Latest Update 29/3
Hullo folks!
On the first post of this thread I have put the link to Version 2 of Board Horde. Incase you missed it, here it is again: Board Horde V2 (newest) 29/3.
Huge thanks to all those people who've given me feedback so far, its been really helpful.
Change List
Rules which explain how to play the game are now on the menu. They're a bit rough around the edges as I just knocked them up today, but I'll tidy them up when I get the chance.
Sound Effects! There's some lovely retro noises, mostly courtesy of the rather marvellous Sfx that come with the Construct 2 Personal Edition. I still have to tweak these a lot so they don't overlap or run over long (and occasionally they may not fire up, or have a delay depending on browser in use. Hopefully I'll be able to fix that!)
A new Potion Power: God Finger! With this power, simply touch an opponent or enemy and watch the little perisher fly off the screen. Hurrah for mindless carnage!
Alteration to Change Places potion. Rather than being automatic, you now get to choose which opponent you change places with. For the dumb Warrior, this may occasionally result in him having to change places with an opponent that's behind him.
A few visual improvements here and there, and I think that's everything for this week. By next week I'm hoping to have Village Idiot level A.I. vaguely operational, and have updated the HUD art to reflect the characters in play.
Newest Bugs: a few things I've encountered, and would be interested in knowing if anyone else encounters them:
Sometimes when a hero treads on an enemy, the collision doesn't happen and you have to reset the game (only happened twice to me. I may have fixed it, but I'm not sure).
Game froze several times on start up, and menu screen buttons couldn't be pressed. I think I've fixed this now, as it was possibly down to me not opening the next group until all Sfx had been preloaded, but please tell me if its still happening.
Barbarian flew off to the left after being killed by an enemy, then suddenly changed direction for no reason at all and went upward. Looked pretty cool, but not quite the effect I was aiming for!
Feather potion still active after other potions have been collected. Should be pretty easy to fix, when I remember.
Right, I think that's it for now. I best go say 'hullo' to my wife, so she remembers I still exist.
I look forward to more feedback, and thank you all for playing.
Edit: oh yes, forgot to mention I also made two balance changes to keep things interesting. Occasionally new enemies or potions will spawn when numbers are getting low.