dazedangels's Forum Posts

  • DiegoM,

    What do you mean by whitelisted?

    Let me tell you what I have and may be you can tell me if what I have is considered whitelisted.

    I own a dozen domains, I rent a virtual private server, host 9 websites, have a half dozen cPanels running, FTP access and have been using AdSense for years (back in the day I made around $1,500 a month with AdSense).

    I'm using the self-hosted WordPress foundation from wordpress.ORG on the site where I have my games (https://keeperbay.com/) and the games are outside of the WP program.

    Would you consider that whitelisted?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • C3/HTML games

    I know I can add the code myself after I download the html files from C3, but editing the html every time I update the game is a pain. I can update a game 3 or 4 times a week. That means every time I download the game I need to edit the html before I ftp it to my server.

    I'm not experienced enough to put the code in a file in C3, I'm just not that talented yet. Is there a demo for that maybe? I can't find one online, but maybe I'm missing it.


  • bigcatrik,

    Thank you for your reply.

    It would be perfect for one of those rolling ball games if they hadn't used the mouse movement behavior, it's a waste of demo. It's to bad it can't easily be converted. Oh well, that's the way it goes.

    Thanks again.

  • C3

    I was looking over the new 3D demos, they're all amazing, but one has this weird quirk - 3D First-Person Platformer, the player sprite doesn't look in the direction the sprite is moving.

    After looking at the event sheet it looks like the mouse (??) controls the direction the player sprite is looking - which seems odd. That would mean the player has to constantly go from the keyboard to the mouse then back to the keyboard - that's not ideal. The player sprite can be moving west, but looking north.

    I tried messing with a little, but I'm new to 3D and I seem to be making it much worse.

    Is there away to remove the mouse controls and get the player sprite to look in the direction it's moving automatically?

  • I don't know what's going wrong in your game, but this is my easy level menu. Maybe looking at it will help you figure out what's going wrong with yours: howtoconstructdemos.com/simple-level-selection-screen

    Good luck

  • C3/mobile game

    I have a pretty typical level setup. I have an image and a number in a container. The images all have different instance variable (images below).

    This is the first time I've made the menu layout larger than the viewer area.

    When the levels go below the viewing area, the screen isn't going to shift on it's own. Like if I moved level 27 below the area you can see now, there is nothing in place for the game to 'scroll to' that area.

    How do I get the game to scroll to the current level area, when the current is not longer in the initial screen area?

    Thank you


    Menu Setup

    Menu Look

  • C3/Mobile

    Is there a better way to save levels?

    I've been testing my game in the browser while I build it (preview project). I've been using Local Storage to save levels, but yesterday I had to clear the cache in my browser and today I'm back to level 1.

    This is not ideal. I now need to play all 22 levels again to check any new levels.

    Also, when this game actually becomes an app, will the levels revert back to 1 when the player updates?

    But how do I save the levels so they're not cleared with the cache?

    Thank you.

  • C3/Mobile

    When a sprite is destroyed, a message appears at the top of the screen that reads 'Destroyed' or 'Blasts +30' or something else, for just a moment - that all works.

    Sometimes the sprites overlap or are very close and are destroyed at the same time, which is good for the player, but when this happens the messages at the top overlap - that's not good. All the messages use the same text box.

    This is what it looks like: youtube.com/watch

    {The background is black because the camera isn't on}

    How do I keep the messages from overlapping?

    Thank you.

  • KryptoPixel,

    Oh of course, back to what I used first. Now I' m just confusing myself.

    Thank you.

  • Use the condition 'System - is between values'


    Ahhhh! Thank you.

    Is there an upper bound for all the rest that come after?

    I have one for 1-10 and then 11-50, but now I need one for 51-the rest.

    Thanks again

  • C3/mobile

    I need to set the game so if the player is between levels 1 & 10 it does something, but I can't remember how the value is supposed to read.

    I have Compare Variable

    Variable: Level

    Comparison: =

    Value: ???

    I can't remember what I need to put in Value.

    I know it's not "between(1,10)" because life is not that simple.



  • blackhornet

    Ahhh! I didn't think of that.

    Thank you.

  • C3/Mobile Game

    In this game the player has 10 seconds to kill the demon.

    It's suppose to work like this: If the player kills the demon within the 10 seconds the game continues.

    If the player fails to kill the demon the player loses 20 life points.

    The event reads: create demon, wait 10 seconds, destroy demon, subtract 20 from life.

    Which works, but if the demon is killed before the 10 second limit the game still subtracts 20 from life.

    How do I get the game to Not subtract 20 from life if the demon is killed before the 10 second limit?

    I made a demo to better explain.


    Thank you.

  • calminthenight

    That's what I'm trying to do. I can only find demoes for scrolling the text when you put the text you want scrolled in a variable - and you can't change the text in that variable. If you try to change the text in the variable it stops scrolling. That's the problem.

    I need a demo or an example for a text box where I can tell it when X happens: put 4 lines of text in the box and when the player presses the up and down arrows scroll the text up and down. Thus far I haven't found a demo or an example where that happen and everything I've tried has failed.

  • I have a text box that slides in and out - works great, but I need the text to change depending on the level.

    I can find a lot of demos where the text is put into a variable (string) and the text scrolls up and down within the text box, but nothing that lets me set text to X and scroll up and down. At least not without putting something below the text to hide it.

    The text box slides in and out and the text only appears when the text box is out, that all works great, but I can't figure out how to put scrolling text (with wordwrap) in there.

