Um...sorry to be harsh but...on first reading it sounds like your not only asking people to make a game for you...but asking them to think up a game for you too.
Perhaps if you had posted an original idea, with some sketches and an explaination of the gameplayer...then people might be intreged enough to have a go and do something up.
For example if you posted:
'Hey I've got this idea for a game, you fire chainsaws out of a rocket launcher which attack glowing green skeletons, and you have to rescue all the stawberries so they can form an army to attack the broccolli!' then you'd get a bit of interested because at least its an original might not be a good one but people might be like 'chainsaw shooting rocketlaunchers......dude...!' and start collaborating.
But you're pretty much saying you want to create a game that is like Age Of Empires...but with a different story...and that while you can help with all the fields, you are after people who can do the coding, graphics, music, 3d models, sprites, storyline, levels, and that you want to become famous from it.
In my opinion I think you'd be better off looking around in the creation forum, finding some projects that are interesting, and offering to help out so you can 'make contacts'.