David's Forum Posts

  • Very nice Small suggestion : Make the set y of sprite this:

    Sprite2.y+('y')+ min(0,(sin(Sprite.angle)*40))

    Makes the arms not move away as much and looks better when facing down. I presume u'll limit the directions so if it passes 90 degrees it turns around etc.

    The maths for the pipe was a real mind f***

  • Not bad but I feel flamethrower effects are achieved better with particles of flame being fired, and rotating and growing. However...perhaps that plus the plasma object could create an interesting effect. I might give it a go brb

  • LOL

    As a fellow Australian you should have known better! Being Australian means your automatically loved by all other nationalities

  • I put the two animations next to each other, the original feels like it has more frames because of the skin revealed on the tighs...it makes the leg in the foreground and the leg in the background more distinguised...

  • I had a look at the original angel animation and its 10 frames.....and yet so is urs...why doesn't it run as smoothly as this

    BTW where do you get sprites as gifs like that ?

  • Sorry I totally forgot to comment on the game itself! Its got potential but I kind of feel the running animation is missing a frame or something....maybe its just me...but the hand stand is cool and the blood effects are pretty sweet.

    Oh and new rule, people who fight on these forums will have their avatar changed to this:

    <img src="http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:euYcQkcjTNhsXM:http://www.osceola.org/Files/Department/OsceolaOrg%255CMyLittlePony.JPG">

    You've been warned

  • Yeah if your played goo tower you'll notice that where you can place the blobs is somewhat restricted...its probably to prevent the spring from 'beating the crap' out of the rest of the tower.

    Some ways I've thought about reducing the events is to allow the pairer plugin to handle automatic repositioning, stretching, and angling of objects. Would be kind of cool if you could just tell a sprite to draw as a line between 2 other sprites, and the plugin would automatically change the width, position, and angle accordingly.

    Also I added the springs as an action which you must call each frame....might be good at add another action to allow them to be like hinges where you just create the spring and you dont need to worry about it no more.

    I might be able to reduce it to 2 events then....

  • Na its not one event Its 5 events.

    However you've set me a challenge now... There must me a way to make it 1 eventable !

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  • Oh in the layout properties I've checked 'no scroll boundary'. The layout itself is actually only 640x480 heh. However, the stars in the background are 1134x969... dunno why I went for those numbers And they scroll really slowly due to parallaxing, allowing them to stay on the screen for ages.

  • <img src="http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/7007/screenshot2432rq3.png">

    I cant release the cap yet because it uses the new pair plugin and the spring action in physics, but anyway I put this together. Left clicking creates a part to the tower, which connects to the 2 nearest objects.

    Can anyone guess where I got my inspiration And also can anyone guess how many events I used?

    Oh crap its 4am...


    That is hillarious! Still its free publicity I guess

  • One technique for animations if you use photoshop is to create an image, say 128x128, and draw each frame as a separate layer...or use folders if you require more than 1 layer....then you can flick them on and off and photoshop has some neat features, like the ability to export each layer as separate files, or export as an animaton, etc. Thats how the graphics were done for braid.

    http://www.davidhellman.net/braid/anima ... s-main.zip

    Then you can just use the import dialog in the animation bar to bring them in.

  • Plugin should appear next build

  • Cant forget Corey!

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  • Thats the Australian Emu mate! Them teeth can rip right through a bloody crocodile!