deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Okay, that's the second time you've made that joke... the first time being that I made some kind of vector example as well. Am I missing something?

  • I'm afraid I really don't understand your movement. As near as I can tell, hanging off of ledges by the bits that stick out on the player's character is the only way to advance, which just looks odd to me. As it is now it just looks rather strange hanging by a ledge from a floating appendage that's separated from the main body... or by any part of your body other than your feet, really.

    The acceleration and jumping seem rather off, as well. Running back and forth on the same stretch of flat ground yields different results... sometimes the character picks up a lot of speed, sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes a jump is completed with full momentum, and sometimes the momentum is lost halfway through, cutting the jump short.

    The collision with the red flag object at the end of the level is pretty inconsistent as well. I assume that you're supposed to change direction in order to somehow chase the thing away, which I did eventually, but only through much trial and error. The rules just weren't very apparent, nor consistent, and they need to be at least one of those to work.

    It also crashed the first time I got to the second level, when the physics balls fall into the pool, because there are too many physics collisions for my computer to handle. But the second time I hit Ctrl-X really fast to get rid of them. And I guess your need to get your TimeDeltas into the game because I can't even jump high enough to get to the pool. The character just makes a puny little hop that doesn't even come close to the first ledge.

    It's going to take a lot of work to turn this into a solid game, and all I can say is keep at it.

  • I believe it has to do with the physics behavior you have on your platforms. Stretching a physics object messes up it's bounding box. It's a known issue.

    Anyway, somehow that's affecting collisions with your platform sprite too. I took physics off of your platforms (they don't appear to actually need it for anything) and it works fine.

    If you are going to use physics, then use unscaled objects (just connect several smaller boxes together to make long platforms. Or make the original size of your platforms, well, longer).

  • Here you go, in just one event (uses a family to aid in un-picking):

  • Yes, all the built in behaviors use TimeDelta.

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  • I guess in the end a simple flip of your character would cause as many problems as it solves.

    Eh, not necessarily. You could flip the player sprite, I just didn't .

    Remember, this is just how I do things. It's not necessarily the right or wrong way, but I do try to keep things simple and efficient. And if something is slightly less efficient but slightly more simple, I'm bound to lean towards the simple side. Sure, flipping the sprite would save on VRAM but for small, low-res sprites like this it doesn't really matter too much.

  • Hey, this has come a long way . Looking good.

    To the bugs:

    • I somehow managed to get past the solid boundary for the pantry without triggering the exit, and I couldn't get back into the pantry proper in order to exit the room:

    <img src="">

    • Z sorting issues:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    • The "Quit" option on the menu screen doesn't work, I have to Alt-F4 to exit.
    • There doesn't appear to be any way to exit the Credits screen once the credits are over.
    • If I Alt-Tab away from the program then return it crashes with an "Invalid texture referenced" message.
    • The "Look at something" pic and message text often times don't reset when you walk away from the object of interest.
    • The "what room this door goes to" text often shows the room you're currently in, rather than the room the door is going to.

    I've also come across several spelling and grammar errors, I suppose I could write them all down if you want.

    As for the game design itself, there are a couple of issues I have.

    • When the girls are having a conversation at the beginning, perhaps you should have a shot of them facing each other and talking. Having Anna looking away towards the player the whole time is a bit odd.

    Some of the events towards the beginning are a bit ambiguous.

    • Why would Anna's father get fired? Is he the caretaker of the manor? Does he have the keys? If they don't know where to find the keys at the beginning then how did they get the keys between the conversation and the manor? Perhaps add a line of dialogue that's something along the lines of "Just because my father is the caretaker doesn't mean we have free run of the place."
    • There is a loose board in the foyer, perhaps move that board to the place where the girls drop the key and make it more obvious that the key was dropped down the crack. Like, by saying "Oh crap, the key fell down the crack." "Nice going, dipshit." Or something like that
    • When Anna pushes Bell it's not really apparent that it's an accident. It just sort of looks like she intentionally did it. Change up the dialogue a bit to reflect this fact, perhaps something like so:

    Anna: You jerk, don't scare me like that!


    Bell: Whoa!


    *Anna looks down hole*

    Anna: Oh my god! Bell, are you okay?

    Bell: Yeah, I think so. Why did you push me?

    Anna: I didn't mean, to, I'm so sorry...

    Bell: Well, I think I'm stuck down here, you better come help me out...

    Anna: Okay, I'm on my way. Hang on.

    And every time after that Anna checks the dumbwaiter you get a message saying "I'd better hurry down there to help Bell..." or something like that.

    • Anna herself looks a bit, er.. well, like she has a lazy eye. I never noticed it before. But now that I see it I can't stop staring at her freaky eye. I know it'd probably be a pain to fix, but you'd really only need to fix the "facing downwards" animations, as they're the only ones where you see her face full-on. She just needs her pupils centered and it'll be fine.

    Anyway, I haven't gotten too far into it yet, I'll report back more later

  • From his Help/Tech thread.

    It's a good idea to let people know what the upload is for

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  • No, that's because there is a specific animation defined for 180 degrees. If there were no 180 animation, then the sprite would turn upside down.

  • The atmosphere is very nice in this game, but I'm not a big fan of the controls. They seem a little too laggy and unresponsive.

    I would love to see this broadened into more of a mission-based game with larger levels/goals. I think that would be sweet. Then again I guess I'm just not terribly big on "survive waves of enemies on a single screen" type games. I like feeling like I'm accomplishing something a little more tangible in games, but that's totally just my opinion.

    By the way, are these graphics yours? If so, they're pretty friggin badass

  • That's pretty awesome, the both of you

  • You need to include your event sheet in the Event Sheet Editor.

    Right click, setelct "Include Event Sheet" then pick your Animation events.

    You also have two "Right is down + NOT Left is down" conditions. Also, your 180 degree animations (for left) are empty. Oh, and your animation is way too fast .

    Otherwise your animation seems to work okay.

    Hope this helps.

  • Wow, that is complicated

    I think I'll stick to the 3D Box object. My brains don't math too good hurr *drools on self*

  • If you have questions about Platform School specifically (like if you want me to clarify something) go ahead and post here.

    If you need general help that's not directly related to PS, then post in Help/Tech.