David's Forum Posts

  • http://files.getdropbox.com/u/939828/forming2.cap

    A kind of cool effect...handy if all your tiles are separate and look like something that could fly in

  • I got the cap file from Thomas so I'm gonna look into the crash etc.

    The low fps is caused by the 360 controller plugin. I dont know why, but I'm looking into it.

    That sound is gonna haunt me forever

    I think once it stops crashing, and the lag thing is fixed (probably my fault) and a few more levels get added, this'll make a nice little game

    However, I think the controls should be changes so the left stick controls one character and the right stick controls the other. Same with the keyboard...make AWSD control one and IJKL control the other...that way it can be played as a one player game.

  • >

    > > The main advantage of the platform behavior is its perfect

    > >

    > Brave words from a man who's behavior accounts for over 5% of the total bugs submitted to Construct, ever!


    He's trying very hard

    I think David deserves a cookie

    Notice how nearly all of them are closed

  • Nice example 'custom behavior' would be quite handy for particles as well, and this gives you far more control than using the particle object.

  • The main advantage of the platform behavior is its perfect ^^ Or at least I'm aiming for it to be, and if there is a bug Deadeye will be sure to find it and I will be sure to fix it! By using the platform movement, you dont have to waste your time trying to programming difficult things like slopes and platforms and moving platforms...they are all done for you. By manually overwriting the horizontal and vertical speed you can simply make an object that wont go through obstacles, and will automatically slide up and down slopes when they are approached horizontally.

    The choice is yours of course, we're just letting u know that the behaviours are designed to be useful rather than quick alternatives for people who cant use events. btw, is the platform movement in mmf2 anymore decent? last I heard if you ran into a wall or fell on a corner you got stuck in the wall until you jumped

  • I did the zelda style scrolling in one event hehe

    I think we need a new system expression which is similar to clamp and similar to lerp. I need a name for it...but basically you give it a value, another value, and the amount to move the first value towards the second value...

    so it's like this:

    return source + clamp(destination - source, -dist, +dist)


    one disadvantage to my system is it doesn't pause the game

  • I plan to make a direct input plugin so hopefully that will cover the other controllers.

  • Fear not, lucid my worried friend....

    For your trouble will soon come to an end...

    A direct input plugin is in the making...

    And will be yours for the taking...

    Dont let microsoft bring you down....

    Make a smile out of your frown!

  • <img src="http://files.getdropbox.com/u/939828/screenshot2.PNG">


    Just a simple example of how to use the per pixel stepping. Pretty lines weeee!

  • <img src="http://files.getdropbox.com/u/939828/screenshot1.PNG">


    One event woot!

    If you have a 360 controller it's even cooler

  • ah yeah that corner is a bit too sharp for the trace to handle. If the distance wasn't 32 and more like 16 it would probably handle it fine. Also the faster it moves, the more likely it is to 'come off the rails'. A better system would perform the angle evaluation while moving in sub steps...so if you move 10 pixels to the right it actually only moves say 2 pixels at a time.

    *edit* lol when i clicked submit it said 'u might want to review the new post'...then i clicked submit again and it said the same thing...2 people posting within seconds of each other haha

  • Candescence directed me to this:


    a 360 degree trace movement engine made in the games factory, it included the *.gam file so I was able to look at how it was done.

    Although it used 22 events, I had a go at remaking it in Construct and managed to do it in 6

    The principle is simple. Two 'detectors' come out the left and right of your character and shoot off downwards. The angle of your character is then determined by the angle of one 'detector' to the other. Finally, you move your character up or down so they are standing on top of the ground. However 'down' and 'up' are in relation to the angle the player is at.

    Quite a simple and eligant system really.

    With these new method in mind, I'll make some additions to the 'custom movement' so such functionality can be available in a much easier way.

  • Hmm in our code we used:

    b2AABB worldAABB;

    worldAABB.lowerBound.Set(-100, -100);

    worldAABB.upperBound.Set(400.0f, 400.0f);

    The default scale for physics is 2% = 0.02

    So 400 / 0.02 = 20000

    So yeah, 20,000 pixels is the max size.

    I need to do a review of the physics code because the speed values dont conform with pixels per second like everything else does.

    We originally wrote the physics using newton...and then we changed to chipmunk...and then we changed to box2d...so the codebase got a bit confusing trying to make it backwards compatable with older versions (so that force values all remained the same)

    However so many of the games use physics, if I suddenly changed the unit measurement it would make lots of games behave wrong...I'll probably add a checkbox to use 'old unit scale' which will be ticked if your project is old

  • Lots of analogue controllers have deadzones. The 360 plugin compensates for them so you dont have to worry about your character slowly moving when the user has the thumb stick in the 'neutral' zone.

    I'm trying to work on a direct input plugin as well so other controllers work as well, but every controller seems to use different buttons and different 'axis' for stuff (as well as having different deadzones, arg!)

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  • Someone added a sad melody in the background and recorded themselves reading out the twitter things:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    pretty hillarious

    At least Soldjahboy has played Braid...i bet no other black rappers have