Dayvid86's Forum Posts

  • - ENGLISH:

    Hi, I would like to make a game as indicated in the title of this topic.

    So here are the main features of the game:

    - You have characteristics like: Life, Magic, Energy, Endurance, and much more, these characteristics will all evolve over time, and depending on what you do, but there will also be other characteristics which will evolve over time. the way of the Skyrim game (the more you use them, the more they will evolve), for example, swimming, running, jumping, etc.)

    - It will be an RPG game, we can imagine a character level, with experience that we gain (but I don't know exactly how yet)

    - Harvesting resources, such as wood, stones, ores, earth, clay, sand, water, plants, etc.

    - Crafting to make various objects.

    - Construction, for example building houses, farms...

    - Teraforming to customize your environment, flatten, plow, dig, pick, etc. (here I don't know if this will be feasible)

    - Planting and harvesting various plants and trees.

    - Fights and monster invasions that will all come broken, bosses to fight and thus unlock certain things...

    - One or more Story in the game.

    - Quests in the game.

    - Procedural game, so that nothing is the same from one game to another, (here I don't know if this will be feasible)

    - Level editor to create your own world, stories, quests etc. (here I don't know if this will be feasible)

    - Game in multiple languages

    I would like my Game to be customizable, in particular to choose the difficulty and variability, for example with game modes: survival activated or not, invasion or not, combat or not, quests or not, story or not, with boss or no, manufacturing or not, construction or not, harvests or not, planting or not, teraforming or not, etc.

    I would like to make a complete project before my game, ready to be made so that others can take the project and customize it as they wish to create their own game, it will have to have a C3 license for that of course, because otherwise they won't be able to.

    This prefabricated project will obviously be paid for as well as the game but it will be two distinct choices, you will be able to buy the game, and, or, the prefabricated project.

    My eyes are a little big but that's what I'd like to do.

    If people are interested in supporting me, helping me, giving opinions, testing, they will be welcome under certain conditions, so that it goes well, so that no one steals the project, all that.

    If you help me, I don't know how it will go. Please note, do not expect to receive anything in exchange because I cannot be sure that the project will go to the end, I prefer to be clear from the start to avoid all the inconveniences, if the project progresses well and everything goes well, then I think maybe we could consider compensation, but no idea how to do it, this is all new to me here.

    So what more can I say?

    I have already started the project but it is still at the very beginning.

    I'm primarily looking for French people because I'm French, but any help is obviously welcome :)



    Bonjour, j'aimerais réaliser un jeu comme indiqué dans le titre de ce sujet.

    Voici donc les principales caractéristiques du jeu :

    - Vous avez des caractéristiques comme : Vie, Magie, Énergie, Endurance, et bien plus encore, ces caractéristiques évolueront toutes avec le temps, et en fonction de ce que vous faites, mais il y aura aussi d'autres caractéristiques qui évolueront avec le temps. à la manière du jeu Skyrim (plus vous les utilisez, plus ils évolueront), par exemple, nager, courir, sauter, etc.)

    - Ce sera un jeu RPG, on peut imaginer un niveau de personnage, avec l'expérience qu'on acquiert (mais je ne sais pas encore exactement comment)

    - Récolter des ressources, telles que le bois, les pierres, les minerais, la terre, l'argile, le sable, l'eau, les plantes, etc.

    - Artisanat pour fabriquer divers objets.

    - Construction, par exemple construction de maisons, de fermes...

    - Téraformation pour personnaliser son environnement, aplatir, labourer, creuser, cueillir, etc. (ici je ne sais pas si cela sera réalisable)

    - Plantation et récolte de diverses plantes et arbres.

    - Des combats et des invasions de monstres qui viendront tous brisés, des boss à combattre et ainsi débloquer certaines choses...

    - Une ou plusieurs Histoires dans le jeu.

    - Quêtes dans le jeu.

