deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Repeat just repeats a number of times, and you can only use a positive whole number.

    For can use positive/negative values. For instance, you can

    for x = -10 to 57


    for x = 4 to 90003

    The loop appears to only run forward though, so the end value has to be higher than the start value. Loopindex returns the current value, so if you start counting on 10 then the first loopindex is 10.

    It might be handy to add a Step to the For loop, as in BASIC, so you could do like so:

    for x = 1 to -10 step -1

    that way it would count backwards. Or you could do

    for x = 5 to 20 step 5

    and it would count in increments of 5.

  • [quote:1soorsad]He says he's waiting for the 1.0 release.

    A lot of people say that. It's all good.

  • You rotten thief!


    And you rotten post editor!

  • There's no harm in asking, but they do have the right to say they don't want to post their method.

    On the other hand, you also have the right to try to recreate it on your own, using your own methods and your own artwork. I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to figure out how an effect is made.

  • It's probably ReadyBoost. Google around and see what you can do about it, there's lots of info on the web with people having similar problems.

  • Made a spring bouncer but the problem is that my player's regular jump is now weaker although I didn't change the stats.

    Uh... yes, you did change the stats. Right here:

    <img src="">

    You have the default jump strength for the platform behavior set to 700. If you want it to stay 700, then you need to say "700" there instead of "450."

    Also, you see how you tell the platform behavior to Jump in event 2? That means when event 3 comes around, the player is no longer falling... it's jumping. So the event will not trigger. You need to not make a sub-event here. Do it like so instead:

    <img src="">

    This ensures that the event will trigger properly when the player falls onto the spring, and will activate the spring's animation.

    You also need to uncheck "Loop" for the spring's bounce animation for "On bounce finished" event to work.

    The game is coming along nicely, btw

  • From DAVID, hehe

    DAVID'S example of DAVID'S sun bloom effect was really nice, who ever heard of a Whine Engine anyway?

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  • I added the spring bouncer and it works but my player's regular jump strength is now lower, why is that?

    How could I possibly know?

    Someone would have to look at your .cap to see why that is. Same for the animation.

  • Done

    Ash, you should put the nominate link in the front page post with the image of the little robot guy, he's kinda cool looking.

  • Hi evgenia

    Just wondering why you'd bump an old thread with a completely unrelated post...

  • OOPS, just realized the wrong thing was saved to dropbox

    here it is

    the basis for setting custom keys (other link should work now as well)

    Holy... whoa

    Shows what I know

  • [quote:11de63j1]movement, acceleration and jump strength are all affected by crouched height, the strongest apparent effect being air x velocity, which is more or less halved if the player is standing

    Ah! I see now... and yes, it seems much, much more consistent when you know the rules .

    At any rate, I hope I didn't offend with my criticisms. I was just trying to give honest feedback.

    Also, I guess you were using the platform behavior? If so, there's no need to TimeDelta it, it's already TimeDelta-ed. It's the custom acceleration and such that you added with events (and the fact that you said you need to use TimeDelta) which lead me to believe this was a completely custom movement.

    You only really need to use TimeDelta if you're manually moving objects around by setting their x/y, without a behavior.

  • I believe setting custom controls at runtime is a goal for v1.0, but getting the value of a key, and comparing an arbitrary value to a keypress event are a bit different and would have other practical uses as well, so I say yeah, go ahead and make a request.

    That is, if it hasn't already been made. I'd search around a but first.

  • you can check if a key is down and don't need to remember a number, you can just choose which key

    He means he wants to use an expression to check which key is pressed, not just pick a herd-coded key from a drop-down list.

    And unfortunately, no, though it would be useful there's no way to check for dynamic key input yet (at least, not easily. You could create your own complex, custom workaround, however).

    I assume you're wanting some sort of custom controls setup, where you can store a key value in a variable and use that as a compare condition in an event?

  • Looks like a bug that needs to be reported.