dazedangels's Forum Posts

  • It's time for another look into the "Crazy Stuff That Pops into eDee's Head"

    I'm working on a game that starts when you speak to your phone, but the phone has to be asleep.

    You speak to your phone, the phone wakes up, gives you a command and you do it. My kids love this idea and I have everything - Except I don't know how to wake up the phone.

    You know how 'Hello Google' or 'Hey Google' wakes up your phone when it's asleep? The phone is always listening for that. I need that. There will be a wake up word the phone is always listening for and since the phone is always listening for 'Hey Google', it can't use much more battery life.

    How do I wake up the phone?


  • Nearly every time I create a copy of a sprite by ctrl + click&drag when I drop the sprite the Animations Editor opens. It happens with single sprites and tile backgrounds. I am Not double clicking. It doesn't happen every time, but almost every time. It happens quite often when I use c/p also, but not as often.

    At first I thought that my laptop and/or mouse were to sensitive, but now I have a new laptop and new mouse and it still happens.

    Is there an option that I'm missing where the Animations Editor will only open when the sprite is double clicked within the Project Bar?

    It's getting very cumbersome. Closing the Animations Editor every time I ctrl/click/drag or c/p is making the option more work.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you everyone.

    Onward and Upward!

  • I created the signed APK in C3. When I go to upload it to Google I get the following error:

    "You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle signed with a certificate that expires too soon. You need to sign your APK or Android App Bundle with a certificate that expires farther into the future."

    I don't see any place in C3 that lets me put an expiration date. The 'Validity years' is set to 10, but I don't think that's what they're looking for.

    How do I create a signed certificate that doesn't "expire too soon"?

  • Kyatric,

    I've never actually used C2. Unfortunately a lot of the demos that are found online are in C2 and some features aren't going to work in C3 soon. The popup warning that appears when I open this particular demo tells me that in July of 2021 the demo will no longer open in C3. There are going to be a lot of amazing demos online that won't work after July '21.

    I wish there were an easy way to update all the C2 demos before the product is no longer supported.

  • blackhornet

    Oh darn! I was hoping for a quick trick. Back to the drawing board.

    Thanks for the info.

  • ,

    Thank you, that much I got. But I'm wondering if there is a tap X and Y and it's fixed, like it has been with other issues. (Like this fix for the old C2 Functions: right click on function name and select "Replace with built-in function". It will fix everything for you automatically.)

  • I'm using demos to learn more about Construct. One demo that I love gives me this error every time I open it:

    The runtime of this project cannot be changed to the Construct 3 runtime due to the following reasons:

    Plugin WebStorage (WebStorage) is not supported in C3 runtime

    The last time I had an issue like this someone told me to click on the event, press a key and suddenly the Function issue was fixed. But that was after trying to figure it out for 3 hours - so this time I thought I would ask before I spent hours trying to fix it.

    Are there some key strokes that instantly fix the WebStorage issue, like the Function issue?

    Thank you in advance.

  • alextro

    Thank you.

    So it looks like one of the tricks is always 2 backgrounds.

  • blackhornet,

    OHHH! I got it now. THANK YOU!

    If you don't mind, can I ask a related question?

    How do I get the bombs to look like they aren't hanging in the air before dropping?

    On the levels without the scrolling background the bombs drop like normal, but on this level where the background now scrolls it looks like the bombs are hanging for a second. Is that an illusion or do I need to change something with the bombs?

    The bombs are in a family and the family has physics. It's the standard physics, I haven't changed anything except checked prevent rotation (which prevent rotation isn't working, but that's another day)

    This is what it looks like


    Thanks again.

  • C3/mobile

    The game is a little airplane. It's at the bottom of the screen. The background looks like land. The plane looks like it's fly over the land - well it's supposed to anyway.

    The game is 500x500 (just a wee little thing)

    The background is a tiledbackground 500x2384

    The variable ScrollSpeed = 400

    The background needs to be an infinite scroll. I just can't figure out the math.

    I know I need to change the Set Y, but not sure to what.

    And I'm not entirely sure I have the every tick setup correctly.

    I've watched/read a dozen tutorials today and every one says to do something similar and completely different.


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  • ,

    I was afraid it was something with arrays. Guess I shouldn't have picked this demo to try to learn arrays. I've done them in Lua & JS, but can't seem to wrap my head around them in C3.

    Back to the drawing board. Thank you.

  • C3

    I found a C2 demo in an old post a while back. The demo records the score and the highest score - saves it to an array/local storage blah, blah, blah.

    I've dissected it for a few days and it works great for levels 0 - 3, but stops recording the score/high score on level 4. Also any new levels I make have the same problem as level 4.

    I've tried changing the level global variable, changing the instance variable and several other things, but nothing seems to solve the problem.

    I'm thinking it may have something to do with the size of the array, but I'm only assuming that because I'm not great with arrays. The only other thing I can come up with is that something isn't syncing because I'm opening it in C3, but that's never happened to me before.

    What am I missing?


    Thank you.

  • dop2000, Sorry, I didn't explain that well.

    I can't have it restore the size until the player clicks on it. Until the player clicks on it, it needs to stay the wrong size - and each copy is a different size.

    I know, I know - I'm impossible.

    I'm thinking about changing it so instead of making a second animation, when the player hits that invisible sprite, it makes a different sprite visible. It would mean 2 sprites on every image, but it's only 30 layouts - a have to make new backgrounds every week because she learns so quickly.

  • C3/Mobile

    Well I pulled a stupid.

    I have a background that has all the images needed. Then I have a couple of invisible sprites that go over the parts of the images on the background. On the start of the layout those sprites are invisible.

    When the player touches the sprite it changes the animation to either 'Well Done' or 'Try Again'

    All that works swimmingly. The problem is, I make the sprite larger and smaller so it covers the small images on the background image and when the player taps the invisible sprite and it turns visible - the image is stretched - DUH! I don't know what I was thinking.

    Is there an "on tap set the second animation back to the original shape"?

    Not sure how much sense this makes, but if you take a look at the images below it should clear things up.

    The faded red are the wrong answers and the faded green are the correct images.