David's Forum Posts

  • lol mirosurabu had already 'spoiled' the storyline in one of his posts you'd already responded to but i added *spoiler* to my post now anyways

  • *spoiler alert*

    The trick with the moving # is to go to the bottom, move just as its moving downwards and then you make it across. But you have to hit right to cause you to stop before smashing into another #. It could be a bit easier since the other little 'awkward games' were pretty easy...but it should definitely still be challenging because that part of the conversation is the most challenging for the persona.

    Anyway I dont know how the community will react to the story...I think it was really stylishly done and dealt with the socially unacceptable topic of ****** in a classy and respectable manner. And I love how we dont realise the situation until towards the end of the game...I personally thought it was about a guy who was in love with a girl...but the girl didn't know it...and she just saw him as a friend...but yeah that 'Of course I love you, your my little brother!' line was like....wow....took me by surprise

    Will be interesting to see what kind of feedback you get.

  • haha you posted this in the 'your creations' forum. People usually show off their creations in this forum, not just tell people about something they made but didn't save


    The graphics are so sketchy while so smooth...i just...words cant....awesome

    I agree its kinda annoying how it closes unexpectedly when u die, makes u feel the game has crashed

    I also would love to see this game extended, but at the same time as a short game it works as well....

    I feel the kind of sketchy cave drawings look could have been improved that extra bit if there was a nice big textured tiled background in the background...even if it was just a kind of noise image.

    But perhaps too much polish would lose the essents of the game....the solid background colour does make the ground and stuff stand out a lot...

    You could expand this though...I'd really recommend it...or perhaps collaborate with others

    I noticed there was an eye to the right just before the drop...perhaps that could be used to expand it...I cant say more because it would spoil the game but i'm just saying...it can be done

    But yeah I'm pretty sure theres many different directions you can take this game...both in its art and in its gameplay...but anyway, good work

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  • Good job. However I think you cropped the instructions image back too much because the shadow is lost at the bottom of the text. Other than that it looks very nice and very polished! I bet it kicks the arse out of all the projects made in game maker Also love the concept artwork! I'd love to see a game made one day out of only concept art.

    edit: haha I can see from the sprite art in ur first post that theres an image for it jumping! That would be awesome if the demons leaped at you.

  • haha I've reached the point where I can see the image in the middle as clearly as the image of the left or right.

    However, I had a 3d picture of a hot female model in front of me...so like...yeah...its a lot easier to focus on a hot model than a construct logo ;P

    But yeah your eyes dont like being crossed...if the image on the screen is small then its not as painful on your eyes (my screen is 1680x1050) not sure how large my screen is...so yeah standing back from the picture helps a lot but then its harder to see whats going on.

    I've seen flicker glasses that come with graphics cards and stuff, the idea being that it blanks out the left eye, and then the right eye, in sync with the graphics card, which renders slightly to the left and then slightly to the right so you get the flickering like in my first layout.

    Then theres the blue and red effect, where the left eye can only see one colour, and the right eye can only see the other, but it kinda prevents you seeing colour....also it requires people to be wearing red/blue glasses.

    The cross eyed effect is the only one that you can do without the assistance of glasses or a 3d lcd screen..but it hurts your eyes

  • Its a weird optical illusion thing where if you have two images and you cross your eyes you can see a third image in the middle. However, your left eye sees the left image, and your right eye sees the right image, and thus by providing two separate images from the left and right eye, your brain can see depth (depending on how the images are drawn).

    Photos are taken by positioning the camera in the two 'eye socket' location...but really you can cheat and just horizontally move the camera.

    I made a simple cap explaining how to see these images, I think I might make another cap that uses 2 canvas's and construct parrallaxing...

  • Excellent start! The artwork is awesome, at first I thought it was done with the bone movement...btw what program did you use to do the animations of the character?

    The background is awesome. I love how some of the grass moves, and the parrallaxing and contrast in colours really creates the illusion of depth. Also theres quite a few sutble touches I like such as the fog rising and falling.

    Is the random skull on the ground meant to do anything or is it just decoration?

    Also, awesome to see more Australians making kick arse stuff!

    I tried downloading the survey but it says 404 file not found :/

  • Some day I'll add it but for now the best way to position hotspots is to select the hotspot tool and use the arrow keys to move the image about. Then hold 'shift' to switch frames. The hotspot stays in the middle of the screen.

    If your ripping sprites from a sprite sheet and the person who made the sprite sheet didn't align the graphics to any type of grid then sadly you have a bit of work to do, but using the arrow keys and the shift key its really comfortable and you quickly get the results your after!

  • It would mean any scripts written in python that no longer work in python 3 would need to be modified. I think Python 3 comes with a program that can convert them, so you would need to paste your python code snippets into it and then paste back into construct.

    I dont think it will be a problem though, the syntax (from what I've seen) hasn't changed much. The main one that breaks Python 2.x.x projects is the print "hello" being replaced with print("hello") and I dont think any construct projects would use the print command anyway.

  • Originally construct used Python 2.5

    In 0.99 it now uses Python 2.6.2

    At some point I'll make it use Python 3.0.1...but since its quite early there might be bugs etc.

    Originally when you clicked preview, it linked to the libraries from the installed directory of python...most people had Python 2.6.2 and thus it had compatability problems.

    I've changed it so when you preview it links the python libraries to the one in the Construct directory, so it shouldn't matter wether you have python installed at all.

    If you write:

    For instance in Sprite:

    instance.X += 1;

    It will move every sprite to the right 1...

    However, when I'm not drugged out (i had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday heh) I'm gonna add sol....so you can do like:

    For instance in Sprite.SOL:

    instance.X += 1;

    And it will just iterate the sprites which are selected...meaning if you have the python block as a sub event of anotehr event it will use the SOL

  • Well its been 24 hours...only one entry...as I am admin i am not eledgible...therefore

    newt wins a date with Rich yay give it up for newt!

  • Competition is simple:

    Make an 'enter your name' game, but as epic as possible!

    Lots of games just have an edit box where you type in your name, but I remember older games like 'Die Hard Trilogy' were more creative. Die Hard gave you a circle filled with people to shoot, and each time you shot them they dropped a letter...or something...

    Also Millhouse once said in an episode of The Simpsons 'Man this game is so awesome! Im still entering my name! THRILLHOUSE!'.

    Lets make this a reality. How people enter their names can be up to you....

    As an example I made a simple little 'shoot the letters with a flying chainsaw spawned out of your metal body' example...and I stuck a plasma object in there to make it pretty.

    <img src="http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3543/entername.png">

    Winner will be judged by originality and epicness and weather it makes us laugh

    Prize is a date with Rich

    Also its 24 hour coz when I posted this people were doing a different 45 min competition, and i think 45 min is a bit short as people who arn't online at the time miss out...I give 24 hours coz I'm tired

  • In MMF each 'frame' has its own objects and object types.

    In Construct, each application has a list of object types, and each layout contains object instances.

    Simply copy and paste or drag and drop objects from your first frame into other frames and they will be the same object type and share the same images etc.

    Not really sure what Ashleys going on about global objects..ticking global just means the instance wont be destroyed when the frame changes.

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