Dannyzigg's Forum Posts

  • This was the first thing I tried and it still just goes off to the right <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • So I have been trying very hard and so incredibly stuck on something that I think is so simple.

    I want a bullet to shoot from the direction my character is facing. The character moves in 8-directions but with custom movement, not the original arrow keys. Also the character has a different animation that plays based on the direction he is going.

    However every time I hit the command assigned to shoot, the bullet always goes right.

    I have tried so many things and it seems like not matter what the system can not get my characters angle. I have the "set angle" for 8-direction off, as well as the bullet behavior, and have tried different combinations with no luck. I have looked around on the forums and tried the solutions found here and nothing worked, mostly because a lot of the results were geared to a platform setting. I have tried making an instance variable "previousx and PreviousY" and set for every tick to set them as the character's X and Y then using that variable to determine the characters angle of motion then setting the bullets angle to that and still it just goes right.

    I am sure that I could set a variable to assign direction with every key I have assigned for new movement, but that seems overly redundant.

    I did try setting bullet angle to angle(character.x, character.y, mouse.x, mouse.y) This worked in setting the angle but I really want the bullet to go from the characters direction, not to mention then the bullet follows the mouse and that's just silly.

    I would love to just set the bullets angle of motion to the characters angle, like character.angle, but no matter what it never seems to have his actual angle and I don't know why.

    I know this has to be something so simple that I just haven't thought of yet.

  • I really like the art, especially the trees I think you have some good talent there!

    as far as my specs go, for my poor laptop that I was on its; Windows 7 32 bit. 4 gigs of Ram. Intel core 2 Duo 2.o ghs. Played on Chrome too of course.

    I tried the game again, simple reset didn't solve it but I did notice a new bug. During the intro if you press escape it cuts past all the explosions and goes to the park where the guys tells you that you need to deliver the news and go to the inn, for a brief second a screen flashes that says "test" and none of the people except your character are visible.

    As far as the jerkiness I think better way to describe it is it seems like an issue with the background scrolling, as in the background scrolls slower than my character and then he kind of jerks backwards to catch up. This laptop is very poor performance though, so it could just a be a localized issue with something lacking on it, I will try the game on my PC later and see .

  • Not a bad project so far! Seems like you have a pretty solid concept down, interested in seeing it grow.

    Some constructive criticism I would have would be on your art style. I am no artist myself so not like I could do better but the art style seems kind of miss matched. The background with the planets is very detailed and Hi-Rez looking, while the asteroids and ships look kind of plain. If nothing else, just look at touching up the asteroids a bit, maybe to look less like metal.

    Also some performance issues I noticed you may want to know about. First, when firing with the left mouse, it seems like it doesn't register every time, sometimes it will do three shot bursts and other times it will continuously fire. I noticed that this firing is effected by when the ship is moving, as in when the ship is moving firing is less consistent with the mouse clicking.

    If a enemy is destroyed and I still had launched rockets fired, they seems to bog down the game a noticeable bit, doesn't really effect anything now but may want to look into it as you add more.

    Still, good game so far had fun tearing everyone to shreds <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Wow really like the art style, it's perfect! Ever consider doing freelance designing to help with funds? I am sure lots of people would love to employ your skills.

    Also during gameplay, and this could just be my poor laptop, but the character seems a bet jerky when moving and especially when running. I noticed this during the main menu to, the buttons jerked around once they were clicked and the zoom in animation began. Didn't really notice this with the npcs or trees, so it seems just to be the player.