Darn. I created a new project yesterday, set everything up and figured out now that as soon as I add a second layout, Construct crashes before the runtime starts. The funny thing is that I can move the layouts around, so if I move the second layout to happen before the first layout, it'll work, yet, as soon as I then start layout 2 (which was Layout 1 a second ago), it crashes again - so it's not something funky going on in the layout, I guess the layout ordering must be ****** up or something.
This is not new, switching layouts (in any version of construct) can cause crashes thanks to a number of things..
1.transitions(big culprit)
2.motion blur
3.sounds(in rare circumstances)
I've seen crashes on layout switching in many applications made with construct, and my advice is to just avoid using transitions until the devs fix it. However if you aren't using transitions... then xaudio2 might be the problem.