deadeye's Forum Posts

  • > Okay




    Do you like spelunky? Never tried it myself.

    It's very hard!

  • Deadeye and I had one of these before, but we didn't post our games because we didn't want new users to think construct sucked xD

    Good times

    I do still have a copy of "Treehuntin" but I can't remember who made it.

  • That's... really friggin sweet

  • I know what to do!!!

    I think that would work well with my end-of-event divider:

    <img src="">

  • I vote for all of them.

  • Ladder Man

    Made in under 30 minutes.

    Move left/right with arrows, shift to jump. Push up to climb ladders.

    Get to the trophy at the top to win, but don't touch the scary ghots

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Maybe an eyeball icon somewhere? Or discreet dashed lines where the comments should be...?

  • As far as I know you can't rotate bumpmaps. You can use heightmaps, I believe. Or, turn rotation off for your object.

    If you can't turn rotation off for whatever reason then make your physics object invisible, then have your bumpmap as a separate object and "Always -> Set position to another object (physicsball)"

    Or something like that.

    Edit: Heh, beat Rich by mere milliseconds

  • There should be some indicator that they're hidden though, but I agree, toggling comments would be nice. Sometimes it's a lot easier to read events with no comments in the way.

  • To get a "dangling" effect you will need to chain several objects together either with hinges or spring force, and yes it can be done. There are a couple examples floating around the forum somewhere.

  • If you set opacity to 0 the object still exists, and is still processed by the GPU.

    If you "Set visible" to invisible, it still exists, but is no longer processed by the GPU.

    The Destroy on Startup attribute is the most efficient way to get rid of any objects that you don't need right away, you can always spawn or create them later at runtime.

  • This thread is not about Quaziblobs . It's about Loco Roco style blobs that move and deform with physics.

    I got close last night but I have a feeling I'm not using physics spring force correctly. David has a Tower of Goo example that shows spring force in action, and the structures are pretty sound. But my blob loses cohesion very quickly. ... t/blob.cap

    If you run it the nodes just spaz out all over the place. If you bump up the mass on the nodes to 200 or more, they stick together better, but a mass of 200 is much too high for the springs to support the weight and the blob sags into a pile of mush. But at least then you can see they are connected properly.

  • That's a cool looking explosion

    For some reason though the gravity on the smoke seems reversed :/

    Right now it sorta floats downward. Changing it to 200 instead of -200 will make it float upwards. Which seems kind of odd.

  • Works pretty well.

    Just an fyi:

    Interesting to see a different method used though

  • Anway, keep those sumbissions coming guys! I hope to make it to the 100 weapons mark at LEAST!
