dazedangels's Forum Posts


    I didn't set the new HUD to parallax to 0% x 0%

    Thank you Thank You THANK YOU!!

    I've been going nuts for over an hour!!

    Thank You!!!!

  • I'm starting to think I may not understand how to use a boolean. Typically I use a global variable, I set them to 0 or 1 and everything works just ducky. This time I decided to use booleans true/false and everything seems to be hit or miss.

    On start of layout 'hasWon' and 'hasLost' are set to false and the sprites 'win' and 'loss' are set to invisible.

    When the player wins 'hasWon' is set to True, but the 'win' sprite doesn't become visible, same if the player loses.

    Am I misunderstanding the point of booleans? Or are my events wrong?

    Any help is appreciated.


  • ,

    YES!!! That's it!!

    Thank You!!!

    I am so excited - I'm starting a new game tonight.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  • ,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I'm still missing something.

    You said: "on start of layout + if layoutname = "Level 2""

    I have 'on start of layout'. I assume "+ if layoutname" is referring to a condition and that you're referring to the condition from your last comment "compare two values", yes?

    I go there and under 'value' I put: LayoutName = (is equal to)

    but when I try to type Level 2 and I get a syntax error.

    Am I over thinking or way off?

    Please don't give up on me, I know I'm close.

    Thanks again.

  • Well, you're probably going to think I'm being silly, but before I build the game I build a simple template.

    This template is setup so that it has 1 event sheet with local storage that remembers the levels the player has completed. Each level is a different layout. I have 15 different layouts that represent 15 different levels. They don't look different now, but they will when I build the game. All the sprites are on a sprite sheet so I can keep track of them.

    What I'm looking to do is to create a new challenge for every level. In this case I'm just looking to get the challenge buttons to show up on each level.

    I want to use just 1 event sheet for the game.

    So on level 2 I'm trying to make the sprite named challenge A appear and maybe blink. And then on level 2 I want to make challenge B appear and maybe have a sine behavior. Then on level 3 have challenge A sprite to have the sine behavior and challenge C sprite do something different.

    It's my way of learning, by doing. When I build the actual game I will have actual challenges, but this how I plan out the game and test it out.

    What I don't know is how to put on the event sheet: Only on level 2 do X and only on level 7 do Y.

    Here is a fresh copy of what I'm working with.


    Any help is appreciated.

  • I've never played pokemon, but by your description it sounds like when the player is overlapping another object or comes in contact with another object (the door) the player is teleported to another layout - I'm a close?

    If that's what you're looking for, there is a demo create to show you how to do that: howtoconstructdemos.com/a-system-of-doors-portals-to-travel-between-layouts

    Sorry, if I'm way off, I'm now too.

  • ,

    I may be seeing cracks of light ..... Each level has a different layout. The layouts are named level 1, level 2 and so on. Does that change the answer to my question?

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  • ,

    Thank you for your reply

    I thought it worked. I tried it again and it didn't.

    Can I get another hint please?

    The second level is named: Level 2, but I can't get that to go in there.

  • calminthenight,

    Thank you. I'll work on that tonight.

    I know how to get it to stop, but I can't think off the top of my head how I would get it going again. But I will figure that out tonight.

    Thanks again.

  • Is there away to specify layout X or level X in the event sheet.

    If every level is nearly the same, but every 5th level a new challenge is added. Is there away to say Level 5 do Y, then Level 10 start doing Z?

    There has to be away. I can't image there needs to be a specific event sheet for each level.

    Thank you.

  • calminthenight

    Thank you for the info.

    I think I figured it out, at least for the player. When the player comes out of the transport sometimes the phone is tilted to the side a bit so it's rematerializing (so to speak) inside the wall. This could be important information for future transporter operations (lol)

    Guess I'll be doing some MacGyvering to fix that.

    Thanks again.

  • C3 Reminds me of a genie in a bottle, no matter what you ask for you soon realize that it will never give you what you were expecting. lol


    Yes, the demo you made worked well, but the ball floated around no matter how tight I made the walls. I messed around with it for a bit but couldn't get it to be as accurate as the pacman demo.

    I'm using 'wait player.moveDuration seconds' to change the speed on different levels. I used it before to change the speed of a little race car game, guess I should figure something else out. I wonder if Start Timer would work better..... Mmm

    Thanks for the tip. Back to the drawing board.

  • Bpratt107

    Thank you for your reply.

    I posted an image of the setup below. The player is moved by titling the phone, that part works great.

    I removed the solid behavior from both the player and the walls, in the hopes that the player would at least go through the wall instead of getting stuck in it, but that didn't help. Clearly I don't want the player going through the walls either, but at least the player could keep playing.

    I'm completely at a loss.

  • This is becoming more than an annoyance.

    My players & bad guys are constantly getting stuck in the walls of the games I make.

    At one point I literally copied the code from the C3 Pacman game because nothing else was working and that's not working.

    Why doesn't solid mean solid? If I go running head long into a brick wall, I don't because part of it. Solid should work the say way.

    At the start of the game it's the worst, but it can happen at any time.

    In this case when the O rolled over the teleport sprite it's supposed to teleport to the next teleport sprite, which typically works, but sometimes the O get stuck in the wall before it has time to teleport. Or if I roll the player (O) backwards to fast at the beginning of the game the player may get stuck in the wall on the other side of it's starting position.

    And the Xs (they're the bad guys) they randomly get stuck in walls or go completely through the walls all over the game. (The Xs can't teleport)

    Nothing seems to stop objects from randomly passing through or getting stuck in the walls.

    Please tell me there is a fix.

    I've spent a year working with C3, I don't want to start over with another generator, but I can't make a successful game if I can't keep sprites from getting stuck in other sprites.

  • dop2000,

    Thank you for the information.

    Nice to hear they are adding a 'don't sleep' feature (after I found a very creative way around it)

    Blah!! Wonder if there is anyway to add 'wake up phone' to their 'To Do' list. That would be an awesome feature.

    Thanks again.