dazedangels's Forum Posts

  • C3/Mobile app.

    When a finger is on the player needs to move and the grapple needs to stay down (I got that worked out)

    When the finger comes off the player, the arm needs to reach up automatically and move the grapple up until it hits an object, grabs the object and come back down - there will always something to grab. (I only got about half of that worked out.)

    How do I get the arm to grow up?

    First, I animated the player. 10 images of the player with the arm going up, but that was hard to grab and hold the different items.

    Then I tried stacking the arm sprite one by one, but that gets a little crazy with the pinning and unpinning and the grabbing and holding on.

    What's the best way to grow the arm? Any good demos for growing things?

    Anyone know what it's called? I keep googling and searching, but all I'm getting is how not to stretch an object.


  • rafaeltrigo

    There needs to be a constant Huge Warning Banner whenever someone is using the unstable version. There is Nothing that warns people that they are using the Unstable Version. When C3 put me into v206 there was no warning, I didn't realize I was using it and it took me weeks to figure out how to get my games back to the current version so I could make apps that would work again with Google Play without getting errors. Every time I opened my browser I was just in the wrong version. It doesn't default back just because the browser closes.

    I'm not paying to be a guinea pig. I'm paying for the stable version. Getting into the unstable version should be difficult, you shouldn't be able to just find yourself in it not knowing that your using it.

    I fixed it so it works in the current version of C3: drive.google.com/file/d/1kzjQc2qx8YhmWUiKABxYJGUejsX9PR66/view

  • rafaeltrigo,

    Oh no I am never doing that again. The last time C3 forced me in the unstable version of it's software I couldn't make my games into Google Play apps. I had to make a client wait for apps that I should have been able to create right then, but couldn't because the fix to set them back to v204 didn't work.

    I just got all the games back to v204. Anyone who uses the unstable version should be paid for being a guinea pig, not the other way around.

    I'm staying right in the stable version so I don't relive that nightmare.

  • rafaeltrigo

    Thank you.

    Unfortunately the file is v208 and won't open.

  • C3 for mobile app.

    I finally found a forum post that had a live link that showed how to make drag and drop follow a grid. YAY!

    But C3 seems to think that the image point is in the middle of the sprite (see video). It's not, there are 2 image points.

    Image point 0 is the top left. Image point 1 is top middle. The yellow dot is pinned to image point 1. Drag and drop set to horizontal.

    How do I get C3 to recognize that it needs to move the sprite using the 0 image point?


  • ,

    The problem is I need the tile movement to work when using drag and drop. I think disabling it would disable the problem I'm trying to solve.

    I'll try move to and tween, hopefully I'll get some love there.

    Thanks again.

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  • C3/Mobile

    Every X seconds the blocks need to shift down 1 level of the grid, all at once, until the blocks at the bottom level are there for X seconds. I spawned the blocks ...... but I have no idea how to move them down to the next grid X seconds later. I'm positive it goes something like every 3 seconds > spr.1large.Y then something in parentheses that tells it go move down 65px.

    Am I close?

    Is there a C3 demo for this?

    I found about a thousand C2 demos that use some outdated Rainbow Rex plugins that aren't available for C3. So I haven't found a whole let of help on the forum because no one ever thought to make the C2 plugins compatible with C3 (which would have been FREAKING BRILLIANT!)

    Any C3 help for this problem?

    Thank you.

  • ,

    Thank you for your suggestion, it gave me an idea. I set the X in the tile movement to 300 and Y to 0. Then removed all the other behaviors except tile movement - and it worked!

    The problem is, it still won't work with the mouse, only works with the keyboard.

    I can't seem to use 'cell_width' from your formula, I'm told it's invalid. (There is the possibility I'm entering it incorrectly) (I replaced cell_width with 85, the cell width)

    I'll keep plugging away.

    Thanks for the help.

  • C3/Mobile

    I'm attempting to make a simple sorting game.

    The Yellow-ish guy is the player. The player grabs the blocks above and moves them between the green guides.

    I need the player to move back and forth in a straight line, between the gray walls, moving from grid to grid. He can't stop half way between the guides. The player is pinned to the blank, because the blank is the size of the grid.

    I have tried a combination of platform, drag & drop, tile movement, physics. All of them will do something, but combining them stops the needed behaviors. Solid works great, unless I add drag & drop (to keep the player on the Y). If I remove drag and drop the player only moves using the keyboard and if I add something else then the keyboard won't move the player. And solid rarely works at all.

    What am I doing wrong? There must be a simple way, using the behaviors, to get the player to move from 1 grid to another without going beyond the walls.

    Any hints?


  • Thank you for the info.

    Leave it to C3 to put it in the unstable version that won't make a Google Play app. without giving an errors. *sigh* Well at least is should work some day.

    Thanks again for the info.

  • I uploaded an update to my game to Google Play. Everything went well, but I got this message:

    Your app currently targets API level 28 and must target at least API 29.

    From August 2020, new apps must target at least Android 10 (API level 29)

    From November 2020, app updates must target Android 10 (API level 29)

    So I clicked the link: developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/develop/target-sdk.html

    What I don't get is, when I use C3 to make my game into an app I always select the minimum of Android 5 so everyone can play the game. When I look at the documentation that Android gives me (the link above) it looks like we're still allowed to make games for Android 5 and above, but those games are supposed to be made for Android 10. .....and that's where the head scratching begins.

    Is there something C3 has to change? I don't see an option for 'Make my game API level 29 while still allowing it to run on API level 22 phones'.

    What am I missing?

  • Just in case anyone ever has this issue again and can't convert from .zip to .c3p when attempting to fix the problem .... I figured out why the .c3p wouldn't work after I converted it from .zip, but can't put it into words that make sense so I put it into an image.

    I hope this helps someone in the future.

  • dop2000

    Thank you.

    That was it.

    Tonight's goal - how to make that into minutes and seconds and keep it counting on the screen.

    I love puzzles.

    Thanks again!

  • I found a time elapse demo, but it uses one of those rex-rainbow plugins that doesn't use the right run time or some such thing - ANYWAY - I figured I'd try to remake it into a real C3 demo without any plugins.

    One problem - One of the lines reads: "Elapsed time: "&int((Date.UnixTimestamp-LocalStorage.ItemValue)*0.001)

    C3 is telling me it doesn't understand: UnixTimestamp

    So does anyone know what the C3 version of: UnixTimestamp is?

    Thank you.

  • I researched several space invader demos before I started my little game. Thought I had it, but apparently I'm missing something. I've gone over most of the demos again trying to find what I forgot, but I just can't figure out why my invaders won't go left. I don't want the invaders to shift down, just go right and left.

    I would post the c3p, but I'm using a paid star plugin and the project won't open unless you have the plugin. Hopefully the images of the code will do.

    Any ideas?

    (Note: I've edited the code so much trying to figure this out, I may have stuff I don't need, but don't realize.)