deadeye's Forum Posts

  • You don't have to use lerp. You could move the scroller however you want. You could also zoom in a different manner if you wish. This is just one way of doing it, to show that it can be done.

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  • Here you go ... riends.cap

    Doesn't seem to work. It just zooms towards the center rather than the object.

    Set the layout properties to Unbounded Scrolling.

  • Here's my wallpaper on my 3 boxes:

    Hi there

    Your post contained spam advertisement links for a wallpaper site, so I did you a favor and removed them. I'm sure it was a simple mistake on your part.

    Since the images were hotlinked to the same site, I did you a favor and uploaded them to TinyPic. Wouldn't want to waste that site's bandwidth now, would we? I'm so thoughtful.

    I also went ahead and removed the questionable images of nekkid women butts... again, a simple mistake to make. You can thank me later.

    You're welcome to stay and try out Construct if you like. That is, if you have a computer that runs Windows.

    Oh, and don't post any more spam, thanks in advance

  • Tiled Background objects can scroll their contents using the "Set Image Offset" action. You can make a scrolling starfield pretty easily with that. You can even make a starfield with depth by layering different Tiled BGs and setting their offsets at different rates.

    You have to make sure that your textures are a power of 2 to scroll the offset in a Tiled BG though.

  • Thanks for your answers.


    How can I move the player in a non absolute way? Like this: "current position in Y" +1. It seems that I can only type in an absolute number in the "Set Y"

    You mean "Set Y to Player.Y + 1?" You write that pretty much in the manner you described. Check out the wiki on expressions. You can get an expression for an object by typing "objectName." in the expression editor. After you type the "." a dropdown list will pop up and show you all the expressions that you can retrieve for the object. Alternately, you can double-click an object in the lower pane of the editor and pick one of the Get's. Like, for instance, "Get Y."

    As for your other issue:

    First, "On any key pressed" is a trigger, you can't really negate it. "On key pressed" triggers ONE time in the first tick that you press a key. "Key is down" triggers every tick that the key is down.

    Second, you're detecting the object below the player's feet with the offset, yes? Then you only need to set the offset in the Y axis. So your condition would read "Player overlaps house at Offset (0,3)"

    You might want to rework your events so they read like so:

    + Player: Is falling
    + NOT Player: Is overlapping Solid at offset (0,3)
      -> Sprite: Set animation to Falling
    + Player: Is Jumping
    + NOT Player: Is overlapping Solid at offset (0,3)
      -> Sprite: Set animation to Jumping
    + Player: Is overlapping Solid at offset (0,3)
       + Player: Is walking
          -> Set animation to "Running"
       + Else
          -> Set animation to "Standing"
    Also, this probably isn't going to be the end of the issue.  I can tell you now that getting a platform object and it's sprite to look 100% good on a teeter-totter is probably going to be a chore.  It's going to likely require a lot of custom events with advanced math to place the objects and set their angle in relation to the platform.  Special circumstances require special solutions, and what you're doing is a bit beyond the scope of the platform behavior.
  • I hope this this is simple enough for your mind.

    This kind of stuff really isn't necessary. Let's keep things civil, please.

  • You should be able to make your own scanlines pretty easily with a Tiled Background of some gray lines and some shader effects. You can even get color bleed with effects like Separate, or Blur + Overlay, or... well, lots of different combinations of shaders. Just play around with them, you can make some neat effects.

  • First off, if you're trying to make some sort of trail for your bullets, you should use particles instead of plasma. Plasma is much more GPU intensive than particles, and since your bullets are just going to zoom off anyway you won't really see the trail effect. Also, Plasma objects animate within the bounding box so moving them around quickly sort of defeats the purpose. You can make some good trail effects with particles, just play around with them a bit.

    Second, you need to TimeDelta your bullets (check the wiki), or use Bullet Behavior. You're moving them at a set number of pixels per tick, and this means that your game will run at different speeds on different machines.

    Third, when you have two objects in a container, you only need to create ONE of them... the other one is created automatically. So you can just do this:

    - Create object Bullet
    	[li]Set object BulletTrail position to Bullet[/code:jol23xug][/li]
    This will create both the bullet and the trail, and set the trail in the proper place.
  • 1- When the two bars are at the middle, and when the game begins the ball should hit to exactly middle of the bars. It should go 0 to 180 degree angles like a line. Instead of this, It goes random and finally goes out. I put the ball and the bars to the middle of screen, but didn't change.

    Set the Ball randomness to 0 in the behavior properties. It will still be a little, tiny bit random. Not much you can do about that.

    [quote:8tcv97sh]2- When the ball goes out and adds the score, readytext becomes visible and ball comes to the center, as in the event sheet editor. But, when we hit start, ball continues to its last path. Instead of this, it should have start with a 0 degree (if player 2 wins) or with a 180 degree (if player 1 wins) angle. How can I do such a thing? I tried "change angle" but it changes the angle of picture, not the movement path.

