damainman's Forum Posts

  • Sheepy I haven't finished it - but I do know what they are talking about. I just did a quick but thorough bug test and found there are a few bugs in the controls. I'll add some suggestions to make it feel more fluent to!

    -Animations aren't happening when attacking: When you hit the attack button, the sound will happen but no action. If you are trying to attack an enemy when this happens, you die.

    -If you press the attack button in succession to fast, the animations don't play out. Therefore your weapon doesn't extend and you die.

    -Block doesn't always happen when you press the block button.

    -If you press attack or block while walking nothing happens. Suggestion: disable left and right movement and do action instead of walk.

    -Jumping is to high but not far enough, you don't know where you are going to land. That was one thing I caught right at the start. I thought I was going to make a jump over a hole but fell quickly onto another level and was immediately stabbed. I think maybe slowing down the jump - less height and being able to go a little further would be fantastic here!

    Now I am also a ******** platform freak and will jump where no man has jumped before. But for the average player, they don't get it. If they don't see where to jump they don't know what to do.

    The one thing I would do is assign the attacks to just attack button and maybe attack+up or something to let you hit your target precisely. And the forward thrust needs to be extended just a tad (maybe not if the attack bug is fixed!). It looks like I'm hitting the badguys right in the face sometimes then I'm stabbed for my trouble.

    I've got a rhythm down to not get hit for the most part but when the attack animation fails, there's not much you can do about that!!

    Hope that was helpful!!!

  • Sheepy Very nice looking! I tried to play in Chrome but the background was missing. Worked Great in IE though! Love the graphics, played very well!

  • gillenew I have played this a lot on the arcade. It is an extremely fun game! I love the look of the side bars! Your game play and graphics are just outstanding!!!

  • NotionGames Thanks!! I think I want to do a different swing animation for the arm bit but I'm happy with the rest.

    I've already added more stuff. Screaming villagers, and some new sounds...


    Sounds like dying hurts...

  • NotionGames Post more art please!! I love the direction this is all heading in! Also... you're making me want to blow cash on a new tablet.

  • Please welcome aboard our musician/newest member of team IB, Nj�l Pettersen!! Nj�l, is a musician from Norway who has been working on perfecting his NES styled music in Famitracker for the past 4 years. His love of music shines through in the tracks he's already given us.

    He's already blown our minds by not only giving us the first stage music of the game within a day, but totally hitting the nail on the head as well!!

    So here is a little sample of the new stage 1 with the new moves in place(ripping zombies apart over head, and arm removal for weapon) new fx, updated player gfx... etc etc etc. And also the new game track.

    Pardon the delay in the video as I haven't had time to install the new beta of CC. It causes a huge jump in the game when recording with fraps as is :(


  • Joannesalfa No problem and thanks for all the help!!

    A new polished demo release is sneaking up on us! Lots of tweaking has been done. Graphics added or redrawn. And a new main attack! Frame rate is a steady 60fps. New special effects... argh!!!!!

    Stay tuned!!!

  • JohnnySix I Love it - Can't wait to see where you go with this!

    Runs smooth in Chrome on my laptop (i7@3ghz gf550m) - no stutter or anything!

    Are you going to add any type of lighting/fx of that nature? Doesn't really need it but just curious!

  • Joannesalfa I PM'd you. I'm thinking I may take you up on that offer for the pc version for now. But if you know anything about Canvas plugins let me know :)

    On that note, today I've done a lot of cleaning up to the main bits. Mostly character hit detection. Also added the "death" animation, code and fx in. Going to now start on the ending cut scene for the first level. And HOPEFULLY get you all a polished 1 stage demo shortly! The first level has changed a bit from the one that's currently up. Added fx, Thurstan has black hair. Bug fixes. Etc Etc.

    Thanks so much for all the support everyone has given us so far, it means a lot!!!


  • Joannesalfa Yeah - that's what I did this morning to resolve the problem. But it didn't work. I have it as "when layout ends" for every stage, also for level skip when testing.

    It shuts off, but starts again in place of a new song on a new layout, but then that new song also starts after a 2 second or so delay. It's completely knackered no matter what I do. So I'll just leave it alone for now.

  • I'm also having this issue. I tried working around it by using stop audio but it's managing to even start songs from previous levels before the correct stage music starts.

    Node Webkit only, windows 7 64-bit.

  • Joannesalfa Thanks! But I need to avoid using webGL if I'm planning on porting this to consoles. Replacing all that fire is a pain in the ***** I really want to avoid doing it more than once :D

    But if I give up waiting around for the other plugin to be updated I'll contact you!

  • Joannesalfa Thanks!! I'm extremely happy that you like it! When it is finished, I'm aiming for Steam etc. I kinda want to get it onto consoles. But I used webGL in the game for the raster FX the console would have had. So some effects will be cut as and some gfx will have to be replaced for console.

    Right now I'm not releasing it until a proper version of the tiled sprite program is completed. As of now the graphics are garbled and that fire sprite in stage one is animated, large and repeated through out the entire level eating up massive CPU.

    I pushed the release date back to March of next year but if things are fixed with the plugins, etc I will release it earlier. I want it as polished as possible for an "NES" game!

  • KaMiZoTo Thanks!! I hope you like it. I made it as respectful to the NES hardware as possible aside of the multilayer scrolling ;)

    Here be a screen shot from stage 16 "Into Hell". In this shot, Thurstan has been brought to a platform after riding around on a fleshy human snake (not a weenie) for about a minute. You'll be dodging blood falling from the top and flying monstrosities to come to this point. Oh yeah - there's the sword!

    Here it is:

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/intohell.png" border="0" />


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  • andreyin

    There is a bug in it somewhere. My in game music for Insanity's Blade is now in mono and continues playing after you restart a layout and overlaps etc etc. I'm testing only in Node WebKit. My only line of code is the Audio tag with Play "songname" looping from Music at 1dB (tag levelX).

    It also doesn't play right away. Had no problems with it until this build.

    Is this what's happening to you as well?