Dannyzigg's Forum Posts

  • It's hard to tell from what you posted here but from what I understand you are trying to spawn an object in the players line of sight? If this is it and they are overlapping it is because you don't have a detection in place to ensure they don't spawn on top of another instance of that object. Best way to do this is create an invisible spawn object, have it move to where you want when the player has line of sight and then spawn the object on the spawner's location. Have the spawn object check for collisions first before spawning making sure it isn't overlapping another object or the player. There are a few posts on the forum if you search for spawn an object near player.

    Also what language do you speak naturally? I know two other languages and can explain in another if you can't understand. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Alright so i am a bit stumped again and I am not sure why. I have been at this for two days now and it's so strange being so far on a project and done things similar to this before and had no issues. I have feeling I am just overlooking a few steps.

    Anyway what I want to do is fill the screen with tiles in random order, without repeating the same tile twice.

    What I did was make one sprite with different frames, made my randomize placement events and randomized frame select by a random number generator.

    For the purpose of my example I am only using four tiles, and every time the program runs it does three tiles the same and one that it different. Everything else placement wise is fine.

    I have tried several combinations of this and can't get it it to work. I taught myself arrays and have looked over a few of the tutorials but haven't found one that really helps in this case.

    For my example there is an extra frame that is a red X, I do NOT wan't this frame to show up as it is just a place holder since Construct requires one instance somewhere. I will be attaching pictures to these tiles based on their frame once I get this to work but I need them all random and to only have once instance of each frame.

    If anyone could look over my example and advise me on what I am missing I would greatly appreciate it! <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Sounds great in writing! Interested in seeing it in action. Actually like the idea of the companions, though I think it would have to be more a main feature otherwise it will just seem like a tacky addon. If you get a good enough concept that could be a defining factor in your game verses other platform games. There was a guy on here who made a really cool and dark plat former called Victor, it would have just been another simple plat former but he added a cool jump feature which changed the whole game style and made it unique, those demon companions could be that factor for you I think. Just my two cents.

    Also, did you do all that art yourself?

  • Aw man I wanted to see more of that pixel rpg game!

    Good work on this one though! Is the first level supposed to be all gray?

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  • Dannyzigg

    thanks for checking it out dude!

    were you playing in chrome? I'm having trouble replicating the issues you pointed out....

    The player should be able to fall about 1.5ish screens before dying,

    I have a counter that keeps track of fall distance and there's a chance that it might not be resetting itself properly or something.

    The spikes seem to be working fine for me, if you land on the very edge of the platform you can actually walk through them, which is intentional, but I'll do more testing anyway....

    I can't seem to make the character pass through platforms at speed either, regardless of angle....

    Also, the bad guys show up past the 4000ft mark, but perhaps I'll look into the scaling of the difficulty and ramp it up a bit quicker.

    either way, thanks for checking it out and you've given me a few things to think about :D


    Yep was playing chrome but actually after posting that I played some more and noticed its just more the fall speed is so fast it SEEMS like you go through platforms. I think it could be adjusted just a little bit. Like if you take it slow it still wont matter since once you miss a platform its hard to control to hit another platform before dying from fall damage. Not every time but it seemed more often than not for me. Maybe it could start out falling slow and then get faster?

    I disagree with the comment about the fall distance, I think it is too short, or it may just be buggy. As I mentioned before I have died from a rather short distance once or twice.

    It is pretty discouraging too how long it takes for content to appear, kind of don't want to go right back into it again after getting so far. Maybe there could be a life system?

    I did have the spikes work for most of my other play throughs not sure what was the issue there.

  • Looks like a great concept so far! I'm not sure if I didn't get far enough or if there just isn't any enemies yet but it seems pretty easy at this point. I ended up dying form what I think was fall damage but didn't fall from far at all, pretty sure landing on the key killed me lol. Also those spike things don't work, landed on several of them just fine. The speed at which you fall is a little bit too fast, so fast actually that you go right through platforms sometimes if you hit them at an angle.

