deadeye's Forum Posts

  • This is in response to this thread.


    <img src="">

    I know it looks a little stretchy and sloppy, but it's just a proof of concept, and represents only an hour's work in total. With some tweaking and proper texture creation you could make some really good looking maps.

    Here's how I did it...

    First, I made my level with some tiles:

    <img src="">

    I took a couple of screenshots of the layout so I could have some reference images. Then I opened up the Mesh Editor tool that comes with v0.99.

    I added the screenshots to the mesh editor on the lower layer so I could line up my mesh properly, like so:

    <img src="">

    It's better to use the Load Image button in the Mesh Editor itself, that way your mesh will be properly sized for the sprite when you export it. If you edit the teapot sprite in the .cap to use the sprite you're making the mesh for, then your mesh will be the wrong size. I learned that the hard way, after making the top peninsula part (you can see it's not aligned pixel-perfect like the lower ground area if you run it with the background tiles visible).

    After editing the mesh I saved the mesh file and loaded it into my level. I did have to place the sprites by hand to line them up correctly, but I'm sure someone will think of some clever way to automate that process.

    Also, I believe you could probably conserve VRAM by using instances of the same sprite and assigning different meshes to each instance based on a private variable.

  • You could do something like this:

    <img src="">

    Make yourself a tileset. With a modular tileset like this, you could make just about any shaped terrain you wanted easily by snapping the pieces to the layout grid and rotating them as needed. Use the tileset for your collisions. Changing them around for level testing would be fairly simple.

    Then when your design is in place, and your level plays how you want, grab some screenshots and stick them in the mesh editor as a template. Then tweak your meshes so they fit over your tiles, save the meshes, and place them in your levels over the tileset pieces.

    Edit: ARGH, newt beat me to it

  • Hey, not bad. I was playing it for about a minute before I realized it was based off of Ghost Shooter, so I give you two thumbs up! Congrats, you've managed to fool someone who's seen more Ghost Shooter redressings than you care to know about )

    p.s. I hope this place is not the wrong one to submit this kind of question...

    Do like so:

    <img src="">

    That will make the ships fire every half-second.

  • That bling effect is nice and subtle, I like it

    Here's another (for v0.98.9):

    <img src="">

    Download: darkmatter.cap

    It uses Additive on the particles and Overlay on the layer, which gives it those weird, smoky edges.

    Note that this one won't look the same in 0.99 because it uses the old Overlay, which has been changed. (So don't toss out your old Overlay shader when you do the final switch to .99... save it and rename it something else. Even though it's not a proper, true-to-life Overlay, it can still do some cool stuff.)

  • played both, not so impressed

    That's because you have no soul

  • Here's something I found that was odd, but I don't know if it would necessarily qualify as a "bug" exactly...

    Check out my burst.cap (located in this thread).

    In v0.98.9 the swarm of sprites looks like this, all nice and evenly distributed:

    <img src="">

    But if you run it in v0.99 it looks all lopsided like this:

    <img src="">

    It's like the sprites are favoring the right side of the swarm, as though they're choosing to turn in that direction more often. It's kinda weird, but like I said I don't know if this is what you would call a bug, or what might have been changed in 0.99 to make it do that.


    Whoa, I just noticed there's actually a big difference in the way the images are rendered too. The 98.9 version looks more, er... compact. If that makes any sense. The 0.99 version definitely looks like the alpha on the additive sprites is spreading out more. Strange.

  • If you want that, why not just have 10 random images in a sprite animation and set them randomly? You'll use a HUGE amount less processing power and memory!!!

    Oh yeah, that's a good one too. I was thinking of an alternate method that placed objects using Erase effect to reveal portions of a large ground texture. But this way makes much more sense.

    Not to mention you could craft each of the 10 frames to line up with each other so there wouldn't be any seams to deal with.

  • He's making terrain that is very slightly randomly bumpy. We're working on a solution in chat that uses canvases.

  • You can do this with a canvas. There are a few examples of Worms-style games and even platformer stuff that use the canvas for dynamic terrain.

    Large canvases eat up VRAM like candy though, so you have to be careful. You might be able to make a system where the canvas follows the screen and pastes in your background items, then erases the "holes" that have been placed on another layer as sprites.

    I haven't really experimented with this kind of thing, though. Someone else may be able to help you out better

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  • Hmm, not sure.

    For physics, I think the answer is definitely yes.

    For other behaviors, I don't really know. It's not like the behavior knows whether or not you've put stuff into the game to collide with, so it's got to check for collisions. The question is, are the behaviors smart enough to skip that if you've selected "None" as the collision type? I suppose only a dev could answer that one, otherwise you could do some tests on your own.

    As for moving your own sprites around without behaviors, I'm pretty sure the only time they're checking for collision is when you tell them to in events, so it wouldn't really matter if you're not colliding them with anything.

  • > Their games always look great.

    > eah thats the problem with games nowadays.

    Um... have you actually played ICO or Shadow of the Colossus? They're two of the greatest games ever made, in every regard. Not just looks.

    And this one look very promising . I have no doubt it will be equally good, I trust that Team ICO knows what the hell they're doing.

    Too bad I don't have a PS3

  • So will this installation mess up or overwrite the previous version installed?

    No, just designate a different folder to install to.

  • Your image isn't working

    vvv Oh there is it. Looks good vvv

  • I agree with Davio, do what he said.

  • That's pretty sweet, and yeah I definitely see the potential

    I put a grass texture on the grass and it looked pretty badass. It's very accurate in regards to how it lines up with the Z sorted sprites.

    The overlap is kinda funky what with the player being always in front of the house and rocks, even if he's behind, but I'm sure that can be fixed easily.

    Good work