  • I experience a new crash!

    When I just open the picture editor three times, it crashes. If I open the editor by double-clicking on a sprite, a normal windows crash message appears. If I open the editor clicking on a frame in the animation bar it first shows error message "R6025 -pure virtual fuction call", then "picture editor crashed, please report this to scirra" and then normal windows crash message.

    This crash makes using construct pretty much impossible, or uncomfortable, at least. Please fix it quickly :/.

    Edit: Does anybody else experience this? I just thought 'cause nobody has been talking about this crash and it's pretty obvious.

    I still get this every time, only instead of opening the editor three times, I can open it ten times before it crashes.

    I have no idea what's causing it, and apparently Ashley has made a fix that fixes it for some people, but I still get the crash every time. I keep hoping with each new release it'll be fixed <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • ...when i write

    Sprite 2: Create hinge to "sprite 1" image point "point" with Stiffness 99

    It becomes

    Sprite 2: Create hinge to "sprite 1" with stiffness "point"

    I can confirm this, I've had the same problem.

  • I'd like to see:

    • Get collisions for physics objects
    • A "None" setting for physics object collision types

    I had another suggestion but I've been sick with the flu and I'm all doped up on NyQuil and I can't think of it right now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />