Dave Hailwood's Forum Posts

  • ahr ech

    Now I believe I love this game even more!   I always wondered what Lovecrafts Beard would've looked like, so thanks for clearing up that mystery.

    Please let me know when there's a new demo up, as I'll be very keen to play it.

  • Snooba

    Damn fine looking shootemup!    And challenging, too. I was only just getting started on level 2 when I bit the big one. It runs very smoothly on my ipad 3 using Safari. There's some occasional slowdown whenever encountering the turret with the great big green laser beam, but apart from that it all worked nicely. Nice simple controls, too.

    I'm sure it'll prove very popular, so well done.

  • harrio

    Although the option to pass on a move is a nice idea, I think it might take the challenge out of it. Part of the fun is in being driven to make a choice that might potentially kill your hero; and when your wizard kills an enemy or your warrior fails to trigger a trap there's a nice feeling of 'In Your Face, Fate!!!'

    Maybe I'll give it a go at a later date, and see if it works.


  • Righto,

    The latest version of Board Horde has been uploaded to the front page. Here's the list of changes;

    1. Basic 'Village Idiot' a.i. has been added. At the moment the a.i. can only get one hero out at a time, though after an entire day of swearing at the computer I've almost got it fully functional (so expect a better challenge in next weeks update)

    2. The HUD graphics have been updated to reflect the heroes in play.

    3. If there are no heroes at all on the board, instead of having to roll a six to get one out, both players are given a hero on their next dice roll (six or not).

    4. A temporary Back button has been added so people stop accidentally hitting the board horde logo and having the game reset to menu.

    Plus lots of interesting new bugs (and many old ones). The most irritating being occasionally the dice will roll an extra time when its not supposed to, and the game will freeze (just press the back button if that happens, and curse my name). I've probably broken a few other things whilst trying to make the a.i. work as its being a right mind melter and no mistake!

    All feedback is appreciated, and many thanks to those who've already given me lots of new ideas to make my life interesting!

  • Perhaps you could have a terribly English game over message that, instead of stating Game Over whenever you die states: YOU HAVE MET YOUR DEMISE!

    I look forward to the updates.

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  • mineet

    I also think pixel perfik suggestion is a good 'un, though I'm going to try out the suggestion of harrio first (changing the dice colour to match the colour of the player). I did try implementing novelty style dice, such as a heart which you stab to roll and a skull but they were just too confusing (sometimes a conventional idea is better than trying to be flash).


    The rolling a six thing doesn't always cause a problem, but its really noticeable now I'm trying to put an A.I. Player in there. Sometimes it can take ages for that rascal to get a hero out.

    The Board Horde reset button was just put in there for testing purposes (I've pressed it myself by accident a few times, as it is quite large). It's already been replaced in the upcoming update by a much smaller back button, which in turn will eventually be replaced by an 'are you sure you want to quit' style warning menu.

    Cheers for trying the game out, and here's hoping I manage to iron out a few bugs in time for tomorrow's update (then again, I have wine, and Life Aquatics on the telly. The luxury of sleep seems unlikely!)

  • There's some tutorials from some chap named Construct Dude you could try.


    The best way to learn is to work your way through some of the tutorials, or use the templates (such as Endless Runner) supplied with Construct. It may not be the type of game you want to make to begin with, but what you learn from doing tutorials etc can always be applied elsewhere.

  • Darc

    Part of the reason I decided to buy Construct was because of the highly active forum with hugely supportive members (also it gets truly marvellous updates every week).

  • mineet

    With luck, I'll have a bigger update at some point tomorrow. The a.i. and HUD graphics overhaul are going reasonably well. I tried to implement Farflamex' idea about not having to roll the dice three times to get a hero out when there's none on the board, and I think it will improve things once I've managed to track down and destroy all the bugs it's thrown up (why is it always the quick fixes that end up taking the longest to solve?)

  • Looks chuffing marvellous! Like Altered Beast meets Golden Axe and kicks the living crud out of it. When you need it testing, just say the word and I shall die frequently in the name of game testing.

  • You could just shorten it to Doomdire Depths, as that's an intriguing enough title in itself.

  • pixel perfick

    I like the Ghosts and Goblins style look to the main hero. The portcullis and stairs going down are nicely designed too (its a right sod trying to get the perspective right on stairs going down...I tried for ages on my own game, then instead gave up and settled for a sign that said 'exit'.)

    The lighting effect is working nicely too, and the creepy crawlies certainly gives the Crawler aspect a whole new meaning. I will watch the games development with interest, and will be happy to give it a test when you have a demo.

    Keep up the jolly nice work!

  • Once I've got the a.i. up and running properly, it should give me a chance to better test your idea (as when you're playing against yourself, the moves are always somewhat predictable!). If I can implement the idea before Friday so you can test if it works better or not, I will do so.

    I'm not sure how the game will be received at Newgrounds, but hopefully it works for the 'Touch' aspect of their competition. I would've left the addition of A.I and scoreboards until much later, but I think they might help improve the games chances a little. Once the competition is over I plan to take a good few weeks to tidy up and reduce the events, as there's a lot of wasteful code floating around in there. Then I'll start the cumbersome task of adding a third player to the mix, and game changing Special Skills for each particular type of hero (plus a truck load of new maps!)

    Many thanks once more!

  • farflamex

    I'm glad you managed to get in again, and cheers for the feedback.

    The A.I. Version will be uploaded on Friday, (currently the a.i. can only get one character out at once, but I'm hoping to fix that). I'm planning to spend the last two weeks of the competition concentrating on the aesthetics and helper objects (like flashing/highlighted selectable characters, and a few more animations). This week I've been focused on A.I and HUD graphics, next week I hope to jazz up the text objects (which will make it more obvious that you've picked up a potion) and hopefully implement a scoreboard system that lists most deaths, kills, traps avoided etc.

    I'm in two minds about the Having To Roll A Six to get another character out on the board when you have none; on the one hand, this is a useful board game component as it allows the other player to get the upper hand, but on the other it can be annoying if you have to wait ages to get a hero on the board (if there are none out on either side, I might tweak the protocols a bit so that it's easier to get someone). Anyway, I've still got to tweak the game balance a bit (enemies are spawning too often, and the trap needs more features added) so it's comments like that one which will really help me when considering what to go with. Hmm...Maybe I could introduce some sort of Free Entry But Movement Temporarily Halved consequence? you've given me something to think about, so cheers for that!

  • Wrangler

    Death by skeleton laser eyes and a million billion arrows? Book me down for a slice of that!

    There's still just under a month until the end of the competition, and I'm sure you'll fix the glitches and come up with something awesome.

    Apart from a Dropbox issue, everything's going reasonably smoothly with my Board Horde contribution; the A.I is gradually coming together, and although it's currently at 'Major dumb-ass' level, I have still managed to lose to it twice (which should tell you a lot about my game playing skills). I probably won't have time to implement all the features that I want to include, but at least this deadline has motivated me to keep on pushing forward and concentrate on the essentials.

    To all those who are contributing, best of luck with your own projects. I look forward to playing your games, and losing heavily at them.

    • Dave