I've just managed to replicate close to the problem you described when using Chrome browser (took ages to load, then when it did all I got was the HUD character selection pictures, and an empty board. After waiting a bit longer, the dice loaded in, followed by the background, but nothing else). According to the console, it's experiencing some sort of 'Dom Exception 18 Security Error in the C2.Runtime.js:49', which I'm guessing could mean Firewall issues. Also a resource fetch failed on one of the .ogg sound effects, so it's possible I uploaded one incorrectly. I'm also getting a message that states 'Viewport Target Denisty.DPI is undefined'.
I'll try and sort this all out by next Friday's update, and have also signed up at Clay.io to investigate that avenue further (as other creators have been experiencing problems with dropbox, especially where Chrome is concerned).
Fortunately when I submit the game to the Newgrounds competition they host it on their site, so if the main issue is with dropbox I should be alright (though it sounds like it's a combination of factors).
Anyway, it's all part of the learning experience; if you hadn't mentioned anything, I'd never have discovered the chrome console, or been motivated to reduce the artwork size to something more manageable, so you've really helped and it's appreciated!
I will give you more feedback on Korelos later.