cvp's Forum Posts

  • your welcome. Happy to help.

  • can you post your capx. it works fine for me. Just tried to change the wording to what you have exactly and it worked fine.

  • Yep. I get the same.

    And it is a decimal issue. if you try to multiply the decimal away it works.

    4160%64 = 0 in C2.


    416%6.4 = 6.4

  • You got your if else statement turned around.

    You are checking the opposite direction of what you want.

    it should look like this instead:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I added the Mirrored not mirrored.. dont know if it comes later in your tutorial <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I have modified the example a bit.


    I have changed it to impulse at angle instead.

    And if you use:

    angle(0,0,ball.physics.velocityx,ball.physics.velocityy) you will get the current angle of the ball.

    Then i deduct 180 degrees to get the opposite direction.

    I played a bit around with the impulse speed. you can set that to what you want.

    In the example I have set it to be dependent on the speed with witch it hits the mine. (by using distance instead of angle)

    But play around with it and see what works for you.

  • sure


    Another time please put a cvp in your reply, then i will get a notification. I only saw your answer by luck <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • NaN mean "Not A Number"

    Everything you save in webstorage is saved as a string. So when you retrieve the data from webstorage you will have to cast it back to a number if it was a number you saved.

    Something like:

    set myNumber to int(Webstorage.LocalValue("webstorageNumber"))

    it is the "int()" that converts the string to an integer(a number).

    Hope it helps.

  • Have a look at Containers

    I think that is what you are looking for.

  • Please is a much better word then ffs...

    But try the key -->release condition

    like this:


  • Yey, that worked for me as well. Missed the comment about that working. sry.

    A second question though thehen or others :-). All my sprites look like sh.. in the simulator. Seems like the is no anti aliasing or something. All my gradients are messed up.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Any updates on this thehen does it work for you guys in the simulator? I still cant get it to work.

    Any idea if its just the simulator? and it works fine on devices?

  • Got a little carried away with it all. So let me know if I need to make it more simple :-)


    You can disable/enable the mine to see the difference.

    Basically I apply an impulse to the ball when it collides with the mine.

    Hope it helps.

  • You could use dt(delta time) in your calculation for creating the hitbox. Then you are not depending on the framerate.

    You can find more info on dt here

  • Yes, gamecenter is IOS only.

    Have a look at the plugin.

    That might help you.