deadeye's Forum Posts

  • I will never understand how people can make their games look so damn pretty when they only have 24 hours to make the entire game.

  • From the wiki:

    FormatDecimal(number, N)

    Returns a string with number given to N decimal places, eg. FormatDecimal(5.7777, 2) gives 5.78

    So it would be FormatDecimal(global('Score Level 1'), 2)

  • Just to clarify, the Trigger Once condition works in conjunction with other conditions in the event. If they are all true, then Trigger Once will allow the actions to take place during that tick. After that tick, if the other conditions remain true, Trigger Once will not allow the actions to take place.

    Trigger Once resets when one or more of the other conditions in your event becomes false, so next time they are all true it will trigger again.

    Using a Trigger Once all on it's own as a condition is basically the same as using a Start Of Layout condition... it will trigger on the first tick, and then never again after that.

  • You might want to get in touch with Candescence. He's been working on and off on a Sonic engine for a while now, and probably has more practical knowledge of that sort of stuff than anyone else around here.

    His profile:

  • its 3d shapes sorted in with the sprites

    Oh, those are 3d boxes and stuff? Okay then . At first glance I thought it was all pixel art, I was fooled by the pixelly edges.

  • Oh, that... yes that is in the changelog. I'm not sure how that would help, but I'm a bit lost in this thread

    As for what orthogonal view does, it is still a 3d view, it's just that all perspective information is reduced to a 2d plane, so far away objects appear at the same size as their close-up counterparts.

    And yes, that three-quarter isometric style is a type of orthogonal view, but since Quazi is faking the 3d space by doing his own depth sorting on 2d sprites then, again, I'm not sure if or how an orthogonal camera would help.

  • I wouldn't worry about it too much. looks like someone brilliant added a little surprise for the next build.

    They did? I see nothing in the next changelog.

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  • This game does look really pretty. Unfortunately I don't have my 360 any more

  • Not a bad start.

    I agree with Minor, there needs to be a way to recover your position after hitting a wall. How about you very slowly over time move back towards the center of the screen? Or perhaps there could be special pickups here and there that you can jump and collect that will give you a momentary boost back towards the center of the screen...?

    Also, "Hit R to Restart" should start a new level immediately instead of going back to the menu.

    This was hard to play because of Sticky Keys. If you could change the jump button to the Up Arrow, or some other key, it would make me a very happy person.

    Any PC gamer worth their salt will turn off Sticky Keys

  • how to get second object(objectB) in "is Overlapping (advance)"

    + System: Green (Pick) and Blue (Pick) are overlapping[/code:3juau27c]
    In "is Overlapping (advance)", it can pick two object( objectA= Green, objectB = Blue). 
    I can't identify objectA and objectB in action if I use the same object in event like that
    [code:3juau27c]+ System: ball (Pick) and ball (Pick) are overlapping[/code:3juau27c]( objectA= ball, objectB = ball)
    Here is my test cap file

    If you want to detect collision between two objects, and get the UID of each of those objects separately without using the Family Trick, then you can do so with this method: ... orting.cap

    It's a little more complicated, but it doesn't use families or advanced overlapping.

    It does use some global and private variables to keep track of which objects are being sorted during collision though. Anyway, I commented it so have a look, and if you have any questions feel free to post them.

    Also... there seems to be a bit of a bug where multiple collisions are registering at once for the same two objects colliding. You could add some events to make sure that only one collision is registered to compensate for that. BUT it is getting the UIDs of either colliding object correctly.

    Also, the way it's set up right now, the object with the lowest UID will always show up first in the output list. This is due to sub-event #9, which assigns the order in a loop based on UID ascending. You can change the way the balls are selected to make that more random if you need to.

    Anyway, hope this helps.

  • I tried to watch it but apparently it's not avaible to view in britain.

    Oh, the irony

    I thought they showed the Daily Show in Narnia... weird that they wouldn't allow you to see the videos for it.

  • I saw on the Daily Show that something like 80% of Brits didn't give a toss about the wedding. That was apparently quoted from an Australian newspaper though.

    The video in question: ... -in-london

    Favorite quote -

    Man on Street: *long string of curses*

    John Oliver: "Having said that, it's a magical day and we're all looking forward to it, right mate?"

    Man on Street: "No."

    Anyway I've just realized I myself have become mired in this royal obsession through the simple act of trying not to be... perhaps it's best if I just go back to ignoring it

  • Right, yes. I did what you just said, and the result was as you say, the height is wrong.

    The original reply I made in this thread will fix that issue, because the Set Client Width and Height will ensure that the viewable area of the window is exactly the size you designate.

    As for toggling the caption and frame at runtime, no you still won't be able to do that, at least not yet.

  • Yep, I realized that after posting that reply. I'm just going to go ahead and lock this thread, it's ancient history.