Dave Hailwood's Forum Posts

  • Nice to see a Dungeon Buster update. Ive been following its creation for a while now, and its great to see all the extra touches (like salt paths) that you're putting in there. Keep up the mighty fine work!

  • Good luck with this one! Looks like a helluva lot of time and effort has gone into it.

    Although I'm sure all the Beta keys will probably be gone by the time I get home from work, I'd be happy to give it a play test if I get the chance.

    • Dave
  • Some very interesting links (especally enjoyed reading about Planescape Torment).

    For anyone interested in RPG creation, there's a few good design documents and extras which relate to Zeboyd games' indie game 'Cthulhu Saves The World' which can be downloaded here: zeboyd.com/free-stuff

  • scirra.com/arcade/example/956/memory-match-tutorial

    Although its not quite poker, this memory match card game has a capx beneath it that might help you get started.


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  • Hi folks,

    I keep meaning to get round to one of these 'introduction' thingies, so here goes.

    I'm Dave (a name I share with about 97% of the Uk population) and I mostly write comics for small press and Indie publishers.

    It's been almost twenty years since I did any of this game creating malarkey, and I must say that thanks to the ease of use of Construct 2 things are going a heck of a lot better this time around (last time I made a game on Amos, called Chogger. It was in many ways rather similar to Frogger, except you were a hedgehog. Oh yes, and there was only one incredibly slow moving Skoda on the road for players to avoid. It's amazing how few people were willing to play it...).

    I'm currently working on a fantasy board game, and once that's done I hope to transform a few of my old comic projects into games (unless life/other creative writing projects distract me).

    Anyway, its jolly nice to be among such a friendly, welcoming and creative community.

    Keep up the good work, chaps!

  • Okay, I've just had a chance to peek at the events that I've been using in my fantasy board game.

    Although the movement is functional, I haven't implemented dt yet (which keeps the frame rate consistent when the game is played on different browsers or devices). I'm sure I'll figure it out soon, but whenever I tried to implement it before things started to go wrong.

    Anyway, I'll try and explain as best as I can a few of the commands and actions I'm using, in the vague hope that you might be able to glean some information from the words of an inexperienced babbling fool.

    So, pieces on my board are moved using the 'Move at Angle' command. As each board square is 64 pixels (as are the pieces), they are moved at 64 pixels each time. I have four directions which the pieces can travel; up, down, left or right. Up equals angle of 270, Down equals angle of 90, Left equals angle of 180 and Right equals angle of 0.

    I have two main variables which influence the movement; Direction, and PlayerMoveCounter. The PlayerMoveCounter is set to the Dice.AnimationFrame once the player has rolled the dice (so on a roll of six, it would hold the value of six). The Direction is currently set by four arrays containing all the board square UID's for specific directions (it's easier to use invisible collision detection squares, but I wanted to reduce sprites and get to know arrays). The event here looks a little like:

    Condition Blue Wizard On Collision With Path

    Sub Event Array UpDirection contains value Path.UID

                Action: Blue Wizard set Direction to 0 (in my variable, 0=up)

    And then in the Movement Group:

    Condition System: PlayerMoveCounter>0

    Sub Event System: Blue Wizard Direction=0

    Sub Event System: Every 0.25 Seconds

                Action: Blue Wizard Move 64 Pixels at angle 270

                Action: System: Subtract 1 from PlayerMoveCounter

                Action: System: Wait 0.125 seconds

    (The first wait is there to stop the Blue Wizard moving in massive leaps. I seem to recall the second wait of 0.125 seconds was something to do with trying to slow the pieces down on corners, or something)

    Events are repeated (with a change to the angle) for the three other directions. I then have a separate event that sets the Movement group deactivated when the PlayerMoveCounter=0.

    Hopefully within the next few weeks I'll have enough of my board game up and running to show a preview. In the meantime, I hope your project goes well, and if you find out anything useful when creating it please feel free to share any tips.

    Must dash, as I've just downloaded FTL whilst it's on sale, and need to discover inventive new ways of dying in the cold, harsh depths of space!

  • Hi Chris,

    I'm also rather new around these parts (haven't had a go at this game making malarkey since Amos on the Amiga 500!) and have been working on a board game for a few months. Mine is also dice based, and involves players trying to get various Rpg style characters to the dungeon exit whilst avoiding traps etc.

    I haven't located that much in the way of board game specific tutorials, though there's a few which might point you in the right direction. I seem to recall there's a Pacman tutorial that involves moving the character in increments, and using collision detections (useful if you need your pieces to change direction at a certain point on the board). Also there's some well thought out Plugins by Rex Rainbow that allow you to use Grid Based movement, which might be appropriate to your needs (I decided not to use them in the end, as games that use 3rd party plugins can't be uploaded to the Scirra arcade and may suffer unforeseen side effects).

    Things I would recommend getting to grips with when designing a board game are: Families and Functions (which will help minimise the amount of repeated events), groups (which can help keep things organised, and running in a logical order), variables and arrays (although I haven't quite mastered the art of the array yet, I'm currently using them to keep track of all the board tiles, dictate which direction the pieces travel around the board, and prevent enemies from spawning on certain squares). Also a basic understanding of how events and sub events work will save many a headache down the line.

    Anyway, apologies for not giving you more to go on, but I'm currently writing on my ipad. Once I've had a peek at my project on my PC at the weekend, I'll see if I can find a few useful examples (hopefully a few more folk might've replied to you by then)

    Best of luck with your project.

    • Dave
  • A very original game concept - it's always nice when someone comes at an established idea from a completely different angle.

    Smoothly handled, with some great characters. Very well done indeed!

  • Brilliantly bizarre!

    I loved the look of the characters - very nice cartoony style. It was an absolute joy to trapse around someones lower intestines whilst on my lunch break. Left me hungry for toxic waste!

  • ahr ech:

    I really like the little extra visual touches, such as the hobo warming his hands when he stops by the fire, and the pecking seagull.

    Will there be interactivity with the background characters? (eg, Beer swilling man, or the other hobo). They just look so good it would be nice to be able to stop and have a chat with them or be heckled as you pass.

    Anyway, best of luck with the project. Looking good so far.