Danwood's Forum Posts

  • I manage to reproduce the issue and will hastly file a bug report on github.

  • Do you use hierarchies?


  • I cannot manage to reproduce this bug in a minimal project, basically, items in the same layer, after saving/loading change their Z order. This did not happen in 352.

    Does this happen to someone lese as well? If so, please make a bug report or help me build an example to make one!

    UPDATE: I managed to reproduce the issue and will hastly file a bug report on github.

  • Thanks. He's a pretty cautious person so I doubt that he will even click on that link.

    Has anyone else been getting reports about Malwarebytes? I didn't see many mentions of it when I did a search. Maybe it's not a huge problem.

    I did, a few times, my game is on Steam

  • I'm very happy that this project is still being worked on - it's the most awaited construct-game for me ❤️

    Thank you!

    After months of work and bugfixing the port is complete, DinoSystem is now fully working in C3!

    A few more screens from the latest build:

  • It sounds like you want Functions.

    Signal is only used in conjunction with "wait for signal", I believe. If there is no blocks of code waiting for a signal, I don't believe it will have any effect. And signal won't trigger that code to re-run.

    As for efficiency, I'd bet that you don't really need to worry about that in regards to functions.

    You can nest an OR block in a function. Not sure why you would need a top level OR block with functions. That is kind of the point of functions - if you need two blocks of code to do the same thing, they can both call the same function.

    Signal can be triggered like functions in the current 332 beta

  • Assuming i don't use parameters and call them every tick, are more efficient Signals or Functions in order to call events from different parts of the project?

    Aside the parameters and the inability to use functions in OR Block, are there downsides for one of those options?

  • Should i use double quotes also in the "create folder" action? or just for eunning Explorer.exe to access the folder?

  • Yea, already did it as C3 recommends that by default in the event selection :D

  • When i middle click on any form controls (buttons, sliders, checkbox, texbox, etc), it shows the scrolling icon, is there a way to prevent it?

  • Spotted the issue!

    It returns the correct path, BUT adds \\ after the user folder -> C:\Users\Daniel\\Documents\DinoSystem

    It works now after addressing removing it.

    Thank you!

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  • Tried the double quotes, still nothing, it opens the Documents folder, but any folder inside it is not opened, even "My Games" or any other.

  • It strangely opens only the documents folder, although the DinoSystem folder is already present

  • Launch windows explorer

  • Show folder dialog opens a dialog from which you choose a folder, i meant a way to directly open a given folder from ingame, like <NWjs.UserFolder & "\Documents\DinoSystem\">