dazedangels's Forum Posts

  • AllanR,

    Thank you so much. I think I'm finally starting to understand arrays.

    ..... and now I have more questions.

    I haven't used arrays before, because I can't figure out how to pull information out of them, but mostly because I need a visual. So I built one.

    I'm wondering:

    1. How do I know what is in which grid?

    2. I added another row of 5 level icons, I now have room for 30 levels, do I change Y 26 to Y 31?

    3. I have 7 more items that the player will collect (8 total including the gold stars), but never more than 3 in any level. The next level the player will need to collect apples and oranges. How do I edit the array for the other 7 items, especially when the player will be collecting more than 1 item?

    Hope I'm not asking to many questions.

    Thanks again.

  • Oh my brain hurts. C3/Mobile game (I hope)

    The game: The player must navigate between the platforms to win the level.

    If the player dies, they start over.

    On some levels the player will have items to collect along the way, BUT the player does not need to collect all the items to win - the player only needs to survive to win the level. If the player does collect all the items I want stars to show on the level menu above the level indicator.

    Here's my problem. I have the level menu working for selecting levels, but I can't figure out how to get the game to understand that it should only use the level sprite with the stars when the player collects all the items for that level. Right now it shows the star level sprite for every open level.

    Animation 0 is a locked level. Animation 1 indicates open level. Animation 2 indicates the player collected all the items on that level as well as survived.

    I've tried global variable numbers & boolean, but I just can't seem to figure out how to get the game to only select Animation 2 (the stars) when that specific level was won and all the items were collected.

    Here's the C3. drive.google.com/file/d/1W3gAJ0WEkGy8rHxycsOzI-Gf9_vpUS1r/view

    Thank you.

  • newt,

    Thank you so much.

    I have to figure out how to make formulas. They make sense when I see them, but my brain hasn't started to come up with them on it's own yet.

    Thanks again.

  • For the second example

    Why do you think it shouldn't work? and I can try to explain from there


    Thank you for both replies.

    For the second one, I thought it would be 'wait 8 seconds then create the sprite, then wait 4 seconds to release the sprite, then repeat'. I only tried it to prove to myself that my theory wouldn't do what I wanted it to do.

    The other reason I don't know why it worked is because I have no idea how a sub-condition without the condition works.

    My train of thought literally went like this: I'll try a sub-condition. Which sub-condition? I don't know. I'll make a sub-condition, move the speed and angle into it and Then I'll figure out what I should put as the sub-condition. Mmmm I wonder what this will do if I click play.

    That is how I got to this point - dumb luck. lol

  • Bigger Question: Why Did This Work?

    It just popped into my head. I didn't think it would work. It doesn't make any sense to me why it would work. But it is doing exactly what I wanted it to do.


  • newt

    Thank you for your reply.

    I used system > create to create the log which is scrolling down the screen at a bullet speed of 400.

    I can't figure out how to do system > create, a spike ball and set it's position to image point 3 of the log. I can't set the X and Y because the log is always moving ..... unless there's a formula for Y and X.

    Worse yet, once I create the spike ball I want it to roll left until it falls off the log - which is difficult because I currently have the angle set to 90 so it scrolls down the screen with the log.

    One problem at a time, right?

  • C3/Mobile Game

    I have multi levels in the game. In most levels sprites fall at different intervals (4 or 5 seconds or not at all) That part is working.

    What I need is away to say, in Level X wait 5 seconds THEN every 4 seconds drop the sprite. I don't see an option for that and I have a feeling if it is an option it would make the sprite fall every 9 seconds and that wouldn't be good.

    I've been Googling this on and off for 3 days, but there is no good way to word it so Google gets the idea.

    Anything thoughts?

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  • Sadly, I did.

    I know something else is wrong, but needed to know the image point thing first before looking for issue #2, 3, 4 ..... 20,000.

    Thanks for the info.

  • C3/Mobile Game

    How do I know which image point the program is referring to?

    I need image point 3 on log to spawn a spike ball at the spike balls image point 0. Does that make sense?

    I made a graphic.

    So when it reads Image Point in the add action code box, is it talking about the log's image point or the spike balls image point?

  • dop2000,

    Thank you for the reply. I think I just figure it out.

    Remember that code you gave me about 5 questions back when the scoring wouldn't trigger once? Could that be the issue?

    ("fix one bug, create 6" LOLOL)

    I did make the larger polygon box for the propeller that enclosed the entire fairy, but the fairy still went through the platforms. But once the fairy passes a certain point on the platform the platform collisions become disabled - is that why it's going through?

    Thanks again.

    EDIT: YUP! I added "spr_player.Y + 45" And that did it!

    Thank you! Works great now.

  • C3/Mobile Game/Win10

    My sprites are set to create and fall every X seconds. The sprites are created right on time, but they hang there for a second or 2 before falling. I am using the bullet behavior.

    Normally the sprites are above the screen so no one sees the delay and it wouldn't matter, but .... there is a crow that flies in from the left that has the same issue. The crow is also created off screen, but he has a boulder that he drops. The boulder is set to unpin and drop randomly between 1 & 3 seconds - and because of this delayed start many times the crow and boulder are created on time, but the boulder drops before the crow even enters the view screen.

    I need to eliminate the hang time / delay time. The sprites need to move as soon as it's create. Is that possible?

    (I moved everything on screen for the video)


  • oosyrag,

    I did not think of that, thank you.

    I tried it just now and it didn't work. I even added the bullet behavior to the fairy (which doesn't need the behavior because it's pinned to the propeller) and the fairy still goes through the platforms.

    If the invisible propeller hits the platforms it does work correctly, just not the fairy.

    (The funny thing is, I'd like to have that option if the player dies more than (maybe) 10 times on a level to make it easier for the player to win the level - just not every time)

    C3 desperately needs a 'Concrete Solid' behavior and a 'Concrete Collision' option in events. So Many People make platform games using C3 and so often the game must be MacGyvered to work correctly because the solid behavior only works under certain circumstances, same with collisions.

    I have a funny feeling I'm going to need that 'off set' option, which doesn't make much sense to me, but often works.

    Off to google some more.

    Thanks again.

  • oosyrag

    Thank you for your reply.

    It's pretty basic. I pinned the fairy to a propeller (long story) on the top of its head. Every time the player taps the screen (or clicks) the fairy changes direction. I've done it without the propeller, but the fairy moves better if it's pinned to something on it's head.

  • Again - C3 allowing sprites to go through each other. How do I get it to stop!

    Sometimes the fairy sprite goes right through the platform. Sometimes it causes a collision like it's supposed to.

    Why? Why? Why? Why does this keep happening? It doesn't seem to matter what kind of game I make, if it uses collisions it only works some of the time. I set the collision points. I even set 30 collision points - and the same thing happened!

    What do I need to do so no matter what happens, Solid is Solid and collisions matter?

    Video of sprite going through platform and not going through platform.


  • dop2000,

    Thank you. That worked.

    I can't wrap my head around how it works, but I'm impressed.

    Thanks again.