making your game use timedelta'ed values just means it uses "frame skipping" when the game lags, and allows your game to be played with v-sync or unlimited frame rates while retaining the same relative gameplay speed. Timescale just controls the timedelta value (and a couple of other things), so it makes it possible slow the game speed down without changing the frame rate (ie. high frame rate slow motion)
timescale affects animation of sprites, so i think you should ask for the feature:
Override Timedelta for Animations" Checkbox
but i think animations use milliseconds for timing, which timescale affects....
[quote:16xhlxuo]UT I still wish there was an easy way to simply designate the time-delta PER object... or at least whether any particular object is effected by the difference in time delta.
if you don't code your objects with timedelta, then they aren't affected by it.
If you are using behaviors, they maybe we should ask for the feature to disable/enable timedelta use for individual objects/instances behaviors (at runtime?), if possible.
so all the game slows down but he does not... and maybe certian other characters do not as well.
There's no easy way to do this. You can try coding your own timescaling system where speeds of time effected objects are controlled through movement expressions which are influenced by "mytimevalue", if you want the whole game to be timedelta'd. As for "easy"... specialized things like this require some hands on eventing.