I'm working on my first ever C2 game and I thought it be nice to have people give me some feedback so I don't get into any bad habits (if that's possible). Anyway, it'll some day be a Harvest Moon / Minecraft combination. At the moment I just have sample graphics and a single placeable object but I'd love feedback.
AWSD / Arrow keys for movement
Mouse Up/Down for selecting toolbar (1 is placement for the wall, 2 is for removing them)
Hold E on a tile to "mine" it for Components
Click while having 1 selected to spawn, 2 to remove
I'll probably add one more object for spawning and an enemy before I get to the 100 events limit. Then it's decision time for me :P
EDIT: removed Debug addons and uploaded index.html
EDIT 2: I somehow forgot to mention that you need 20 Molecules to actually place a wall.