    - Jeu procédural, pour que rien ne soit pareil d'un jeu à l'autre, (ici je ne sais pas si cela sera réalisable)

    - Éditeur de niveaux pour créer votre propre monde, histoires, quêtes etc. (ici je ne sais pas si cela sera réalisable)

    - Jeu en plusieurs langues

    J'aimerais que mon Jeu soit personnalisable, notamment pour choisir la difficulté et la variabilité, par exemple avec des modes de jeu : survie activée ou non, invasion ou non, combat ou non, quêtes ou non, histoire ou non, avec boss ou non, fabrication ou non, construction ou non, récoltes ou non, plantation ou non, téraformation ou non, etc.

    J'aimerais faire un projet complet avant mon jeu, prêt à être réalisé pour que d'autres puissent prendre le projet et le personnaliser à leur guise pour créer leur propre jeu, il faudra qu'il ait une licence C3 pour ça bien sur, car sinon ils ne le pourront pas.

    Ce projet préfabriqué sera évidemment payant ainsi que le jeu mais ce sera deux choix distincts, vous pourrez acheter le jeu, et, ou, le projet préfabriqué.

    Mes yeux sont un peu grands mais c'est ce que j'aimerais faire.

    Si des gens sont intéressés pour me soutenir, m'aider, donner des avis, tester, ils seront les bienvenus sous certaines conditions, pour que ça se passe bien, pour que personne ne vole le projet, tout ça.

    Si vous m'aidez, je ne sais pas comment ça se passera. Attention, n'espérez rien recevoir en échange car je ne peux pas être sûr que le projet ira au bout, je préfère être clair dès le début pour éviter tous les désagréments, si le projet avance bien et que tout se passe bon, alors je pense qu'on pourrait peut-être envisager une rémunération, mais aucune idée de comment faire, c'est tout nouveau pour moi ici.

    Alors que puis-je dire de plus ?

    J'ai déjà commencé le projet mais il n'en est encore qu'au tout début.

    Je recherche principalement des français car je suis français, mais toute aide est évidemment la bienvenue :)

  • Thanks but that's already done!

    In fact, it's not clear what they're doing, and it doesn't seem to be working the way I thought it would.

    Here is what I understood:

    Place the objects where you find the dotted lines, or where you find the window in the scene, because you can't change that.

    The objects must be in the dotted area, otherwise it doesn't work!

    I thought it was a behavior where objects would be stuck to the screen, but it's not that simple, I'm having trouble understanding how it works, plus, yes, objects will stay in the area dotted but that's all, if you resize the window and the objects are at the bottom, bottom right, right, top right, of the window, and you resize the window smaller, they will disappear, in fact they just obey this law of the dotted lines of the window.

    I wanted my objects to remain stuck to the window and for it to move depending on its size, so here, I have to put my objects at the top left of the window to be sure to see them, otherwise I have to set the window to maximum size.

  • I'm French, I don't speak English, and there are translation and comprehension problems, page layout, layers, I have the same impression, I'm having trouble, normally yes, all the "layers" work at the same time on a page (scene), it's the event sheet that makes it all work, the layers are just like transparent sheets of paper where the objects are, logically that's it.

    Now I'm not very good at C3, I'm not a beginner either, but I'm starting to use it because I want to make an "open world" game with "Crafts", "Combat", "Survival".

    A word of advice: remember to use an explicit title, because if I hadn't replied to your message, maybe no one would have replied, since your title didn't mean anything.

  • Hello, I don't know if anyone can help you with this, maybe try to share your project?

    Otherwise try to be more precise, to explain better?

    I didn't understand everything, but I think you want to make a combat system and you're asking if you need to make a scene for each one?

    The answer is obviously no, use a single layout, use a layer, put your element on it and make it appear or disappear when you want, thank goodness layers exist!

    Remember to disable certain things, like character movement, inventory etc., I don't know.

    You can also change the order of layers, even in-game!

    For example, move one layer in front of or behind another.

    I don't know what more I can do for you, good luck!