    I'm interested in seeing this advance for sure I think it could make a really nice game once more content is added.

    Last thing I would say is I hate the color scheme, the pinky purple just doesn't fit to me, seems like a dark more teal color might work, but that's just me.

  • I have to say it is extremely unlikely you got Steam just for the discount and didn't already have steam. The construct 2 sale isn't really advertised anywhere and is instead one of their generic holiday sales.

    I assume you already had a steam account and knew how it worked then were upset when you thought it would be different for Construct.

    Any rate Steam isn't bad, I use the steam version no problem, did have it crash once but that was it. Construct does have a really nice feature called "save" which makes a copy of your work for you so crashes are not a big dilemma.

    Also Valve has said numerous times they would allow users to back up their content in the event that they go bankrupt, which will not happen for a long time.

    So just relax, the problem has to be on your side,check all your drivers not just video card, adjust your firewall, try offline mode in steam, try the free version from this site see if you have same issues.

  • Bro the physics are seriously messed up. You pretty much lose any level if you hit any platform since it sends you spiraling out of control. Also sometimes when you land the character kind of...falls to side so that the hove is to the right or left instead of up, and there is no way to get back to normal.

    If this is intentional then I have to say it's not very fun to be honest. Add an ability to at least kind of recover when under or over shooting a landing.

  • railslave

    Oh I wasn't saying by any means to get rid of the dialog, I was just saying it moves PAINFULLY slow, that's why it would be great if either it moved along faster or if there is a next button for when the player finishes reading.

  • Damn, actually a really interesting game! I am working a similar sandbox type game with changing game styles, I like your shooting sections however it would be nice to aim with the mouse. Easier obviously but you could increase the speed, even a controller would be nice.

    I like the art style, very unique.

    Few grammar mistakes in the dialog though, and the speed of the text boxes really needs to sped up or have an option to go to the next.

    Great game though was a lot of fun!

    Your dropbox link is dead btw

  • Wow looks real good, like always :p

    For a few seconds I didn't see your name as the poster and was like "WOW someone totally just ripped of his game!"

    Voted on steam for ya

  • This. Is. Awesome.

    You're awesome. This helps a lot! So much easier than reading eight different tutorials! :)

  • ome6a1717

    I could really see this as the next big construct game man for real, could even see this getting through steam greenlight no problem!

    As far as my collision issue, you're definitely right2 Can always dash away ;P

    I think a simple work around on your end would be collision detection for the fireballs. Make a little invisible box that is always on the opposite side of their current direction. When overlapping the player sprite set the fireballs direction toward that little box for maybe .8 seconds, then back toward the player. This would emulate the Boo behavior from the original super mario world where they kind of orbit mario after striking him.

    If you composed that song yourself it was really well done! Can't imagine you would have nay trouble mixing up a few more :)

    Really excited to see this game grow!

  • WOW! Amazingly well done so far! The dash mechanic was really cool I liked how it worked! I really liked the music and art style too, managed to get a dark castlevania style atmosphere.

    Only thing I noticed was was some collision issues, like those fire ball enemy things kind of stick to you when they hit you.

    Also as much as I liked the music, you may want to consider more than just one song :p

    Do you plan on expanding on the mechanics anymore? The dash is really cool and you seem to be innovative in the mechanic field, so just wondering if you plan on adding more.

    Really cool game though, going to be following this one closely.

  • Ashley

    Just to throw in two cents, I get several crashes in C2 and I noticed it's usually when switching between different system windows, like if I finish editing a sprite then close the window, the whole program will crash sometimes , or if I switch from events to layout screen. IT's rare enough to not be a serious off putting issue, but enough that I save pretty much before clicking anything.It seems like CS2 does sort of "secret loading" in the background after some operations and if you overload it during that process it will crash...if that makes any sense.