30 min game compo entry, hangman.
Theme was retro 5 colour palette games.
Avoidan Game, with regen life
Press mouse buttons to move.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Ladder Man
Made in under 30 minutes.
Move left/right with arrows, shift to jump. Push up to climb ladders.
Get to the trophy at the top to win, but don't touch the scary ghots
Jump over spikes and shoot,... well you know all over enemys with z and shift
r to restart
turn it off with alt-f4 (newt!!!)
1hr, overtime, but not much to show for it:
just cruising.
cursor keys.
Finally got the right one of mine up.. should all be dandy now.
I vote for all of them.
damn i wanna play, can i still join?
So that's what you guys were talking about in chat this morning! I wandered in late.