dazedangels's Forum Posts

  • dop2000,

    I don't understand.

    The text is set for every tick, but that sets the text to show what slot3Need is. It doesn't set the variable every tick.

    What am I missing?

    What is really aggravating is that I set it up like this in another game and it works perfectly.

    This is the other game:

  • C3/Mobile Game

    This is driving me nut - it worked perfectly in another game I made and it won't work now.

    It will not subtract 1 from slot3Need.

    I assume that I have put the wrong variable in the wrong spot but I've been looking at this for so long it's now just a jumble.

    Everything else finally works, but it won't subtract 1 from slot3Need.

    When I shoot the fruit, it adds 1 to slot3Hit each time and when I reach 3, it sets slot3Hit back to 0, but it doesn't take 1 from slot3Need.

    (I hope this is one of those times when I click submit and I find it in 2 seconds.)

  • C3/Mobile

    This works great if I only need to shoot the fruit once, but if I need to shoot the fruit more than once to destroy it, it doesn't work.

    Everything else works up until that point.

  • dop2000,

    Thank you, I think I got it. I'd send over the c3p, but it has so many plugins it would be a hassle.

    However, if you want to try the game, it's a 3D 360 demo at the moment. It activates your phones camera and you need to destroy .... well everything that pops up ... by pressing the blue button on the right.


    If you want 50 coins, just press the coin on the bottom right of the game screen.

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  • dop2000,

    Disregard - I got it.



    I'm confused. Why do you say "second screenshot are executed every tick - about 60 times per second. It's not recommended to write to (or read from) Local Storage on every tick." (I'm assuming it's because you know me so well lol)

    I don't think they're writing to the local storage every tick. Is that something I did or something that happens with one of the events I have set?

    Thank you

  • Mobile game / C3

    Saving the level works great, but I'm doing something wrong when saving the coins and I can't figure out what it is.

    When I exit the game and come back in the levels are correct, it's right where I left it, but the coins are reset to 0.

    Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

    Menu Event Sheet

    Game Event Sheet

  • dop2000, I googled 'C3 gamepad' & guess what came up? Our site. lol I forgot we had gamepad examples.

    I plugged in an actual gamepad into my computer for testing and 'A' works for firing, I think it's the gun. New gun will be here a week from today.

    Thank you for the information.

  • {Construct 3, Mobile App}

    Anyone ever work with an AR Gun?

    The game, running on my phone, connects to the gun via Bluetooth, using remote preview. That part is all good.

    I assume that to use the gun I need to install the game pad behavior also - so I did that.

    Where I get stuck is:

    1. Don't I need to tell the game that it needs to use the game pad on the Bluetooth AR Gun?

    2. In the drop down what option do I use for the trigger?

    Every gun will be different, but there is no 'gun trigger' option.

    Thank you.

  • C3/Mobile

    I'm making this demo as a proof of concept - think blackjack.

    There is a deck of cards, cards randomly appear face down. The player taps the random cards, they cards flip over to show the face of the card. That part is simple.

    This is where I get stuck - There are 5 card slots on the top of the screen. Each time the player taps a card I need that cards animation to appear in one of the top 5 slots. When the player taps on the first random card that cards value needs to show in the first slot, using the first deck (pack1) and the value needs to appear in the bubble beside it.

    Is there a demo for that? I've gone through every demo I can find, but I'm not sure what it's called, so searching is a little random. lol

  • oosyrag,

    You're right, but I was using an addon. Because of the addon I didn't have the Set Animation Frame action option for that sprite, I only had the Set Animation option.

    When I uploaded a sprite without the addon, I was able to use that Set Animation Frame action. Addons are a blessing and a curse.

  • I got it!

    DUH! I'm using an Add On!! That's why it's not working. It works when I remove the addon sprite.

    Thank you.

  • > + Mouse: On Left button Clicked on card
    -> card: Set animation frame to card.AnimationFrame+1
    ----+ card: Animation frame = 2
    -----> card: Destroy

    Am I missing something? I've been at this for hours, I'm wondering if I've hit that point where I can't see what I'm doing wrong.

  • Yes something like that, did you not try it first?

    For 2 hours, that's why I'm asking.

  • First person shooter, mobile game, C3

    The player needs to shoot a energy card 3 times before collecting the points. Each time the card is hit I need the sprite to change the next frame. The frames are loaded, but how do I tell C3 to change the frame each time the card is hit?

    I've got:

    (Event) System > energyCard1Hit > 3

    (Sub-Event) System > trigger once

    Action: ????

    I'm guessing it's something like energyCard1Hit.Animationframe+1, what event/behavior would be best?

    Thank you.

  • As I was investigating the infinite jumper demo, I thought "Hey, I'll give Piggy a background."

    I know I can't do a scrolling background like I typically do because the scroll needs to be set to Piggy's jumps, but how do I do that?


    Thank you.