CoffeeOD's Forum Posts

  • Im creating top-down game where character has 8-directional movement, enemies should follow players while avoiding walls etc. things which are set as obstacles.

    I tried pathfinder but found it bit akward to use as I need almost continuess path updating, even tried to update path upon "arrived" was triggered but enemies were too slow to turn around and got stuck at solid obstacles when path was narrow(ish).

    Best option seems to use simple set angle to player > move forward, but by default enemies will ignore all obstacles. Has anyone succeeded in making enemy AI including avoiding obstacles WITHOUT pathfinder plugin?

    Any tips about pahtfinder are also welcome, best scenario would be without third party plugins as Im planning to upload game to Scirra arcade.

  • I played somewhere to level 13 or so. In my opinion...

    • "Jump" sound should play only when character jumps.
    • Speed was too slow for my taste.

    Didnt found any major bugs and game was simple yet quite fun, tho as I said little slow for my taste. You could also different looking (shape or just color) obstacles, game had kinda bland look but didnt bother me that much.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Have to agree with others, jumping seems bit too akward and hard to time which results in unnecessary quick death. About the animations, adding jumping animation would be first step to the right direction.

    Graphics were decent, at least they didnt annoy me which is always good. I dont personally see any need to update/change graphics as they do the job just fine.

    Good start that can turn into fun game once some tweaking is done, looking forward to play updated version, keep it going :)

  • Grapichs and audio fits perfecly for this type of kind game, simple and effective. Didnt see any major problems with gameplay and enjoyed enough to play few more extra levels.

    Small suggestions: add "end" screen for each leve, at this moment if feels bit bland to have level ending without any sort of "grats, yay" type of screen.

  • Here we go again. After horrible brain fart failures trying to make way too complex game I decided to gave up, felt like I really cant make anything decent.

    Week ago I decided to start Construct again, downloaded all the updated and started working for basic game engine. Now I have actually "working" demo and game that, believe or not, looks like game. This is why I again repeat my thanks, I dont feel like beating dead horse but actually reviving that horse with help of Construct.

    Help from the community (I stalk alot, dont post so much) and easy to use engine it was not painful chore to start again, more like coming home from long day at work and finding fresh pot of coffee.

  • Thanks for reply both.

    ludei Sadly this phone does not have internet access so I could not download launcher app, I will have to take a look about that debug APK option later on. Thanks for offering help!

    Ashley I assume so, my project settings are "Letterbox Scale" and "fit to fill" from PhoneGap settings if I remember right. Im not sure on android device itself.

  • Quick question, what is the "PlayerBox" for?Usually acts as hitbox which are for checking collisions. Here is example image:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Those boxes are same type of boxes as "PlayerBox" is and will act as sensor for checking collisions between objects more efficient.

  • Now keep in mind I have no exprience from newer mobile phones, still using my trusty Nokia 2730 classic. Few problems I would love to get solved.

    Testing done with Samsung Xpreria & PhoneGap export.

    1) View problem.

    Normal view

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Android view

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Please note Android view is photoshopped, but somehow close to what I was looking at when "playing" it with phone. I have fullscreen enabled with "letterbox" option and tried "fill to screen". Window size is set to 640, 80.

    2) CocoonJs problem.

    I tried to export with CocoonJS and all went well, but when trying to install .apk I got error message "There was a problem with parsing the package" or similiar (translated message).

    Any thoughts how to handle these issues? Game works fine when using PC (web or desktop) and iPhone 4 via browser. Is there some "global rule" when trying to fit game into different mobile platforms?

    3) About testing with diff. platforms.

    Is there any known tool for PC to test game and see how it looks with different android/ios devices? I tried to search but didnt find anything that I would understand :P Tried Bluestacks but even after I got my app "installed", upon launching app I was greeted with black screen and nothing happened, no loading etc.

  • Hey all, new guy here. I've been working on a platformer to teach myself the engine over the past two weeks. This is my (very) short test level I've been using to try features out as I implement them.

    Thats actually very nice start, I dont usually enjoy pixel art much, but you did wonderful job. Environment looked alive and kicking which was big reason why I enjoyed playing this demo so much, all best luck to your project :)

  • In short, I have now tried to purchase license using paypal but no luck, keep running into different problems even after trying 3 different cards (1 visa, 2 mastercards, all within my family in case you wonder).

    Is there reason why Scirra has not enabled Google Wallet purchase option? I have used this with other services (such as without any problem, its easy, fast and I can use my normal bank card.

    Paypal likes to makes things hard with continuess "account security" updates, which has now made our own dedit card useless to use and it will take time to solve the issue, which means delay on my game projects testing and development.

  • Problem "solved", file was corrupt and all the work I did yesterday is gone. I did save yesterday before going to sleep, today when I finally got back to home and game is missing two layouts, files. code changes and everything else related to yesterday work.

  • Failed to load .capx

    Unable to locate first file in archive C:/path/to/file.capx

    I uploaded file (single .capx project) to my webserver and tried to download it just now to continue working on the project at work, but got this error.

    I have done this (FTP upload file, download it to another computer and edit game) past few days without problem, could this be just corrupt file download?

    1) I had earlier .capx and project folder with same name (making sub directories like layouts, animations etc.). Deleted them both.

    2) Tried to rename file.

    3) Other files are working (samples I downloaded from same server).

  • Bump, would be lovely to get some sort of example. As far I see this could be used to make some sort of turn based games, for example something like Tic Tac Toe.

    My upcoming game would benefit from this alot, if indeed I could use web socket to create turn based games.

  • Awesome work! I visited your websites and left it open to listen your songs past hour or so. Again, very nice work and Im shocked if you arent working for some bigger game company already.