CoffeeOD's Forum Posts

  • Here what I would personally do, might not work for you but should give some ideas at least.

    1) Be clear what your game is about to avoid "unnecessary" feedback.

    2) Release test builds often as possible.

    3) Make sure players understand meaning of "preview build/dev build", "alpha" and "beta" (maybe even "RC, Release candidate").

    Surveys are always nice idea after each testing, sometimes players have problems putting their feedback into words. Simple "rate feature" survey (example google drive forms) could bring more useful and interesting data compared to forum post "it was fun game".

    When feedback is not so much about adding/removing features anymore, announce feature freeze and focus on polishing remaining "weak parts", but always remain honest with yourself. If you dont agree that feature X should be like Person A suggested, discuss with your players and provide them alternatives on how to improve feature X the way you feel would work better.

    If you blindly follow every player suggestions you end up with "little bit of everything" and eventually game does not feel like its your own creation anymore, try to "stay true to your vision" while providing best possible experience for those who enjoy it.

    You always have content/bug fix updates to add new features and tweak things even if game is not in beta anymore, when players are able to stress test your game they have better understanding what could be improved to make whole package work better.

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  • Felt bit too "sluggish" for me, few suggestions:

    1) Instead "press once to activate minimal dash", I would prefer having dash meter allowing to keep key down for continuos dash, slowly decreasing until you can no longer dash. Meter could be recharged by coins or another new item.

    2) Possible add flying/jumping enemies, while most of the enemies are easily killed you would have to time your jump/dash to avoid those flying/jumping enemies.

    3) Maybe different music for menus and levels? Same soundtrack all the time can be bit too much to listen.

    In the end, game was fun to play even if its "early draft".

  • In my opinion games should have an option for "non-swearing" dialogs, there are usually multiple ways to say things without using "power words". Would I use this option? Most likely not, I can accept that my character will say few dirty words in moment of panic or other situations with "strong emotional state", but having an option to select different type of dialog would not hurt.

    If I have to buy few apples from friendly neighbourhood kiosk, I dont really look forward hearing "have a nice ******* day, hope you enjoy those ******* apples, come again, dear ******** customer", unless game theme is balanced towards that type of humor.

    About villains, they can be most evil things without using silly dirty words, sometimes lack of strong words (or extreme anger all together) can increase evil factor.

    Unnecessary use of anything is most often bad decision.

  • Fun time killer, did not have any major problems, alto all the menu buttons started game instead opening options/credits page but I assume this was on purpose due to early development status.

    + Music was great.

    + Gameplay was fun.

    + Graphics, nice work.

    • Quite often enemies got stuck behind fences.
    • Enemies felt bit boring, maybe new type of enemy that has ranged attack(s)? Tried only first level, so not sure if enemies types changed after that.
  • Nice start and quite fun experience. Im not sure how much energy you are willing to put into this game, so some of these suggestions might sound bit too much if you are just making fun project without plans to release full game.

    Things I enjoyed.

    • Simple and fun game, suitable for quick and fun mobile gaming.
    • Graphics did fits to game theme nicely.

    Things that could be improved.

    1) Start/Intro scene is bit uncenessary and personally found it annoying after several restarts.

    2) Music, I personally had enjoy it more without flute or whatever that high p?tch instrument was, but thats just me.

    3) At level 3, just before "goal area" you cant really see where you are jumping and can easily die (unless you paid attention at lower platform), I found this bit too cheap way to make level harder.

    4) If time, consider doing "idle animation", it was bit funny to see my character freezing into "movement" position when I was not moving.


    1) Intro/Menu scene.

    How about creating "lobby world", so player can move around in small area and enter into "world portals", little bit of interaction is always fun.

    You could even place few NPC`s (using same sprite as player, but different color?), pressing "action" button would enable player to talk with NPC`s who could tell game story, praising game creator (credits in funny way) etc.

    2) Checkpoints.

    Tho its small game, after losing 3 lives whole game restarts which can be frustrating. You could simply restart current level or use "lobby world" suggestion that allowing player to re-enter to the current level (if I was on level 2, I can enter back to level 2 or previous levels).

    3) Live drops.

    Maybe add random chance of getting "bonus live" from the trees (sometimes live drops, mostly health drops) or other sources, with limitation that player must have less than 3 lives in order to get bonus one.

    I will be checking back and test out future updates, of course trying my best to provide feedback and suggestions. Keep up the good work!

  • I should learn to login here more often, doubt that there is still need for these, but just in case:

    Orginal file:

    r152 ReSave file:

    Live Demo:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I managed to solve "invert" issue with else statement. Tho I had problem where first spawned object didnt not understood LOS, had to destroy object and create another instance before LOS started to kick in.

    Funny enough, doing "does object has LOS on player" returned false, even when object had line of sight to player and it worked, just boolean returned was wrong.

  • Worked for me once I used trim(TextBox.Text) on the found values, seems textbox object left empty space before text itself, causing it to meltdown when searching exact string. Updated both demo and capx.

    Try with aaa bbb or ddd ggg

    Example demo:

    Capx: (134)

  • Try with hhh fff or bbb ggg

    Example demo:

    Capx: (134)

  • Note: Remove that empty "every tick", forgot to remove it. This is pretty basic example, change "Text.PickedCount > 6" to increase/decrease amount max. words per run.

    Example demo:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Capx: (134)

  • Example demo:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Capx: (134)

  • Still newbie with C2, but came up with something that might help you out, at least until someone smarter comes and replies to this topic :)

    Example demo:

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Seems intresting, might just solve one of my problems, if so I can save time for other things :P Thanks in advance.

  • everytick, globalvar"free"=0:> use acceleration towards player

    on collision with obstacles, trigger once:> set custommovement disable, set globalvar"free"=1, pathfind to "player last position"

    On collision with "player last position", globalvar"free"=1, trigger once:> set globalvar"free"=0, set custommovement enabled

    I tried to make sense of this (still bit akward around events tbh), but couldnt get enemy to move towards enemy after hitting obstacle (without using pathfind move along), but I keep trying to hammer my brains to understand, thanks for the help!

    You can also use invisible sprites as way points and have your enemies move toward them in order. You can then add logic to the enemies to stop moving to the way points when the player comes within a certain distance. There are plenty of examples of this type of AI pathfinding without the pathfinding behavior around the forums. Keep looking, you will find them.

    I did thought about markers, but attempts doing so have been poor when dealing with multiple enemies. Will keep looking then.