  • Hi, I may be talking nonsense, but have you tried the NWjs object ?

  • Hi, I could use some help with my game but I can't pay for a developer, I already have to pay for the software to have the right to use it, which I don't like but anyway...

    And all work deserves pay, it's normal.

    Just out of curiosity, what are your hourly rates?

  • Hello,

    How do use anchor behavior to fix an object to the screen (window) ?

    No matter how hard I try, I just can't get it to work. For example, how do I place a life bar that moves with the screen?

    I don't understand this behavior at all. oO

    I center the view in the middle of my scene because it is large. I put a text object with Anchor behavior. I start my scene, I don’t see my text which is gone.

    My scene has two layers, the 0 contains the text it is first, then the 1 which contains everything else, after the 0.

    If I set the parallax of the first to 0x0%, it changes nothing at all and my game no longer works as expected.

    If I put the text object in the top left of my scene, where the window’s dotted lines are, yes ok I see it (still layer 0 with parallax at 0x0%) but I no longer see my custom mouse cursor and no matter where I click to move my character, he will go to the top left of the scene, I don’t understand anything at all, this system is really bad I find, not at all practical.

    I just want to stick something on the screen and it moves according to the scrolling of the scene and that’s it!

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  • Thanks dop2000, I got it.

  • So what does the staff do, eh?

    Is it too much to ask that they answer me?

    Otherwise I'm going to post a series of so-called bugs and spam the GitHub?

    It pisses me off, why don't they ever reply?

  • I have another problem; in my example, the 8-direction behavior is disabled, but when I click with my mouse to move the character with the pathfinding behavior, then the 8-direction behavior reactivates, which is not normal.

    Note: It’s not practical to share a file here; we cannot upload a file other than an image, it requires an external host. It would be good to add a way to share files on the site.

  • Yes, it is indeed an object with 8-direction behavior. For the joystick angle, I’m not quite sure how to proceed. I’ve tried this, but it only works for 0 to 180 degrees, and then it becomes negative (-180 to 0). Thank you, I will make a request.

    Edit: I’ve solved the problem by adding 360 if it’s negative, and it works. However, sometimes there are small dead zones.

  • It would be good if the developers could respond to this message to tell me what they think. Am I the only one for whom it is not working as expected? Why don’t they answer? Moreover, by now, it should have been perfected, but it hasn’t. Even when we do it ourselves with the visual code, it doesn’t work! There is definitely a bug here!

  • "Time passes the same for the entire project"

    I don't know what you mean.

    Do you mean that all the event sheets run at the same time?

    I think you must be mistaken, because only the event sheet linked to a scene can run at the same time, except in the way you mentioned, by including in the scene all the sheets I want in the one linked to this scene.

    I'm right, aren't I?

    Thank you for your help.

  • thank you for all your answers.

    You mean event sheet, not screen?

    But for event sheets it's the same, isn't it? time only passes if they're loaded with a scene, isn't it?

    So how do I do that? because you can't load several sheets at the same time?

  • There's something wrong with the software, maybe it's not its fault, I don't know.

    Moving 8 directions with the keyboard doesn't work 100%, at least not for me.

    Here's what you can do:

    Move up

    Move down

    Move left

    Move right

    Move up + left or reverse (top left diagonal)

    Move up + right or reverse (diagonal at top right)

    Does not work:

    Move down + Left or reverse (bottom-left diagonal)

    Move down + Right or reverse (diagonal at bottom right)

    To be reviewed.

    - Another remark: it would be nice to add full support for joysticks.

    so you don't have to code like you do for the keyboard, that would be a big plus.

    - Be able to return the value of the joystick angle (the angle at which the left or right joystick is currently positioned). (This could be used, for example, to move a character at the same angle as the joystick, another idea would be to be able to move the character at a speed proportional to the inclination of the joystick, the more it's inclined the faster the character moves).

    - I don't know if it's possible to do this, but also for the left and right triggers, to know the pressing value, a bit like for joysticks.