    When creating an action for the Ball, switch to the Ball Behavior tab in the New Action window. You will find the Ball Behavior action "Set angle of motion."

    [quote:8tcv97sh]3- How can we create an event something like "if (ball == destroyed) { ball = atthecenter; }". I see there are some conditiouns like "is visible", "on collision with another object", but I didn't see a "is destroyed" condition. Is there a method to do such thing?

    Use the System condition "Compare" against the number of balls:

    System: Compare: Ball.Count Equal to 0[/code:8tcv97sh]
    .Count is an expression that you can use for just about any layout object.
    To create a new ball when the old one is destroyed, you can use the System action "Create object."
    [quote:8tcv97sh]4- Is there an easy method to create a "theme" feature? I get an idea something like creating objects for each theme like Bat1a for first theme, Bat1b for second theme, Bat1c for third theme... etc, and when the user selects a theme (for example the second theme), program would assign every object for the theme (for example Bat1 = Bat1b, Bat2 = Bat2b, Ball = Ball2b...). But it seems a bit long way. So I wonder if there is an easier way for this.
    Make each part of your theme a different frame in it's sprite animation.  So when you change to Wood theme or Metal theme or whatever, set all of your game object's animation frames to the corresponding theme.
  • The enemy's hitbox is moving because it's a platform object and you haven't disabled it. The droid isn't lining up with the droidbox because you haven't told it to. Those are commands that are in your droid's ai sheet, which you haven't included... so it makes sense that they wouldn't follow them.

    And yeah, when I include your event sheet I get the crash too. Honestly, I have no idea why it's crashing. It's doing the exact same thing as before. It really shouldn't be crashing, but it is...

    I get this error when I debug it:

    <img src="">

    Action 1 of event 2 is the action to spawn a droidbox. (It says instance 2 of 2 because I made a copy of droidspaw.) You're going to have to report this as a bug, I guess. I don't know what's up.

  • One comment I will make though is that sometimes the tutorials seem like they are made for people to grasp some ideas, but then assume that the users can think for themselves in an environment that is completely alien to them.

    Disclaimer from the first post in this thread:

    [quote:2lk6og1x]This is a series of tutorials aimed at novice Construct users. These tutorials assume you have a basic knowledge of the Construct IDE and event system. If you're totally new to Construct I recommend you go through the Ghost Shooter tutorial before starting Platform School. You can find the Ghost Shooter tutorial here.

    When I first started making these everyone said "You should do a completely noob-friendly tut with the very basics like how to add a sprite, etc. etc." I tried that, and it was really friggin boring. If I'd gone that route, these would never have been made. So yeah, I'm sorry they're not aimed at total beginners.

    I do see where I could elaborate on some issues (for instance, the Ghost Shooter tut doesn't cover global variables), and there have been a few things brought up by other users that show where I need to explain things a little more clearly, and those will be changed when the re-writes happen.

    As for your suggestions, yes, some of them will be in future lessons, and some of them won't be. For instance, I will be showing how to make a menu screen and how to add decorative elements like clouds, but no I won't be showing how to make the player cling to a ledge and climb up.

    But... I helped someone out with ledge climbing in Help/Tech a few days ago:

    It's just a prototype, and you'll have to work out how to do animation for it on your own, but there you go

  • Wow. When I'm working on something serious I make like five backups a day, at least. Usually it's more.

    Looks like you learned this lesson the hard way. Back up your .caps regularly! Or turn on Autosave! Losing work is no fun.

    Anyway, I was able to get your .cap to run by deleting that object, and a few others, but I can't recall which ones exactly. You're going to have to tinker around with it a bit to get it back into workable shape. You're probably going to lose some work, but at least it's not a whole month's worth.

  • First off, you need not be so literal when following my tutorial... you say you want to spawn "DoomBox" on layer "Main," but you have no Doombas and you have no "Main" layer . Why not call the hitbox for your droid "droidBox?" And you should tell the droids to spawn on, say, your "action" layer.

    That problem aside, I think the issue is that instead of just creating an event sheet to control your droids, you created a whole new blank layout and used that event sheet instead. I think there's some conflict with that blank layout.

    Delete the layout and event sheet, and start from scratch with a fresh sheet that's not attached to a layout. Hopefully that will fix it.

  • It's the 0Val_PlayerSpecial object. It gives this error when you click on it:

    Error in Private Variables!  The selected object type has 8 variables, but the selected instance has 7.  Please report this bug to Scirra![/code:oz9wdw0m]
    I have no idea how that problem happens in the first place though, you might want to do as it says and report the bug.
    I hope you have a backup you can work with.
  • Like so?

    I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it, but I just sort of threw it together.