David's Forum Posts

  • Heres something i put together. Also I think your right, somewhere in the code i must have mixed up columns and rows...i'll look into it

  • lol woops...seems that particular action only accepts ints Old code...

    The other layer related actions seem to work fine, and this one has now been fixed

  • It will be updated eventually, and the interface will be pretty similar to the one in the physics behavior. However, if we finish the inline editor for the physics complex shape, then we can just copy and paste the code from physics into shadow...

  • Parallaxing....shadows....lighting....blurring the background...

    You should post a screenshot of ur game so far maybe we can give some suggestions

  • a quick engine i put together, quite similar to scavenger..left click to mouse the space ship towards the mouse. The screen scrolls and even rotates... and parallaxing and stuff all should work.

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  • LOL your right I didn't even notice that before! I fail at photoshop and making logos!

  • Its a poor example but it demonstrates the technology and how it works. I recently played a 2d game called scavenger and it used parallaxing and stuff to make it appear more 3d than it was

  • Yep render states and filtered layers looks like the way to go.

    I demonstrated the effect by pasting a plasma into a canvas object, then pasting that canvas into another canvas several times with different filters, and you can see the result

    Also noticed I've stuff up something with time delta...I think the subtract map's opacity isn't affected by time delta and therefore the plasma object looks different at differnet frame rates...woops

  • Yeah hehe.....hardware acceleration for the win...however it would probably be better if plasma object itself could render multiple copies of itself on top of each other. Using render states and filters I can make each separate layer a different opacity, colour, etc...I'll look into it and try to find a solution that is both simple and powerful

  • No pixel shaders were hurt in the process of making this example

  • Oh yeah, forgot about that effect lol

  • The link you provided doesn't work

    The plasma object isn't the flame object, so it does work a little bit differently. If you paste an object in that has different colours in it, each colour will be blurred and subtracted from, allowing you to create multi-coloured visual effects (such as the example). Maybe with another multiplied map it would be possible to make the colours fade out with a tint rather than just becoming more transparent....so you could make white fade out to a red shade...or you could make all colours tint to black to make a more smoke like effect... I dont know. As for gradients, I plan to add a shader which allows you to use an image and it will take greyscale values of each pixel and map it to the texture...this could then be used by more than just the flame object, however it does require a pixel shader.

    When I programmed the flame object for MMF I looped each pixel and mapped it to the image of the gradient in a filter blit. But without a pixel shader, you cant do this in direct X (or at least without major slowdown) so when I write this shader it might only be pixel shader 2 compatible, in which case people using the flame object will need to account for how it might look if people don't have the hardware to support pixel shader 2. Anyway its still possible to achieve nice effects without it mapping to a gradient.

    BTW in what way is it hard to use? If you drop the object in the layout and set the background to black it works... I just use a couple of actions to make the shapes in the background move around etc.

  • Examples showing how particles now supports resizing and rotation. If all the partcles are the same size and angle, it uses the faster point method, but if you want to use particles which grow and rotate it will blit with quads just like sprites do. However, its harder work on the graphics card so you cant use as many particles.

    Note: You will need the hotfix of Particle object to run this

  • An example of the plasma object

  • Redownload the file guys i made it better! it no longer looks like a cube